Tuesday, October 8, 2013

$aving Tuesday

$aving Tuesday

A new twist to my Tuesday blog!  I'm going to be adding in some ways to save some money - especially critical for this time of holiday season year!

If you live in the Piedmont Triad of NC then you are aware the Dixie Classic Fair is going on.

I'm not a huge fair fan.  I'm really more of a fair scrooge.  Why Brownie?

I can think of about fifty million other things to spend $30 on than going to the same fair I've went to for twenty some years.

However, I'm a mom now and one thing kids really like is well...the fair.

Don't get me wrong I love the agriculture side of it but I hate the rides, food, games (rigged), and all that other crap.

So if you have kids that are begging to go to the fair this year (even after you have explained its the same dang thing as last year until you're blue in the face) then let me help you out a bit.

Wednesday if you bring five nonperishable/canned foods - Lowes Foods brand then you can get into the fair for free.  (The obnoxious side costs are up to your discretion...)

This is incredible savings for most families.  It is also helping out {Crisis Control Ministry}.

Crisis Control Ministry is a Christian based non profit that helps those in our community who need assistance with food, medication, and mortgage/rent related needs.  This group works through volunteers and corporate sponsors to help those in need.  As with any non profit in this bleak economy they need as much help as possible.

By donating to this cause parents can teach their children the importance of how even the simplest donation of a bag of canned food can help a family have dinner.  It can also be used in teaching children to be thankful that they are not going hungry and are able to do fun things such as going to the fair.

So do your kids a favor and treat them to an afternoon at the Dixie Classic Fair and let them have a hands on lesson at helping those less fortunate.

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