Thursday, August 6, 2015

Blogger Quote Challenge #1

Katie is my fabulous blogger friend and last week she tagged me in the blogger quote challenge.  My job is to share three quotes with you all at once or over the course of three posts that relate to me in some way.

I know how so many of ya'll love a good quote.  How in the world could I pass this up?  

So here's my post numero uno.

Thanks, Katie, for the challenge!

My first quote...

Very beautiful, I love how insecure this person acts. My confidence and happiness makes her feel little. I Love being the bigger person.

Gosh this hits home.

My husband giggles when he talks about me going off the deep end.  He loves to tell people how I can get so enraged and go semi Rhonda Rousey on people.  Okay, no I don't beat people up and break arms but I can get very animated and scary.  It's ok, I'm just admitting it.

Over the past year I have been working on that side of who I am.  Instead of believing it is just part of my make up - being hot headed - I'm realizing it is actually a part of me I can control with great efficiency if I put forth the work it takes to control it.

That's the problem - so many people use that as a crutch - "Oh I can't help it."

Oh but you can.  I am a living, breathing testament to that one.

Lately, this side of who I am has been tested.  I'm watching someone go "ape" and I know they're looking for a fight.

I'm not giving it.

I'm taking that proverbial higher road.

Yes, it involves lots of deep breaths and counting to ten (over and over).  It takes a lot of prayer and whispering Carrie Underwood's coined term of, "Jesus, take the wheel, STAT!" - of course I added the STAT part.

But it works.

I can sit back and let the circus go on and just be a spectator and not a fool who feels ridiculous for losing my cool over something that wasn't worth my time.

If you are one of the hot headed chicks of this world - I feel ya - but its so much more gorgeous to just learn to chill out, take a few belly breaths, and then just laugh at those people trying to provoke you....then pray for them.

xo -


  1. Love this!!
    I do this all the time, especially now.
    When I practiced law, it was a little more difficult. But I've realized, life is too short!
    I got challenged to do this also. Mine will be up next week!! :)

  2. Love the quote!! You got this, girl. Have you ever read Unglued by Lysa TerKeurst? {I might have misspelled her name because I'm too lazy to Google it.} It's all about learning to control our emotions. Really great book!

    1. Claire, thanks for the book recommendation! I'll have to look this one up!

  3. Totally love this!! So true true for lots of people!! So glad you accepted the challenge... Have a great weekend!!

  4. I struggle with this on the daily. Kudos to you for actually seeing it and working on it. Usually I get so mad that I just start crying, lol.


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