Friday, April 29, 2016

H54F: Awe April

This week around the world of Brownie has been pretty meh but also pretty cool.  There wasn't anything super exciting going on or anything horribly earth shattering but it was a nice seven days!  This is why I love blogging we celebrate the bad times, good times, and uneventful times together.  We're a great bunch, ya know!

My 5 -

1.  The yard is sewn.

I shared on Tuesday that the grading was completed on our property and the grass had been sewn.  I'm so happy about this!  It has truly been a long time coming.  

2.  Help from my mom.

My mom and her husband were super helpful on Saturday and Sunday for my husband and I to get the work done outside.  Saturday morning her husband (my kids refer to him as Papa) took them out to breakfast and to a mower dealership.  While he did that my husband was able to go to the local feed mill and get straw and supplies he didn't opt to purchase at Lowes.
On Sunday the kids went to church with my mom and then she called to let me know they would keep them until dinner.  We all ate dinner at my mom's that evening.  Not only did I have childcare for us to complete our work but we also got a free dinner, total score!

3.  Bulbs are growing.

A couple weeks ago my husband and I planted some bulbs in one of our flower beds.  On Monday I noticed they were sprouting.  This is so exciting for me.  I correlate this to expecting a baby or a puppy or whatever you like.  We plant it and wait and then suddenly you see some green coming up out of the dirt and it is the most exciting thing!  I'm a dork.  I'm aware.

4.  My son's words.

My little three and a half year old man is so busy with his words lately.  This week he has thrown some new-for-him phrases at me like-
"Mom, I have good news and bad news.  What do you want first?"
(Turns out it was two pieces of "bad" news about something fictitious.)
And he also likes to tell me I am adorable when I ask him to do something - example?
"H, pick up your toys."
"Awe mom you're adorable."

5.  Count downs.

8 days of school for me
10 days til the beach
27 days until my daughter is out for the summer

Check these posts from the week!

Tales From The Pasture This week was a focus on confidence and growth
Around The Home  A lot of producivity going on over here!  It is all highlighted in this post!
What's Up Wednesday  Is anyone else finding it hard to believe that April vanished so quickly?
Raising A Girl  I'm really proud of this piece I put together on raising my daughter in this day and age.  The focus of this installment was teaching kids the value of working.  A lost art?

Here are my top pins this week!  You can click my Pinterest link over on the sidebar to access my boards!!!

Sugar Detox Diet: Breakup With Your Love (Sugar!) In One Week | YourTango#.VG8sZ-XI4T0.facebook#.VG8sZ-XI4T0.facebook#.VG8sZ-XI4T0.facebook:
You can guess what I'm about to start!  There were several of these pins all pinned up to my board 2016 Good Health this week.  More info on this coming Monday.

Blast these upbeat ditties in the background of your next tidying task, and it'll be over before you know it! Try not to sing and dance around your kitchen — we dare you.:

You guys know I have a my own cleaning service.  I am always rocking out when I clean - I may need to add this grouping to my clorox fun time.

Yes, I agree.  Yes, I have - about a million times this week.

Motivation № someone said: 30-day ab challenge. I just had to repin this because I've been doing it for only 4 days now (and at only 10 reps instead of 25) and already I'm seeing definition. And I've tried pretty much every ab workout on pinterest and haven't seen these kind of results.:
Look - it gives you fun ideas of things to do along with the exercise!  Sounds perfect for summer break.  Maybe I could even plan out that "me time" - maybe.

That's the only bs I need:
Skippy that!  2 weeks to go!

Have a terrific weekend!!!

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Raising a Girl: Instilling Work Ethic

Choosing your battles is a very key element to raising your daughter.  I'm learning this

At this stage in her "growing up" - we could start every day in an argument that would never end.

She never wants to get up in the mornings.

She never wants to wear what I lay out for her.  When I give her the freedom to pick her own outfit she whines for me to pick out something instead.

