Remember when you were a kid and your birthday was rolling around?
You would start product dropping to let your family know what you really wanted.
New Kids On The Block cassette & sleeping bag puuuhhhhllllleeeeeeze
Yes, I had this. |
You would remind everyone that your special day was coming up.
Perhaps, you'd even have that magical count down to the day the cake was for you.

I have those birthday memories. From Barbie Dolls to Nirvana CDs to just-give-me-cash. Ahhh those were the days.
I'll be turning thirty-three in two weeks. I have this little oddity about myself. Every year I'm about to turn a certain age I link that age with something else. For example....21 meant I could drink. Twenty-five meant I was a quarter of a century old. Thirty-two meant I could totally rock that parody of Taylor Swift's 22 song. And now I'm at 33.
There is only ONE thing I can think of for thirty-three. It is a little morbid. Brace yourself.

Jesus died at 33.
That is no fun. That is not a happy thought. That is disturbing on like five bazillion levels.
I know, I know we can be happy in that he arose on the third day and lives forever in Heaven. But c'mon that whole death thing is like the elephant in the room when you think of 33 and Jesus.
So to make myself a little happier about my impending third year in the thirties birthday....I put together a dream list of birthday wants. I do not expect to get any of this stuff but if you can't dream then what's the point in existing.

So I want to win the lottery. Just for my birthday. I swear, if I win it will take care of any other upcoming birthdays I have. Plus, this would be the best year ever to win the lottery! I could afford to have my house finished, I could pay off debt, I could give to charity....guys the options are endless!
Of course this would mean I would have to actually buy a lottery ticket.
Of course I think that's stupid spending.
Odds people, odds.

A new mattress set.
But seriously this can wait because ummm well you know.
Kinda need a place to put it.
And yeah I realize this on my birthday list makes me a little grey.

Oh my Lord that is pretty. And my husband is thinking, "Oh my Lord she'd lose it." TRUTH.

A day to go haywire in Williams & Sonoma. I love to cook, I love W&S. It is my happy place.

Shoot, while we're at it lets just knock out this place too!

My friends, some mulled wine, and a bonfire would be awesome too....that is do-able. Yeah probably.

Nothing like a good pair of boots for your daily go to. Love these babies from Twisted X.
Land one of those! I love what I'm doing now but seriously....something a little more dependable would be goodson.
My computer is dying. I kind of need a lotta bit. I'm not sure if that's the one I'd want but it met a lot of my specs. By the way I friggin' love Amazon.
I said I liked Amazon.
I've been wanting a camera for um, a few years, It will remain on my list. You can tell from my blog I used a disposable LOL....ok no I don't but I use this guy's twice removed fourth cousin that was adopted from the prison.
Yeah um a BIG one of these. Like so big you cannot believe it. Let's just say I only need about $15,000000000000000000000 on it. Whatever doesn't get used will go to buy you fun stuff!
So there's my dream list....well 33 is going to be out of control huh?