Monday, February 16, 2015

Around the Home

Did you have a fabulous weekend?

We did, oh how we did!

We got away for the weekend....minus the babies!!!

Our marriage enrichment class concluded this weekend in Myrtle Beach, SC.  We love Myrtle Beach in the off season.  Our Saturday was sunny and sixty-three.  We did a lot of shopping and bonding and just had an awesome weekend.

I love my husband so much!  I wish everyone could feel the way I do in their marriage.

Ok stop...this is Monday not Wednesday.

Anyhoo we came home to bitter cold and according the underground weather and above ground weather (weathermen are just like swimming pools) we're supposed to get slammed with a Southern Blizzard.  That's a term I use for any time snow fall occurs down here in Dixie Land.

I personally hate snow a bitter passion.

I hate snow so much that in another tab on my computer right now I'm looking at available property in the Keys.  Give me a hurricane and you keep your bitter cold and snow and ice.

Around the house when the snow is coming I try to do a few things including:

1.  Bread & Milk smoothies (just kidding) - I do go to the grocery store but generally its to buy food for the kids to have.  Face it they should be in school and not here.  I don't keep the amount of food they need during the school day in this house because its pointless.  Don't food hoard.  This isn't the Hunger Games.  And yes they eat more when they are it boredom or suppressing unhappy feelings....I call it ability.

2.  Put off the chores - I will need something to do while the kids fight, build with Legos, and while I binge on Netflix.

3.  Get a book - thanks to Jenna (who lives like 240 miles away) I have Gone Girl (I'm so late) to read this week.  I'm really excited about it and I know I'm on delay with that one but hey life happens.

4.  Keep the wine stocked to counter the whine.  I have one bottle of Cabernet left so that means I need to hit up the store. If I am stuck home for four days then I'm going to need a minimum of eight bottles.  Gahhh kidding I'm not a lush....I only need seven.  Seriously....chill out I'm playing.  I do enjoy my wine and sometimes depression (like snow) makes me crave more.

5.  And finally....the last thing I do around the house when snow is impending is pray so hard for 80 degree temps to arrive as soon as the cold front pushes out.  I seriously have a beef with winter.

I don't take offense to this because its straight up!  And you can take ATL out and put in NC!!!!

Stay warm....
If you're in Florida I am up for adoption...

xoxox -

1 comment:

  1. I'm so tempted to fall into an official snow day if we actually get any snow--but I know the amount of work I have to do won't budge either way, so that's kind of a bummer. I love Myrtle in the off season too!! I've actually only ever been in the off season hah!


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