Monday, October 7, 2013

Monday, May I...

Monday May I...
Linking Up At Blooming Belles!

You know how last week I said I had stole this idea from that hottie over at {Royal Proclaims}?  Yeah well she got it from Blooming Belles and I have decided to join in regularly.  This is very therapeutic.  Read now, laugh later!

Last week I said I would:

1.  Start packing kitchen stuff away.

I did.

2.  Make a pumpkin dessert.

I did not.

You believe me?


3.  Call The Forestry Service.

I did not.

You don't believe me?

I'm being honest.  I am actually making the call today at 1:00.

2/3 is not too shabby.

This week I'm giving three new things I need to get done:

1.  DVR Parenthood.

That sounds stupid to you, no?  Well I didn't DVR it last week because I was like oh yeah I can hang and not fall asleep.  Well I saw the first three minutes and then I was drooling on my pillow.  As in snoring.  As in out like a light.

I was so pissed.

So I'm taking care of that problem.

2.  Pick out my freaking paint colors.

This is so hard for me.  I'm a spaz.  I love a color, I see it up on the wall and I crumble like coffee cake when I realize it just sucks.  This week I plan to go to Sherwin Williams and second guess myself forty-three times and go with the colors I love without talking myself out of and slap them up on my walls.  This is critical people.

3.  Go for a walk.

I used to work out like a freak.  I kid you not it was yoga, weights, pilates, elliptical, running, walking, swimming, you name it!  Then budget changes came around and the YMCA membership was too much for me to be OK with.  Now I watch what I eat and drink a lot of water and climb the stairs when the kid is sleeping.  

I need to go for a more than one time.  I need air and sunshine and to bask in these seventy degree temperatures that they say are coming back.

Who is down?  I'll let you push the stroller some!

And I will try to make that pumpkin dessert....maybe.


  1. ha, I sort of did 2 out of 3, but not really...
    I am the same with paint colors. I finally just had to choose a room example on the paint cards to make my decisions.
    Don't forget to DVR Parenthood! You can probably watch it online, if you still haven't watched it.
    Last week's episode wasn't all that great, but I know they're just setting the stage for some serious drama later on!

  2. Thanks for joining in on the link up!


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