Monday, March 30, 2015

Prayer Challenge: Holy Week

Yesterday, for Christians, was Palm Sunday.  It marks the beginning of the last week of Jesus' life as a man and leads up to his death and resurrection (Easter).  Many Christian churches celebrate by having palm leaves available to their congregants and at some point either the whole crowd or just the kids wave them.  I have memories of Palm Sunday that include toddlers smacking those around them with the palms, being tickled on the neck by a palm thanks to the jokester behind you, covering yourself in as many as possible and deeming it camo.  Fun times...

I was thinking, yesterday, about how things we see as insignificant are so amazingly important.

Kind of like a palm leaf.

If I didn't have Palm Sunday I wouldn't feel anything towards a piece of the plant that conducts photosynthesis.  It would be like any other leaf to me...basically nothing.  BUT because its what the people who regarded Jesus Christ in high favor waved at him on the day he came into the city in which he would die it means so much more than just being a leaf.

The same goes for the donkey that Jesus used to enter Jersusalem on.  It was a donkey not a horse or a camel or elephant or anything grand.  Just an old "heehaw" that it so common place to myself that I rarely ever regard them.  They do work...they protect....the bite. I'm not in awe over a donkey.

But my Messiah made the donkey so much more than a standard farm tool.

God takes small things and makes big impacts with them.  I can imagine right now He's making ripples in your life and waiting for you to take notice.  Perhaps, you have noticed and are trying to figure out what your next step will be.

Today (and this week) I challenge you to be much more aware of the small things you see as non details and give them a second look. There could be a whole world of newness in the itty bitty overlooked parts of our daily lives.

Pray for God to help you see them and help you react and act with them in the way that is meant.

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