Wednesday, October 15, 2014

What the....Wednesday

Sometimes I say WTH (What The Heck or Hell depending on the severity of the issue).  Here's what I'm saying it over this week...

What the....our house.

My husband announces he thinks we will not be back in our own home until after Christmas.

Like I told my bestie....I do not get excited about a lot of things.  I'm so vanilla.  I'm so not excitable.  But the holidays and my own home get me excited.  That joy is totally being stripped of my soul.  Ya'll I'm trying to be all happy and positive but its starting to wane.

Tomorrow I'll have a new post about the house and some great news that made me go What the heck yeah ya'll!

What computer.

Wouldn't you know my computer alerted me on Monday night that it was about to die.  Like really die.  It basically said, "Hey.  After six years I'm done.  I'm giving you my two week.  Peace out."

Luckily, I'm living in a house, with my mom, with about fifty computers lying around.

What calendar.

Some how some way I messed some dates up.  I fixed it.  That was easy.  Thank ya!

I can't wait to get home and pour myself some dinner - vintage retro funny quote

What the....dinner.

I'm so out of my normal routine.  You would think six weeks in I'd be in a new routine but man if I'm not a stubborn old dog.  You cannot teach me new tricks....easily.

What is your what the?

1 comment:

  1. Oh friend all of this makes me want to pull my hair out!! And what kind of computer gives you a warning before it dies!?! That's actually kind of funny! I'm so, so sorry about the house issue. Is there any way to alleviate the disappointment by shifting your focus? Could you guys plan a fun trip to visit family you don't often get to see for the holidays or something? I hate that you're going through all this.


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