Monday, September 23, 2013

Fall Television Woot Woot

What are you watching this premier week?  Here are some shows I have picked to tune into this week!

1.  How I Met Your Mother - final season, CBS 8pm Mondays

I don't really know what life will be like minus Marshall, Lily, Ted, Barney and Robin.  My hubby and I adore this show to no end.  However the end is now in site.  We will learn this year exactly how the mama was met....and I'm not ready!

2.  The Goldbergs - premier season, ABC  9pm Tuesdays

So here's what I get from this:  a 1980s family, total comedy.  I think it is worth a viewing to see if it lives up to all the hype around it.

3.  Brooklyn Nine Nine - premier season, Fox 8:30pm Tuesdays

Andy Samburg has left SNL and now is doing prime time.  It looks funny I hope it can prove to be a winner.

4/5/6.  The Middle, Modern Family, Nashville - ABC 8pm, 9pm, 10pm Wednesdays

Yep the classics are back!  I call them classics because they are not new shows.  Wednesday has always been my personal TV night so I'm stoked their all coming back to their regular air times.

7.  The Michael J Fox Show - premier season, NBC 9pm Thursdays

I have a feeling this show will tank.  Seriously, how many Parkinson Disease jokes can one show handle?  I hope I'm surprised.

What are you watching?


  1. I just watched the premier of "Mom" with Anna Faris and I cracked up. It's definitely my new fave.

    1. Oohh I may have to set that one up to DVR. We ended up watching The Voice after HIMYM.


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