Friday, March 20, 2015

Prayer Challenge 3.20

Today we pray a thank you and also a prayer of hope for a new season.

Thank you for the beauty that is the promise of spring and warmth.  The promise of life and the evidence of your majesty in the budding blooms, fragrant blossoms, and life that is new and that which is made anew.

Thank you for the vibrant celebration that comes once the dark and cold winter has passed.

Just as it was when your light filled the earth - spring is the promise of you.

We pray for hope that this season will be filled with peace.  The peace that we can only find in resting in you and letting the worries of this world fade away as our focus is on what you have created and continue to deepen, better, and enrich us with.  May we learn to give more of our heartaches to you and understand that you are the ultimate healer and place of respite.

Thank you, God, for the spring.

And all God's children said -


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