Tuesday, March 3, 2015


I had a wonderful weekend and I hope you did too.  It isn't often that I post about my weekends but this is one I wish to remember.  It involved a lot of fun time with my two best friends....Ashley & Jennifer.

First off, I have to tell you my husband is amazeballs.  Most days I'm out and about making a dollah bill ya'll but a lot of the time I am at home doing all the lovely housewife duties like cooking, cleaning, rearing children, going insane, drinking too much coffee, you get my drift.  My hubby has no problem (if I can give him a head's up) to watch the junior mints on his day off for me to run away for a while.  He even expects me to go over the amount of time I expect to be out.  I told you he is amazeballs.  So thanks, lover.

My Saturday morning started off at 6:30 AM....yes my two and a half year old slept in.  It was nice....you know sleeping past 5:30.  By 9 I was on my way to the lovely Wilkes County to see my college bestie.  Not only was she throwing a painting party (I'm throwing one too in the coming months) but she also just moved into her new home!  So I get a threefer....see her (awesome as usual), paint (fabulous, I love to paint), and see her new home (grand!).

NO offense but my table rocked out....there are two artists at that table and none of them have the name Amanda.

Ashley shooting stealth photography of me.  I'm looking all professional.

Yep, that's MY Ashley!  She was a little skeered.  However, she did an amazing job.

So here are the finished products.  The only person I knew was Ashley but I met some super friendly and sweet ladies and that's a true plus!  Didn't we do well?  

I had a BLAST!  I also ate a butt load of carbs and one of those fabulous carbs I plan to make as soon as I whip my tail into shape.....oh yeah it is coming at you next Tuesday.

Around 3 I got home and guess what.....the hubby had cleaned the house.  Like really cleaned it!  The kids were content and it was like ----

Our friends Jennifer and Brian came over that evening with pizza and wings.  I failed to take any photos but we had a really fun time together.  Jennifer brought a bottle of Aftershave (some of you will get that).  I never knew you could drink it.  It was like drinking your grandpa's cheeks.  

I love to be around happy people and those are two happy kids.  Makes my heart all warm and thumpy.  Wait...isn't that how it normally is?

In the course of four hours we planned a lot of porch memories and a potential fall beach getaway. 



Sunday was gross (weatherwise).  I woke up to all this banter about ice.  Church wasn't cancelled so we headed over and participated in a phenomenal service.  We are so happy and blessed to have been led to such an amazing atmosphere to worship.  My husband and I have both said over and over how much we love our church.  It may be large but it is so comfortable and really does make you want to be a much better servant.

After church we hit up Big Lots for these goodies.....

I have this weird obsession with birds.

We had an extra 20% off our order....#happydance.  We also got some awesome pillows.  Valentine's weekend, when we were on our retreat, we had some awesomely wonderful pillows in the condo and I vowed to get us some.  Mission, accomplished.

The little kid got all out of sorts after that trip so we were home for the afternoon.  Until I had to go volunteer for a consignment sale.  I think that was my last volunteer shift ever.  Afterwards I met the hubby and little man at our favorite mexican restaurant and picked up the Diva from her Nana's.

By the way....the Diva basically resides at her Nana's.  Home is no longer cool....yes we are entering tweendom.  

Can I also just say I think the child has grown, literally, over night.  She keeps getting taller!  I weeded out her closet and chest of drawers Monday and replaced with a size bigger.  

So yeah that was my awesome weekend and I just felt the HUGE need to share it out here.    


  1. Sounds like an awesome weekend!! Some of our best times are spent with our best friends eating pizza at home!! :)

    1. It was soooooo much fun to deviate from the norm. However, hanging out with friends at the house is one of our most favorite things to do!!!! I cannot wait until we are having our regular weekend backyard time with friends! Thanks for stopping in and commenting, Megan!

  2. Hooray for your awesome weekend! I love painting parties! We have these Paint & Sip places you go to and.... well... paint and sip! Haha My besties and I are trying to plan a paint & sip night for March. I've never been to one at someone's house though. What a great idea!
    I'm glad I'm not the only one up at 6:30 am on a Saturday! I think the thing I miss most about my pre-children years is SLEEPING IN!!! Oh, it is so heavenly on those rare occasions when my husband gets up and lets me sleep!


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