Thursday, November 13, 2014

Thankful: November 14th

Today I am thankful for:  electricity.

Not just any electricity.

The electricity that is ready to flow into our house!!!

I called our electrician on Tuesday and asked if we could get on his agenda.  He said it would be about a week but he would be there.  Then we started chatting and he said, "Wait a minute.  I can come tomorrow (Wednesday).  I had a job start date change.  I'll be out there tomorrow."

Music to my ears.

Guess what?

He did come out yesterday and he got everything wired!  Now we will patiently await the local utility cooperative to bring their trucks and skill set and do all they need to do on their side.

Electricity may not mean much to the Amish but to this Methodist it means the world.

It will allow us to do more work inside.  Work like:  drywall, installation of doors, painting, installing the flooring.

So yes, Praise the Lord for some light on the subject matter!

Do you think this would be overkill for when we get back in?  That's a lot of electricity!

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