Friday, February 19, 2016

H54F: Chocolate & Canada

I may or may not be writing this post while devouring some semi-sweet chocolate chips straight from the damn bag.

1.  Ice Ice Baby
The kids were out of school on Monday and Tuesday thanks to the South's favorite winter past time - ice.  Luckily, we kept electricity flowing.  I'm not a good Amish girl.

2.  Fitbit you are my master.
So I decided to do double time at the gym with my cardio on Tuesday. Then as I finished up my extra long workout and looked down to see my Fitbit and realized it was on the charger at home.  I was almost in tears.  This is an addiction.

3.  And that's not all I'm addicted to, Johnny!
Nope, I'm addicted to chocolate and I am not kidding you.  Thanks VALENTINES for placing this crack/meth/heroin substance known as chocolate in my home.  I should be a good junkie and throw it away as soon as it enters....but I can't!!!!  I need it.  It needs me.  We're a bad team.

4.  You know it's all about that base(board.)
It has been baseboard week in my house.  They were all finished up as of Wednesday and then I moved along to cleaning the clients' baseboards.  I know you're like OMG she said that?!  Yeah, I did.  I clean for money.  Judge me.  If you weren't aware I started a weekly cleaning feature on the blog.  Every Monday I give my own tips on cleaning - so far I am two posts in the first one featured quick ways to keep your home neat and clean and the second post was my favorite cleaners.  Check back this coming Monday for a post on Step One to Real Spring Cleaning.

5.  Spring is coming!!!
Yesterday I posted about having the fever...spring fever!  Well this weekend is going to be glorious!  Highs in the 60's mean pool time (indoor pool as I am not Canadian!), cooking out, sitting on my porch, oh yeah bring it!

OK I feel bad by saying I'm not Canadian.  I am not a Canadian by birth or citizenship but I can tell you that Canadians LOVE Myrtle Beach, SC. When we go for the off season (typically in March) the Canadians are all up in the ocean and outdoor pool.  I LOVE that 60 degrees is their summer.  Hell, if I lived there (Canada) 60 degrees would be bathing suit and daquiri season for me too.  Live it up Gentle Northern Neighbors (and please let me in after this next election...!)



  1. Girl, you brighten my morning so much with your humor! I love this post! Will you please clean my baseboards now? Can I tell you I am serious about my Fitbit too. I freak out if I can't find it or I realize I have don't have it on, I literally have to know where it's at every single minute, LOL!! PI hope your weekend is absolutely amazing!

    1. If you were closer I could run over and give you a quote on those baseboards! Fitbit junkies unite! Have a wonderful weekend - xo Amanda

  2. LMAO at your plea for our gentle northern neighbors to let you in after the election! I have a feeling you will not be alone in your request by the time this election is all said and done. What a train wreck... Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Oh I will beg Canada to let me in and I hate cold, winter, snow, and well their weather period!

  3. bahahaha. Love this. It's above zero here this week so people are out in their flip flops and shorts. We are seriously delusional when it comes to "what is considered cold". So we might have to exist in a place where the air hurts our face but Ah well, at least there's no Trump?

    1. "Ah well, at least there's no Trump?" INDEED! Happy weekend! xo Amanda

  4. this!! I may or may not have written my post a few nights ago while shoving my face with reese's peanut butter chocolate chips!! Seriously we are besties...hahaha

    1. OMG I LOVE REESE'S! Yes we are obviously BFF' you move down here! xo Amanda

  5. HAHA! Such a funny post :) Even the blurb about Canadians loving 60 degree weather! I'm all about eating chocolate chips straight out of the bag too. Why go to the hassle of baking something? They're delicious all on their own HAHA! Hope you're having a great weekend!

    Katie @ Cup of Tea


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