A few weeks ago I checked this book out at my local library. This book is totally out of my "oridnary" genre. It took me just over one hundred pages to actually begin to enjoy it. However, once I got past that "hump" I could not put this piece of work down.
Elsa is seven, almost eight, years old. Her young life is a bit difficult as she is referred to by the headmaster at her school as "different" and needing to "assimilate" to fit in. Her grandmother, is seventy-seven years old and is peculiar and eccentric and is sickened by the idea that anyone should change.
Elsa and her grandmother are extremely close and to escape the world that can see them as odd balls they go into the made up lands of fairy tales of Elsa's granny.
Spoiler alert; Elsa loses her grandmother to cancer early in this book. That is the catalyst for the purpose of this work. Elsa will spend the remainder of this story delivering letters her grandmother has written to people all around Elsa. Through the delivery Elsa will unknowingly change lives and get a new incite to her granny's made up fairy tales.
I do recommend this read!
This sounds good!!