Monday, January 20, 2014

Monday, May I?

Hey baby cakes!  How was your weekend? Ours was pretty good.  Friday night I was ready to pull my hair out over the son who thinks the sun shines 24/7 so he should never sleep.  Saturday we had time away from the littles and with good friends.  Sunday I discovered my little loves had shared their chest cold with me and felt pretty blah but pushed on.

So here we are at Monday.  Some of you have today off work - thanks to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.  Enjoy this day and do something fun.

Monday on the blog means May I?

Let me see how I did on last week's three things -

1.  Print the pictures.

I did.  I printed them, I framed them and my hubby put them on the wall.  They look great and now I need to get some more items on the wall.  It is amazing how two frames can begin closing in a room.

2.  Get back on the wagon.

Totally did!  No problem because I do like plain jane water.  I've been doing great with my water consumption.  Not bragging just being honest.  My liquid consumption is made up of water and coffee now with a beer or vodka here or there.

3.  Get up early.

Yes, well this is tricky.  I have been getting up early but not because I went to bed, set my alarm, and wake up refreshed with some quiet me time before the family gets up.  Oh no, that would be too easy.  My son is my get up early (and early means any time between 11:30PM and 4:00AM) and just stay on up until he passes out and we have to get dressed.  So I have been getting up early but not for the reason and not exactly in the way I was hoping to.

This week's three:

1.  Find a mirror for the mantle.

I have always kept a mirror over the mantle in the livingroom.  When we gutted the room over the fall I threw out the mirror we had.  Several reasons including:  1.  It wouldn't match  2.  It was chipped.  So yeah.  I miss a mirror over the mantle so I'm on the look out this week.

2.  Feel pretty.

January and February are when I feel just plain out ugly.  We can blame the weather.  I feel like my hair is gross, skin is gross, and I also feel like a big ole fat walrus (jiggle, wiggle, jiggle).  I'm good at moisturizing and cleaning myself (woo hoo go me I'm not 11).  I just want to be more proactive at not getting in a yucky rut.

3.  Ten Minutes

Get ten minutes of cardio each day minus the kids.  This is going to be super hard and I should push it to next week but what the hell lets try it.  This could be a ten minute run or ten minutes of climbing the stairs or jumping rope or something.  I just want to get ten minutes in each day.  I need to, seriously!

What three things do you want to get accomplished this week?

Last week LeeAnn posted three things she wanted to do for the week - hey LeeAnn how did you do? Share it.  Here's what she left in the comment section as her 3 for last week!

1. Put the Christmas decorations in the attic. They have been down for several weeks, but I haven't taken the time to organize them back into boxes and put them away. I am definitely putting this off...

2. Go through the bags of hand-me-down clothes my co-worker gave me.  Brownie note:  I wish I had bags of hand me down clothes to go through!!!!  So jealous over that!

3. Finish writing our 2013 family wrap-up letter and MAIL them with our family Christmas pictures. Thankfully the card I picked out is appropriate for happy new year, but if I don't hurry up, it'll be Valentines Day before our friends get this lovely greeting in their mailboxes!


  1. Dude! You did great for last week! Loving the photos and that new snazzy water cup!
    Dollar Tree is my biotch!

    Also, I love your "feel pretty" goal. I do the same too, I get all ogre-ey feeling around this time of year. I think the cold weather makes my skin blah, and then I hate my hair, and my clothes. Everything.

    1. Thanks girl! Ogre-ey feeling for sure here! I think I need warmer weather and a lot more sunlight!


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