Monday, August 10, 2015

Monday, May I (A Diversion) - Diva's Birthday Wish List

I am not making goals this week.  I decided every now and then we need to spice up the routine.  So today, in honor of a couple of important dates - August 24th and September 4th to be more precise - I decided to share with you the first of a couple of "wish lists"....

My daughter will be turning eight years old on September 4th.  That is insanity if you ask me.  How did eight years jet by so quickly?  Well, I'm not sure.  But all your new moms need to be warned - your lives will ramp up in the passage of time a million times faster once you have a child.

Last week she let me know she was - bored.

I hate that word.  We have enough to do around here that those words should never be uttered from her lips.  Alas, she is nearing eight and she has the drama monster inhabiting itself inside her (thanks growing up) so things are bound to fall out of her mouth that drive me insane.

Immediately, I said - "Well if you're bored maybe you should make a birthday wish list."

She lit up like birthday candles on a cake.

Ladies and gentlemen I would like to present to you the:

2015 Birthday Ideas for an Eight Year Old Girl.

We are in full, yes FULL, Barbie mode in this house...

I can't complain because I was a Barbie Girl too.  This year she's loving the sets (as you can tell).  I'm in shock over how much Barbie stuff costs these days.  I guess it was a little pricey back in my day too but man....

Barbie Saddle & Ride
Barbie Camper
Barbie Endless Curls
Barbie Sister Tiki Hut
Barbie Spin & Ride Pups

She has a lot of other interests too.
She is also going to extend pool season this year by taking some advanced swim classes and trying out a swim program at our local YMCA.  I'm thrilled for her to do this because she loves the water and she will get a great work out from it. (Speedo Bathing Suit)
Last school year she found out she liked skating (even though she hasn't quite mastered it yet).  Since her dad works crazy shifts they decided to make a regular standing skate rink date.  He's a good skater so he hopes to help her get stronger at it.  When they came home from their skating adventure a couple weekends ago he announced they would need their own skates.  (Skates)
Over the summer my mom gave up Directv (I'm ready to myself) and switched to Hulu and Amazon.  Now when my daughter spends time there she's watching vintage television.  I've heard all about Wonder Woman and when I saw this WW Lego alarm clock I immediately thought of my girl.  She is a Lego junkie.  Fusing together two of her favorite things = perfection.  Plus, she's been on me to get her an alarm clock.
Over the summer I pulled out a "how to draw" book I had stashed away for her.  For days she was immersed in that book and she did quite well with the simple directions.  I think she would enjoy a book on drawing people.  Plus, she could illustrate the stories she writes! (How to Draw People)
And finally---
She has a fake debit card.  When we started her savings account she got this card that is really good for nothing but deposits (yay).  She also started earning an allowance (of money to put in her account).  Oh and then I had to get her a new library card.
Home girl needs a wallet.
We have searched far and wide for a wallet and I think that cute one from Amazon is just the ticket!

Do you have a little diva in your life?  What all is she into right now?


  1. Of course she's a diva.
    She's Virgo.
    It's a thing! #fellowvirgo #virgoiseverythang

  2. My sister and I used to LOVE barbies when we were growing up. I think we played with them way past the "normal" age. Great idea to have her make a list :)

    How fun to see inside the mind of an (almost) 8 year old's wants!
    At least she's not asking for booty shorts and high heels...YET...mwahahahaha...Wait a minute, why am I saying this? I'll be going through this too...ha!

  4. I loved Barbie when I was her age!! I have lots of little diva nieces. They love all things Justice these days. Love your Parent Wish list!! Great Idea! HA!


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