Thursday, July 16, 2015

I Think Thursday

On Thursdays we think....

Oh yay time for random spillage on the keyboard.

I think....

I went to Walmart and became massively depressed.  First off - all the back to school stuff.  Mind you the school that starts first here will begin in three weeks!  And they are semi college kids so they can be prepared without Minion/Taylor Swift/Minecraft notebooks and pencils and cases and markers being thrown in my face.  Second off - no good deals.  I promise I didn't look at the school stuff.  I just perused the store since I was childless.  Not one great, amazing, Always, Roll Back, prices dropping deal in the store.  What did I do?  I bought my chiabatta rolls and sinus medicine and peeled.  With more money left to my name than to the Almighty Walmart.

Go me!

I'm not excited about the beach.  We have a little while before we go for our regular family trip but this year I'm just not excited.  Perhaps it is because of North Carolina's own Sharknado or maybe because the condo we rent will have new owners and it will end up costing us more in the long run.  I don't know, but I'm not a happy camper about it.

I am a happy camper about Happy Camper Cabernet though!

That pepper steak recipe from Tuesday is legit.  Right now I'm enjoying the smells of the caesar chicken salad in the crock pot.  I hope it tastes as good as it smells.  Using the crock pot this week has been fabulous.

I may need more sleep.  Or a vitamin tweak.  I cannot seem to get awake today.

I hate my friend J lost her job in the massive lay offs at a local hospital (same one that I got to join in lay off fun three years ago).  Everything does indeed happen for a reason (just ask me about it) and I think this is going to lead her to where she needs to be.

Classes....for me....I think I may register for a few continuing ed classes.  Just to make myself better at stuff I feel like I'm rolling old school on.  Kinda excited about it....dork yes, coolest dork you'll meet.

 You're so terrific.

1 comment:

  1. I CAN NOT even believe the Back to School stuff is out!!!!!!!!!!! GROSSSSSSSSS!!!! And I'll be thinking of you while you're on vacation at the beach! EEEEKKKK. Using my crock pot this week too...just the best! And go you for doing classes!! Good Luck. Have a great Thursday! Enjoy some more wine!!


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