Friday, October 18, 2013


I'm so getting into fall ya'll.  Here's my five in that flavor.

1.  Woodchuck Hard Cider Fall Edition

I'm not normally a fan of flavored beer but I'll be a squirrel's tail if I said I didn't fall in love with this one!  It is incredibly sweet so I can only do one.

2.  Pumpkin Cookies

As in sugar cookies that look like pumpkins.  I purchased a roll of this dough at Aldi last week.  The Diva and I made them after school - hot cookies in six minutes, yes please!  They were so good and really cute!

3.  Carving the jacks!

Every year we spend one night carving our pumpkins.  Normally we do the basic face this year we went all out.  I doubt we'll get any calls to do carving art for anyone but it was fun!

4.  My brother

Gah this is so weird to post him on my five.  So he's a lot younger than me and I've always questioned his intelligence and drive for anything but weightlifting.  Well how about home dude now has two jobs.  I'm pretty proud of him wanting to make some money to try to start paying his way more - in this day and age that is seemingly unheard of for a teenager.

5.  A great work week

I must say this week was the first week I really, truly, enjoyed my job.  It was just a happy, comfortable week even though some of the kids were less than amusing.  It happens.

1 comment:

  1. just hopped on over from the linkup..yay! and i have to say..YES to the hard cider!!! my hubs is english, and so many of his english lady friends drink it over there. so good!!! i always wonder why americans haven't hopped on the same bandwagon!? glad you know of it's goodness!!!

    happy, happy friday, love!


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