Thursday, August 14, 2014

Thursday Thanks: Water among other things!

Can I just say I am so thankful for running water?!?!

The past few weeks have found me (a bit more) stressed than usual.

Realizing I'm without regular work has stressed me out immensely.

Wait, that's an understatement.

It scares the crap out of me.

My husband says:

"Its not a big deal we've done it income."

I think:

It does matter.  I don't like having no money and not being able to help out on the bills.

It makes me feel helpless.

I don't like feeling helpless.

So today instead of doing I Think Thursday I'm going to do Thankful Thursday.

Chances are I'm not the only stressed out female around...right?

Chances are I'm also in need of reminding myself how blessed I am.

Chances are if you read this you'll start smiling because you'll be like, yeah I'm thankful for that too!


I am thankful for:

Good health

2 healthy kids

1 great husband

Our home which also shares the title of being top headache!
A paid off car
Free eggs
My mom and dad

My friend Jennifer who I sent a message to asking if I can bother her and she says "She's always got time for me" (I needed those words this week like no other...)

Groupon deals that I bought back in the spring that I can use now to entertain my kids
Good books
The way my son thinks the word help should be used

All dogs

Pounding Pavement on back roads for my health and watching deer check me out (just call me Mother Nature honey...)
Coffee - the true liquid of life
Walmart - I know ya'll hate it but sometimes the lower prices help out.  And sometimes a stroll through there can boost your dang confidence!
A Krispy Kreme donut
Dirt because its the most therapeutic thing next to...
Cooking the most therapeutic thing most of the time for me

Believing in God - and you can judge me on that I don't care.  It takes all kinds to make this world go round and round I just happen to the kind that believes in a Higher Power.

The Sunday Paper
Coke over ice
My daughter's lisp - though I hope it goes away before she's 12

What are you thankful for?

1 comment:

  1. Very sweet post - I have a tendency to stress out pretty easily, so it's always good to have a reminder of all of the wonderful things instead of just the difficult ones!


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