Simple chores I get a case of defiance thrown at me.

Yes, every minute could be a battle....if I let it.

Over the weekend I did something foreign to me as far as my parenting experience (to this point) goes.

My husband and I were busy working on our property.  There were tons of things that needed to be completed inside the house (dishes, laundry, beds, kitchen counters, etc).  I decided now was the time to give my daughter more freedom mixed with work.


Yes, indeed.

Working with kids I'm finding that something is lost among many of them. It is called work ethic.  I remember being in junior high and high school just yearning for my own money.  There were things that money meant and the biggest one was freedom.  I had my first job at thirteen.  This girl wanted to work.

Today, I work with a lot of teenagers and they are doing all in their power to not work.  The ones that do have typical teenager jobs (cashiering, fast food, child care) complain that they hate working.  Even the ones who tell me they don't have to do anything at their jobs are hoping they can just quit and not work again.

I am baffled to say the least.

That is also worrisome if you think in terms for the all too near future.

What caused this?  Did we exchange teaching the importance of work with hand outs from mommy and daddy dearest?

This mama refuses to allow her kids to lack any work ethic.

My conversation with my daughter on Saturday went like this:

Me:  C you want to make some money?
C:  Yeah.  What do I have to do?
Me:  I'll make you a list of chores to do while I'm outside working with dad.
C:  OK!  Can I help make dinner too?
Me:  Yes.
C:  Awesome!

She lit up like a Christmas tree.

I made her a list of ten chores.  These were ten things that I would have been working on had I been inside on Saturday.  The list had things on it like:  Unload the dishwasher, fold one basket of laundry, make up all beds, clean the kitchen counters, keep an eye on your brother, etc.

After I walked outside she never came out to complain.  The two times I ran in to check on her she was diligently working on her list and her brother was content.

She finished the entire list.

This mama learned a valuable lesson on Saturday too.  My kid is growing up and she wants more freedoms. Maybe I haven't seen her for the capabilities she has.  Maybe I have limited her.  If I give her tasks and distance myself - she can do it on her own.

Not only is this helping her grow but it helps me out in the long run too.

I think back to when I was eight and a half years old. I had my weekly chores of dusting, vacuuming, and doing dishes (no dishwasher).  Ha!  I remember running in the store for my mom and pumping her gas too (that made me feel so grown up!) We can chalk it up to that being a different place and time.

But maybe that is a scape goat for not parenting to our fullest and giving them the baby steps of freedom they need.

Sure, I won't send her into the grocery store to get things for me.

But I will have her do that laundry and help with dinner more.

She can get used to vacuuming and mopping on Saturdays.

And she can keep on earning that allowance - the old fashioned way.


Wednesday, April 27, 2016

WUW 4.16

What we're eating this week...

Salmon, chicken, is that for creativity?  I totally quit my food posts last month because I hit a road block when it came to cooking.  Unfortunately, that road block is still up and running.  Oops.  I do suggest you check out Cup of Tea Blog for her weekly posts.  I adore it when she links with with Come Home for Comfort and Polkadotty Place once a month to share recipes.

We ARE eating our weight in berries, pears, and apples.  Alright and maybe some Bear Claw ice cream too!

What I'm reminiscing about...

I just do not find that this question pertains to me.  I don't reminisce very much.  Hmm maybe I should think of my own question for this one?!

What I'm loving...

The warm weather!  We are in the 80's now and this girl is super happy.

What we've been up to...

Property and yard work is what we have been up to.  I have high-lighted it a lot in the blog lately; don't worry I'll refrain from doing that here.
I did get sick this week and that was no good.  I haven't been sick in ages so I was afraid it would be a lot worse than it was.  Luckily some good meds and I was good as new.

What I'm excited about...
I get excited about weekends, grooming the horse, Southern Charm on Bravo, going to the river, planning my garden, shopping for flowers, emailing my best friend, coffee, and electric lemonade, watching my daughter succeed at her riding lessons,

What I'm watching and reading...

