Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Hump Day Slump

I have not been in a blogging mood this week - like at all.  I sit down to churn out something and what I spill on the screen is like an opium induced purple unicorn mess. 

 No, I don't do drugs unless you count my multi-vitamin and Claritin.

I guess it is normal to hit times when it is just not there.  We all do in different things right?

Part of my problem is I feel like I am in overdrive and I also know Aunt Flow is on the way (if you catch my drift ladies.  Mirena you lied to me you dumb girl.)  Isn't it just plain out fascinating how that hag can steal our thunder?

One blog I love to read is Royal Proclaims.  I checked out her blog for some inspiration today (thanks chick).  She does this cool thing of putting three things on her blog that she wants to accomplish that week.  Most of them are things we all put off doing (i.e. she has bags of clothes to throw in a donation bin yet they sit in their bags in her home.....sounds a little too familiar to me...!) and need that extra push to do.  

I decided I needed to use my blog as a catalyst to get some crap done too.  So I want to thank Royal for the idea.  I also want to thank you guys for the accountability on my tail.

Three Things Brownie Should Do This Week:

1.  Start packing some kitchen stuff away.

Thursday is the day I go finalize with my kitchen dude.  I need to go through this room and get stuff in two piles - pass on and pack up.  I will start this....won't I?

2.  Make a pumpkin dessert.

Truth - I bought the stuff to make a pumpkin coffee cake and have I made it yet?  Nope.  Why not?  I just haven't.  There is no good excuse.  I will make it....I will I promise.

3.  Call the forestry service.

No, I don't have some Smokey Bear fetish.  We are doing a camping and nature theme at preschool this month so I thought the Rangers/Wildlife Officers could come out and really dazzle the kids with some nature education.  

Ok...hold me to it.

Hey do you have something you need to get done or accomplished this week?  Let me know and I'll stay on your heels if you'll watch mine!

1 comment:

  1. Stupid Aunt Flow. And Zyrtec is my drug! I will take one of those and get loopy in minutes ("non-drowsy"--liars).
    Thanks for the shout out! I can't take all the credit for it, Taylor and Kristen over at Blooming Belles began the "Monday, May I" post and I grabbed on and haven't looked back! Brilliant! There's something about only setting 3 attainable goals for the week!
    And I'm glad you cleared this up: "No, I don't have some Smokey Bear fetish." bwahahahaha!


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