Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Booger Eaters & Antibac

So the miniature humans that I work around Monday-Thursday are disgusting.  I mean seriously, have you spent time around 3-5 year olds for more than five minutes?  They do some pretty gross things and the number one gross thing I have seen them do is something we all know that small kids, elderly, and the guy beside you at the stop light do....pick their nose and eat their findings.

It seriously grosses me out.


Now we're like in the funk of weather that gives us a 70 degree day and less than 24 hours later it is 30 degrees out.  That is prime weather for even more rewards in the nose picking department for a whole slew of nose pickers and eaters.

Our classroom lives by three things 
1.  Play time  
2.  Pray time  
3.  Magic Soap

Magic Soap is pretty freakin' important as the booger eaters and thumb suckers and hand lickers get busted they get sent to either:
a) the bathroom for supervised hand washing 
b) the magic soap dispenser.

Magic Soap is hand sanitizer.

Over the weekend I was catching up on some smart reading (smart = public health crap) and I was totally reeled in by the need to get rid of antibacterial soaps and hand sanitizers for daily use.  Yes, nurses and doctors need them but the rest of us do not really need them on the daily.  They aren't helping us but making us a little weaker in the immunity department.

So as I see another one of my sweeties claim that green snot and devour it I'm left crying and whispering to myself antibac....antibac....antibac.

Then over the weekend I develop this annoying upper respiratory infection.

Seems like all the magic soap, Lysol, Clorox, and alcohol (rubbing) hadn't helped me out.  I was the gold mine for all things green and gooey and I was manufacturing it at a speed at which demand wasn't met because it backed up and caused me to mouth breathe (gross).

After several doses of Mucinex and my allergy medication I was able to maneuver about without much issue.  

Moral of the story....
I may just take sides with the smart read and let the antibac stuff go out the door for now, it apparently is making me weaker!!!

Lesson to pass on...
Continue to drill it in your kid's head that it isn't cool to let snot roll down their face, spray on to their pants, or hang out on their hands.

Nor is it cool to lick your hands and gobble down your boogers.

Ok, my gag reflex just kicked in....excuse me!

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