Southern Charm, RHO-Dallas (though it is horrendous), Nashville, The Middle, The Goldbergs, and yay for Kimmy Schmidt being back!!!

I'm currently reading nothing.  That needs to be changed.  I cannot find anything that peaks my interest right now.

What I'm listening to...

Whatever has a good beat.  There is no song I'm just tripping billies over right now.  Anything that sounds like a song you would rock out on the beach to is all me.

I can admit to being in love with Britney Spears' song Work B**ch.  It is not child friendly at all and only plays in my ear buds when I'm working out.  Trust me when I say it will push you.

What I'm wearing...

I often think I should be taking pics of my outfits but I fail.  A few favorites are my little black shift dress, my blue maxi, and my sailor skirt.  But I have to admit my favorite thing to sport is my 11 year old denim shorts that are so ripped and torn with a tank happy clothes.

When those sandals break my heart will too. There's a bit of my Walmart shorts I am loving.

And we cannot forget my Walmart shorts - OMG I love these too much.

What I'm doing this weekend...

I have no clue.  After I pay bills I will cry.  That is a for sure.

What I'm looking forward to next month...

My beach weekend with my BFF!  Catching a baseball game.  Maybe sneaking off to the lake for a date night?!?!?

What else is new...

My last day of work *school wise* is May 11th.  Its so bittersweet!  I love everyone there and the kids.  I will enjoy having the end of the school year to get to participate in my kids' end of year activities.

My cleaning business is growing!  My goal is to take on two more houses in May!

I hope your April has been terrific!  Here's to May!

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Around The Home: Productivity!

Last week I shared how we were knee deep in grading and excavating work around the house.  This week I'm so excited to reveal that it is completed!

We spent the weekend fertilizing, seeding, and covering the immediate yard.  The rest of the property is seeded and fertilized.  Now we await the rain which should be coning in tomorrow and Thursday.

To say I look forward to grass is an understatement!  I cannot stand having red mud around my house - not a red mud fan and never will be!

Our next project will be building our garden.  I'm seriously looking forward to having my own little crop of tomatoes, peppers, cukes, and maybe some berries again!

How are your projects coming along around your home?  Are you planning a garden for the warm months?  What will you be planting?

Monday, April 25, 2016

Tales From the Pasture

Another Monday - that is a good thing if you think about it.  I mean hello if we did not have this Monday then that would mean something a bit unhappy.  Go ahead celebrate it by drinking coffee all day!

Yes, I will be doing that.  However, my reasoning is due to the fact that I have one tonsil swollen to the size of a ping pong ball.  This is all thanks to working in straw all day yesterday.  One thing I have noticed since getting into my thirties is that my allergies have became a bit more sensitive than ever before.

I was the kid who could roll in poison ivy or oak and never be affected.

Cut grass, hay, ragweed, pollen, and straw did not bother me in the least.


Forget it.

I saw a large vine of poison oak wrapped around an oak tree in our yard and I literally shuddered.  It crossed my mind that this could be the year I look at it and it jumps on me.

Ain't nobody got time for that.

Last week at riding lessons my daughter rode the horse.  She did it - no crying, no real fear, she just mounted up and let him walk her about the ring.  It was a proud mama moment if there has ever been one!

It started with eight steps on their own, no trainer holding a lead rope, then went to fourteen steps.  Eventually, the went up to 40 steps and then it didn't matter how many steps.  She was in the saddle smiling.

For thirty minutes, Pax gently took my C around the ring to spell words (letters sporadically placed on the fencing).

Confidence built!

This week we're skipping the lesson so she can start fresh in May.  If I said that horseback riding lessons were affordable I would be lying.  Mama has to reformulate the budget to accommodate $150 for lessons.

I could just say we have to stop but I won't do that.

