Sunday, September 14, 2014

Sunday Thoughts

It is Sunday and there is a fall crispness to the air here.  This morning we took the dogs for a stroll and it was necessary to throw on the old standby black yoga pants.  We spent time at the new location for our home laying the house off.  I believe we are finished there for this day.  Tomorrow will bring new tasks for both the old site and new.

Until then I am starting a week of thankfulness on the blog.  Why is it we only seem to reserve thanks for the weeks leading up to a turkey dinner complete with pumpkin pie?  I know why.  Though we say we are grateful every day it takes times in the valley to really realize how incredibly blessed we are three hundred and sixty-five days a year.

We woke up for another day...that's a blessing.
We are able to get our Starbucks or Dunkin' Donuts or McDonald's fix....that's a blessing
Our children are hard to get going for school...that's a blessing
We were able to put gas in the car...that's a blessing.
We have a place of work...another blessing.
There is a calendar full of events....blessed.
Friends that answer our calls....blessing.
Family that never fails us.....blessings overflowing.

The tiniest of details are a true blessing and we fail to regard them as so.  We are humans and ignorant to our errors so many times but grace covers that.  That is a true, non breaking blessing.

I'm living out of banana boxes and wondering where I put a blue million things I packed but the fact I have my material possessions and a roof over my head is a huge blessing in itself.  I could be in a cramped hotel room, shelling out hundreds of dollars for a bed, going further in the proverbial hole.  But the Lord has blessed me with a mom who offered up my childhood bedroom to call home for a while.  I have a dad who is working on the other end to make sure we will have normalcy as soon as possible.  Guys, I could be so more worse off than I ever dreamed.  However, my blessings are way more incredible than anything I could be bulldozed by.  

If I didn't take time to realize each morsel of grace that falls upon my head I would be in rough shape.  I want to challenge you all, starting this second, believer and unbeliever the same to recognize and call out all your blessings.  Yes, all of them from the smallest smidgen to the largest most ambiguous gifts you have.

Don't go through life denying yourself the privilege of saying thank you to where it is due and owed.  Just do not do that.

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