Monday, March 2, 2015

Around the Home

Do you keep sweets in your house on the regular?  I do.  I feel like I have to bake each week...some cookies, brownies, cake...something.  Its ok in the winter to have my little sweet treat to pick me up when I'm sad because of all things winter but then again its totally not.
That's a Phantom I cannot resist.

I never do the January Resolution cheer.  I suck at giving stuff up for Lent.  However, when March rolls in I'm ready to roll it all up into one.  

Time to detox.

Detox for me is basically lemon, water, fruit, veggies, whole grains, and a lot of fish.

It isn't some type of calculated "diet plan" its just me using my common sense to get myself on track for warmer, skin baring months  a healthier me.

Breakfast looks like eggs, toast and fruit....
Snack looks like...fruit and peanut butter
Lunch is lean meat with veggies
Snack looks like it did up there
Dinner looks fresh with veggies and lean meat

I don't scrimp on the wine...I still have my Cabernet (I had to drop all the is better).  I just have a lot more water with lemon.

I keep my black coffee addiction going strong.

Since its getting warm and staying brighter longer I pound more pavement.

It isn't rocket science and it doesn't cost three pay checks and it works for me.

Thought I'd share with your hottie self.

1 comment:

  1. This cracks me up!! I love that picture of the phantom.....hysterical....I am also trying to cut back and it all around sucks!!! but I know if I don't start now come summer I am gong to be upset when I have to get in a bathing suit! :(


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