There is so much more going on when my child is in the saddle than just learning to ride a horse.  She's building confidence in herself that no person can ever instill in her.  She's learning that she can do anything she, herself, puts her mind to.

We are looking forward to seeing her growth next month.

Friday, April 22, 2016

High Five: I Love Friday!

Hello gorgeous people!  It is Friday and that means I am super happy.  I'm also super happy to be linked up with #H54F today - since I haven't had a chance in a week or so. are five things I want to share with you on this glorious end of the work week day!

1.  I posted a video!

If you are not aware of my blog's Facebook page then please check it out!  (  This week I was too lazy to type up my Walmart Beauty Box post that I just videoed it.  Yes, it is rough (I promise to work on my skills) but it was super fun.  Oh and my sweet four legged baby is in the video too!

2.  I'm on Snap Chat!

And I know nothing about it.  I downloaded the app a month ago.  Maybe you can teach me how to use it?!?!  Add me (abullnojoke) :)  This could be fun...

3.  Our yard is nearly complete!

Maybe I should say our land?!?!  Last week we were in the beginning stages of the grading and excavating period.  As of today, all that is complete and we are moving on to sowing our yard this weekend.  I'm so not excited.  Ha!

4.  Compliments are fabulous!

Banana Boat Sunless Tanning Lotion - 6 oz

I have had an endless array of compliments on my tan this week.  No, I do not utilize a tanning bed (bad stuff, y'all.)  I also haven't had a chance to lay out (use SPF!)  But I am a HUGE fan of Banana Boat Endless Summer Deep Tanner.  It goes on so easy and doesn't leave me looking like a bag of Cheet-oh's!

5.  Antiques

I'll have a post out next week husband bought me two new antique pieces of furniture last week.  I am super excited.  He is such a sweet guy - it was unplanned (the expenditure) but it really made my day and two of my rooms!

Last Week's Saturday Post
Catch up on what you missed last week on A Brownie World.  Six things I felt like sharing, the recap, and the Pins that spoke to my heart (or something.)

Tales From The Pasture
This week I share a little bit of my own seasoned parenting advice.  A little humor and a little heart and soul.  It is funny how much stuff you learn from being in a pasture, ring, or with your animals.

Around The Home
Check out what has been going on around our place this week!  We're up to something big (per the usual, oh my goodness.)

Bathing Suit Season: A Pinterest Fun Post
I share the first five suits to pop up on my Pinterest feed.  This was fun (and scary!)

5 Reasons: I love Southern Charm
My television pleasure is Southern Charm (on Bravo).  I couldn't pin point a real reason I loved it until I sat down to write this post.  Can I just say....Shep.

Toddler Snack Mix Ideas from My Baking Addiction:
For my son wants to eat 24/7 so this would be super helpful to have on hand!  Plus, my daughter could enjoy it too!
Skippy that, y'all.  Don't waste your time on people who do not treasure you.
10 Awe-Inspiring Patio Design Photos:
I need this fire some point.
Summer Blue Scarf Print Shorts:
These are my new favorite shorts.  I purchase mine at Walmart (jr's section) for $7.96.  They are fabulous.
Rosa Clará  ❁❁❁Thanks, Pinterest Pinners, for stopping by, viewing, re-pinning, & following my boards.  Have a beautiful day! ❁❁❁ and “Feel free to share on Pinterest"✮✮“ #fashion   #fashionupdates:
Question of the this a human or a mannoquin?

Get these pins by clicking the link to my Pinterest Boards on my side bar!

I hope you each have a wonderful weekend!!!  Get some Vitamin D and enjoy yourselves!

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Southern Charm & The 5 Reasons I LOVE It!

Reality television is the norm these days.  I admit I liked the Real Housewives of _______.  However, I love Southern Charm.  Like cray-cray-infatuation-style-middle-school-girl-again love it.

Here's the deal - I cannot pinpoint the reason I adore this show.  Yes, I'm a southern girl but that's not it because that is stupid.  Not all Southerners like Sweet Home Alabama or sweet tea or pearls or fishing.

