Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Time with my {little} Man & October PSA

Fridays mean time for me and my little guy to hang out.  The Diva is at school and the hubby is at work so me and my dude play and eat and have a fun time.

This past Friday I really realized this kid is growing up.

He is 13.5 months old and so full of energy and fun.  These days he is at that point where he babbles with new sounds (sh- ch- etc) and will babble for what must be sentences.  He also is very enthusiastic when he "talks" to me.  I can tell when something is meant to be funny, silly, serious, or angry.

Extremely mobile?  Yes. He may possibly be contemplating a new hobby like rock climbing.  The kid wants to be on top of everything.  

I remember when my little girl started doing big girl things.  She loved books and would sit and look at them page by page as early as nine months.  (I thought something was wrong with her since kids do not normally enjoy that...) Now I'm seeing my boy is starting to do some of those things his sister loved...including taking things apart to see how they work!

My little helper wants to help me clean up (only to do what we just did in reverse)...make me laugh....and melt my heart.

I love this dude.


Now I'm going to flip it and spend a little pitter patter of the fingers on the keys to tie in something critical.

Who out there is a mommy?  Ok who is a mommy to just maybe a four legged baby?  Ok and who out there is just in love with life sans the kids and dogs and hell anyone for that matter?

Ok now that we know who all is out there lets talk about something really important:

Your boobs.

I don't care if you love them and I don't care if you hate them - those damn milk contraptions can cause a whole world of hurt if you do not give them a good squeeze, massage, and mash AT LEAST once a month in the shower.

So many people are afraid to get check their tits.  Get over yourselves.  When I started this half of the post you identified what you were in love with (kids, cats, yourself, etc) do you really want to have any risk of cancer stripping that away?

Self examine your boobs once a month in the shower or lying on your back.  Really check them out with that hand and make sure there aren't any grapes or marbles growing in there.  It isn't that hard and it can save your tail if you find something.

If you are 40 you better get that mammogram.  Trust me I am not looking forward to someone mashing these big things down to pancake thickness either!  But I will have it done.

I will have it done because just the other day on my FB feed a woman I worked with posted her 40 year old daughter had been diagnosed with breast cancer.  Just by turning 40 and having the mandatory mammogram IT WAS CAUGHT!

I will have it done because I have pushed two 7.12 pound kids out of my hoo hoo and the idea of my boobs getting the mash for a few minutes sounds tolerable compared to that.

I have had a six inch needle in my spine so maybe a few minutes with my boobs out for a rad tech isn't the worst possible thing in the world.

I will have it done because I have two children that I live for.  A husband I thank the Lord for.  Friends that I cannot imagine not having around me.  If I don't do it I put off more time with them.

I will have it done because God created this cool thing called mammograms to help save women's lives.

I will have it done because it really compliments a pap smear.

I will have it done for the millions of women who did not have it done and passed away with the thought:  If I had had my mammogram.

I will have it done for the millions of women who fought but entered into Glory only after shouting "early detection" from the moment of the diagnosis to the last breath.

I will have it done because I respect myself and I want to keep on keeping on for a very, very long time.

I will have it done because it makes sense.

Check your boobies tonight....if you are in that age window of a mammogram then get it scheduled.  If you cannot afford a mammogram contact your local Public Health Department to get linked up with agencies that provide free mammography.

This is boob month for a reason.
Like my husband says:
Check your boobs because he doesn't like the idea of living in a boob free world.

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