Wednesday, November 13, 2013

November Cliche

So Facebook, Twitter, other blogs, etc are all jumping on the easy bandwagon of November to post what one is thankful for.  I've been joining in too and mentioning only things that I normally take for granted.  I mean hello we kinda know you love your kids, husband and or wife and or partner, your dogs, your mom and dad, sister and great aunt Coco.  

I like to think out of the box so my list has consisted of things like vodka, white vinegar, cabinets, Kindergarten, etc.

Well I decided once a week I would add one of my thankfuls to my blog post.  This week I decided that I should let you know I am thankful for winter coats.

Yeah..winter coats.  

I think it is the small things in life we totally do not appreciate.  These are things we just push to the side not realizing their true worth.  We should be thankful for them because without them our day to day lives would be altered in some way.

I am thankful I have two coats to utilize when the weather is below fifty degrees.  I have a Columbia Coat and a black wool pea coat.  They bring me toasty feelings and shear delight when the wind is whipping.  They prevent my body from freezing and allow me to go about my day without any real concern.

When you think about a coat you should seriously remember that even though we live in the USA there are people who do not have a coat. With winter approaching that is scary.  There are families who live in poverty and who cannot afford to purchase one.  There are families that are too proud to go get a free coat from a service like Give A Kid A Coat.  There are elderly folks who have no one caring for them who need one.  The homeless that wrap themselves in plastic bags. 

Last year I donated four coats to Give A Kid A Coat at the local A Cleaner World.  Since I have kids of my own I could not imagine a child going cold because my own kid had four coats herself to pick from.  I had a surplus as well so it only made sense I donate too.

I am thankful to have the means to purchase a jacket and have it on me when there is snow in forecast.  I am evermore thankful to understand a surplus is unnecessary in my closets and to be able to donate warmth to someone in need.

So here's a me your thankful for something you have in your closet to keep you going and donate it to a charity who can use your assistance to help others.  I can double dog dare you by choosing to donate to non retail establishment and instead a food pantry, or public closet.  Go the extra mile, you can do it.

See ya'll later.

1 comment:

  1. This is a great idea. I have a habit of just dropping everything off at Goodwill because it's convenient. But to give it to a non-retail institution would mean so much more.


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