OK wait a second um maybe that's a false statement.

Moving on...

The other night I was trying to decide what it is exactly that sings to my heart on this show and this is what I came up with.

View image on Twitter

1.  Cameran

Alrighty fellow Belles - Cameran Eubanks is probably our best friend that we haven't met.  Not only does she sound like the majority of us she is the girl that I think we can identify with the most.  She's from small town South Carolina (hey Andersen, SC we love you even if you got a bad wrap on episode two!); she's got that boy humor that we get so well; she can bait a hook; and she drinks Busch Light (episode three and I'm not a Busch Light drinker but I will turn up a Natty); her style is impeccable.

2.  Accents

For once I watch a show and I do not really notice accents because they sound like me.  Except for T-Rav that's just very, very Low Country.  Let it be known I love a good Southern accent like the ones from that region.  Once upon a time I knew a couple guys that had that same accent and I would pull a "just keep talking" on them and grin the whole time they spoke.  I couldn't understand a word.

3.  Shep

I would be lying through my teeth if I said that boy wasn't hot as a four alarm fire.  We all know a Shep - man whore who is so freaking attractive we cannot turn away (while at the same time wondering how many times he has had the clap.)

4.  Location

Currently, I am five hours away from Charleston.  I have been to Charleston and fell in love with it.  This translates to me considering it as a local town and because of that crazy five hour localness I love the show.

5. Those parties

I may not be an old money (or new money) millionaire but the parties (and dinners) they throw on the show are reminiscent of the ones I have attended.  They start off with good intentions and then the crazy shows up and there's a fight or dagger tongues screaming across the yard between two people while everyone looks on with drinks in hand whispering about how psycho so and so is.

Do you watch Southern Charm?  What pulls you in?

Mondays at 9PM Eastern on Bravo

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Bathing Suit Season! (Another Pinterest Post!)

Last week I posted the first five outfits for spring that came up on my Pinterest search.  I think several of us enjoyed that post!  This week I'm sharing the first five bathing suits that came up when I Pinterest searched bathing suits for women.  Enjoy...

Sexy Cut Out High Waist Bikini For Women:
Why do I feel like the photo shop was messed up on this?
Sexy Halter Lace-Up Solid Color High-Waisted Two-Piece Swimsuit For Women:
Hey wait a second!  That looks like my Mammaw's every day undergarments!!!
Enlarge Motel Hera Wave Crop Bikini Top:
If you can rock this then I am jealous.  See I have boobs that are bigger and if I put on that top I become uni-boob woman.  I have a yoga bra that I adore but I can rarely wear it because it has no support for boobs over a B cup and I end up looking like I'm smuggling another head under my shirt.
Two Piece Swimsuits for Women | Via Jean C Antonelli:
I really think these are cute...but more for a four year old than a grown up.  Fluttery and sweet just doesn't seem very fitting for grown ups - but ya know that is my weird way of thinking.  And I guess it plays in that I like my bathing suit flush against me because otherwise the suit annoys the pee out of me.  Not literally but ya know...
Two Piece Swimsuits for Women Over 40, 50, 60 at
I actually like this one...

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Around The Home

What's crackin' on this Tuesday?!?!

Lately, we have had a heck of a lot going on over at the house.

We can check another item off the list!

Our yard has been undergoing the regrading we so desperately needed!

Alright, alright maybe it is more than the yard!

Almost all of the land.

Here is what it has been like over the past five days:

Looking good - excavating and bulldozing.  This was day one!

Are we building pyramids?

Good buy toothpick pines!

This boy is loving all the dirt and "mountains" in the yard now!

And so is his sister - they are dirt kids!

A lot of work...still in progress!

Needless to say now I'm just praying that the rains hold off and we can get some grass seed sown very soon!  

Are you working on any projects around the home?  Share them!  I love seeing what we're all into!