Thursday, February 19, 2015

Stuff & Things &(I think) Thursday

Beautiful Things  

Um yep...I think (of stuff and things)....

....It is Lent and we didn't give up a thing.  Oh man.  I mean I know I still have time.  I always try to give up something to help me look better for warmer weather.  Maybe I'll give up white sugar.....hahahahahahahhahaha oh my gahhh I make myself laugh.

....I hate winter.  No, I don't think that I know that for a fact.  I really thought we could make it out of this winter without any snow or ice.  Gahhh I was so wrong.  Monday afternoon we had the sleet....the snow....the freezing rain.  Tuesday it was stil all over the place so school was cancelled (thus work) and guess what its been that way every day of the week so far.

This is the screen saver on my phone.

....We are going to re-model our camper. (I think!)  Forget the stupid winter let's focus on spring and summer and happiness.  We love to camp and a few weeks ago I was over at The Pop Up Princess and lets face it she gave me the bug to remodel our little pop up.

....Last weekend was the best weekend I have had away from my kids and just with my spouse in like ever.  I love the fact my husband is a class a shopper and I love the fact that he's mine.  We really enjoyed everything about our weekend and look forward to another one soon.

....You should check out The Carolina Opry at Myrtle Beach.  Look, I thought it was for old people....a cheeseball show with below par acts.  We went and it was actually really really good.  The music was awesome and comedy was funny.  Ther was just one girl I couldn't watch sing because she reminded me of a Kristin Wig character.  For reals.

....I want some fresh flowers and I want a manicure.  I was bummed Harris Teeter was out of their tulips when we stopped in on Sunday.  I wanted to cry (secretly).  By the way Food Lion where are your pretty flowers at this year?

....I may need to try the cold Starbucks Caramel Macchiato thing I found at Harris Teeter in the cold coffee section...has anyone else tried it?  Its skinny too!!!

....I could so work at Starbucks.  Dare I say we have the best one ever in Clemmons, NC?  I think I dare to say it.  The employees are fabulous and so sweet and kind and funny.

....I love working with high school kids.  They are often times overly dramatic and sometimes full of angst but they are pretty awesome and I love them to pieces.

....This week off is leading to a great time to pre-clean for the spring cleaning.  Yes, I also clean houses on the side so if you're interested contact me for an appointment to check it out and quote you a price.  (Shameless plug)

....Being a mama is getting real ya'll.  My daughter is on that edge of pre-pre-teen insanity and I'm being tested like non other.  Who gots da advice for me?

....I drank my last bottle of Handsome Devil.  To Target I go!

Handsome Devil (US) California Cabernet Sauvignon 2012

I kind of fused this blog post to fit two of my favorite link ups!  You should too Bloggy Babes!


  1. 1. You should try a JAMICURE!!
    2. Can I get a house cleaning quote? Or is NY too far? Hahahahaa
    3. Have you tried the tiramisu latte at Starbucks? OMG sooo good!

    1. GIrl I wish I could get into Jamberry but its just not for me. I'm not skilled enough LOL and trust me I HAVE TRIED. Eeeek I just scaled back the distance I'll travel and now that's a little far but if I were closer I'd be there! I want to try it sooooo bad!!!! Jealous you have put your lips on that divine cup of the Bucks. Hope your day rocks!

  2. So how do I become a "southern blogger" like yourself? I'm in Oklahoma City and I got the sleet Sunday night/Monday morning before you got it. I was terrified driving to work but I had to go. If you'd like to say hi, please email me at My blogger account is "no-reply" :(. Esther Norine Designs

    1. I emailed you Esther! I'm a no-reply (due to Google+ I found out, security) too.

  3. I second the wanting a manicure and fresh flowers! I'm so over this frigidly cold weather!!


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