Thursday, February 26, 2015

I Think & Stuff & Things Thursday

Beautiful Things

Thursday you're here, have a seat, please.

I think....

....Whatever the hell this weather pattern is I do not like it.  What happened to 70 degree February days.  Don't look at me that way we have had them all my life, popping up here and there.  I am so angry about this.

....I am so sick of snow.  No, I know I am.

....I dared to go to Walmart right before the other snowpacolypse began.  There wasn't a big deal going on or anything.  What has happened has the South became numb to this horrid weather pattern?

....McDonald's is the most mind numbing, make me hate society place in my hometown.  I spent a lunch break there (only drinking coffee) and felt violated just sitting in there.  A couple - massively obese - were just there to use the free wi-fi.  Laborers were there that needed a good grooming appointment (anyone can get a haircut guys....its called Great Clips).  And one lovely gentleman on his cell phone basically screamed "take the g.d. drug test" ----- and to top everything off they screwed up my husband's Big Mac.  

....Hold on, wait a minute, isn't the Big Mac the freakin' whole purpose of McDonald's?  And you screwed it up?  What?  

....McDonald's was an OK place back in the 80s and 90s when teenagers worked at it.  Now you have adults, obviously strung out on an overdose of stupid (or at least meth) who cannot comprehend the idea of fast food OR how to put a freakin' mystery meat sandwich together.

....I'm over the rant.  I hate MCD.

....I pulled in there two days later and had the freshest fake nuggets ever.  Ugh I give up. 

....Men who leave their wives and then try to spin it like they were forced to should be hired by MCD.  My bestie J will smile at that one.

....Kevin Spacey is a fantastic actor; creepy but fantastic.

.....I will never drink another libation with a buffalo on it.  It trampled me.  (Keep it to yourself Judah)

.....I am very excited to have a paint brush in my hand this weekend.  More excited I'll be with my college bestie but ya know that paintbrush is just an added perk.

.....You should go purchase Joey's book Yeah, Maybe for $1.99 before it jumps back to $7.99

.....I rocked that Pinterest, nearly fail, dessert I made last weekend!  (It was on the IG account)

.....I miss the beach. Maybe its all this winter weather but I really miss it.

.....I feel bad for all those negative people comments about MCD up there.  Ugh always happens.

.....I think I am a Carolina girl....Carolina, Puerto Rico that is.  When it was all nasty out and snowing on Tuesday morning I found that beautiful municipality and thought, yes that is my Carolina.

That's a beautiful shot to leave you with, no?


  1. I agree, bring back the 70 degrees in February!!! I hate the cold. Snow is ok but the cold is just barftastic!

  2. ....Kevin Spacey is a fantastic actor; creepy but fantastic.

    that made me laugh out loud. at least yall had some snow!! we've just had rain :) hoping sunshine makes an appearance soon...ready for warm weather!!!! thanks for linking up lady!!!!!!

  3. I think I might be a Carolina girl too! And your McDs rant...made me laugh!

  4. McDonalds rant....hysterical!!! ;)


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