Friday, February 13, 2015

Friday 5

You are seeing four but there are indeed five...just read.

The love weekend is upon us!  Woo hoo!  I'm excited so lets get to it.

1. Handmade Valentines

Yes, I decided to forget the store bought ones and make some of my own.  Well not exactly my own but...I utilized the great thing called the internet and other's genius craft minds and created some cool Valentine's for my daughter's class.  Then I thought I couldn't leave out the little ones at my son's daycare so I whipped up some homemade chocolate chip cookies and found that adorable milk and cookies printable and BOOM I did it!  (Total cost:  $4 for 27 valentines)

2.  Red Velvet Oreos

My God Man!  Those things are the bee's knees.  I wasn't expecting them to be so freakin' delicious.  I will now refer to them as crack.

3.  Grown Up Weekend

As of sometime this evening my husband and I will be child free for the weekend.  I am so excited to get this time to....sleep.  I'm not kidding and I know so many of you feel me.  There will be no whining two year old at 3AM screaming for me to get up and I will enjoy that.  I also note that he will probably sleep ever so well for his Nana because that's the rule right?  Anyhoo it should be a romantic relaxed weekend and I'm ready!!!!

4.  Nail Polish

Ok last week I said I showed my favorite color ever.  Well...I lied.  I found this color while at Walgreen's last Sunday and its now my favorite color ever. bad.  And its so much my favorite that my son thought it would be awesome to try to mimic mommy and put it on his fingers too.....I laughed so hard. Oh it is called Blaze by Wet n Wild 99cents!

5.  Johnny Cash

On the way to work the other morning I heard that Johnny Cash's birthday letter to June Carter Cash won the most romantic love letter ever.  I must say it is very sweet but I'm no so sure its the best ever.  Then again....if I was her and went through all the stuff she did in that marriage then I would probably melt at those words and the emotion behind them as well.

Happy Valentine's Weekend.  I hope you feel the love.


  1. That's definitely one of my favorite polishes, also! I've seen the red velvet oreos but haven't picked them up yet! I need to get on that!

  2. OMG your son w/ the nail polish. Glad he didn't polish the walls.
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