4.30.13 Peace out April, you've been fun.
What is up this afternoon? I got a great email from a blog reader - Katie. She said she basis her break time at work around when she gets an alert of my blog posting! That was pretty cool - she enjoys a bit of Brownie World with coffee and chocolate - ermagherd girl that sounds delish!
Thanks for reading!
When do you read Brownie World?
I hopped on the Book of Face this morning while my own coffee was brewing. The coolest idea with metal hangers was in my news feed. If you are like I was about three years ago then you may be covered in those triangulated pieces of wire that the professional cleaners out there love to use. My husband's uniforms were (at the time) cleaned by the company that rents them and they would always come in one day a week with five billion wire hangers. I hated them, detested them....what good could come out of wire hangers?
Three years later....
I wish he still was getting them professionally cleaned!
Wow - great idea for so many reasons!
1. Recycling at its best!
2. Space conservation at its best!
3. Free!
So this idea came from the FB Page: Different Solutions - Like them!
Some of their ideas are totally "out there" and for those of you who prefer no deodorant or razors come into close proximity of your home. Others are just perfect for those of us with a "green conscious"!
Of course some of the ideas had me rolling my eyes and also rolling on the floor - enjoy the cheap wheelchair.
Is Facebook starting to mimic Pinterest a little these days or is it just me? My mother's FB wall seems to be a pin board for the most fattening foods available to man from sources other than Georgia's finest Deen woman.
Lately, I have just noticed that one.
While we're still near the being green topic of the day who is up for saving a little green?
I have noticed that many of us purchase our groceries or morning coffee and at the end of our transaction we are given something called a receipt. What do you do with those receipts?
I'll tell you what I do. I push them in my wallet or my pocket or the diaper bag and when I finally get around to cleaning those areas out I generally look at the date and amount and make sure it matches my register and then to the trash it goes.
Turns out I have been trashing money. I bet you have too.
Here's a money saving challenge for you - tomorrow when you are out and about doing whatever it is you may do save every single receipt you get. When the kids are in the bed and the husband is appropriately seduced by the ESPN crew pull out your stash of receipts and start reading.
Here's what I found (last week):
Dollar General Receipt - $5 off a $25 purchase on 4.27, special intro rate to switch to Dish Network, BOGO Whopper at BK good until 5.27.13
Dunkin Donuts Receipt - Do a fifteen second online survey and get a free donut ($1 savings)
Wendy's Receipt - on the back Tell Us What You Think and get a free sandwich
Sonic Receipt - Do a fifteen second survey and get $3 off your next purchase of $3 or more.
(Ok so now you're like whoa you are a fast food junkie - no but I am a coffee junkie and I also fall victim to Sonic's happy hour for a diet slush bad bad me)
Others have share with me that Walgreens also has money savers on their receipts as do many retailers at local malls (What is a mall? I cannot seem to remember that structure.)
I challenge you to save yourself at least $3 this week by taking advantage that money you were balling up and throwing away. When people hand you savings - take advantage of it!
If you find a great money saver on a receipt let me know so I can share it! Just email me or leave a comment.
Body Flow Class 3 - I am still a bumble bee - how do I keep myself balanced? At home I practice my balance and do well - get to class and I'm falling over myself. Good gracious. Looking forward to my next class.
Next week I will be upping (is that how you spell it) my game. I'm going to do Body Pump again. Oh dear Lord in heaven. I haven't done this since it had another name in 2010 or was it 2011. I know it will kick my tail and I will be unable to move for a few days but that's also the lure of the class.
So yes that's Brownie in the back looking like a heart attack would be easier on her than trying to keep up with those fantastically cut people in the front. Just ignore her.
And you like the Real Housewives too! Yay! My husband told me it is the number one show across the globe - not surprised I mean it is shear brainless genius! It doesn't matter the city, if the show starts out The Real Housewives of then it is number one. Kudos @BravoAndy
I watched our OC girls last night. Here are the highlights:
The girls had a dinner and there was a cat fight between Vicki/Alexis and Tamra/Gretchen. They all talked mad crap about one another. Wait was that last week or this week? Oh hell its the same song and dance as usual.
So far....Lydia um...she needs a burger and ten milkshakes - loaded with whole milk honey no skim or soy or almond - whole cow's utter milk.
My hubby and I stayed on the Bravo channel to watch The Queen of Versailles. If you are in need of an reaffirmation of what is important in life and why then watch this documentary. If you grew up learning that money is the root of all evil then that lesson will be taught once again. Let money rule your world and watch your world crumble....crumble.....crumble.
As the great P Diddy, Puff Daddy, Sean Puffy Combs said - More Money More Problems.
You can have the biggest man made boobs in the world, the most nannies from the Philippines, the nicest European car available and still be building and buying but that void that you keep feeling will never ever find what it needs. No sir, not until you realize money is for possessions and possessions will never show you the one basic human need that cannot be met with the swipe of a card, signature on a loan, or lottery winner's check. Love is not available for purchase - it is free and it is rampant - it is a natural resource that starts inside yourself. You will not get a monthly statement or bill from it in your mailbox but you will get something exciting - happiness - pure and total happiness. Money cannot buy what we need to live the good life - it can only ruin us - making us think it can buy our heart's true desire - which is not for sale....anywhere.
Be good to your green heart -
Share the Love of Brownie World!
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Monday, April 29, 2013
Time Marches On
I never knew how fast this life goes by until I hit 26.
That was five and a half years ago. That coincides with the birth of my first child.
Remember when you were a young kid? Let's say...eleven. All you wanted to be able to do was be a high-schooler? You wanted to drive your own car or truck. You wanted to hang out at McDonald's or Chevron with your friends. You yearned for the day when you didn't have to ride in the car with mom and grandma.
It was probably around that time that you started your NKOTB crush or buying Tiger or J14 magazines. You patterned your outfits off of 90210 or Kelly from Saved By The Bell. You wanted to wear lipstick and you were going to use hairspray.
All you wanted was....to be older.
Life is funny.
As soon as you finally got older - say 16 - things started speeding up a bit. First you were a freshman and then boom you're having cap and gown pictures made. You went off to school (or went to community college - nothing wrong with that - it seems to be the better move these days). And then ba-boom you were walking across a stage and praying to God you could find a job to start paying off that college debt degree you successfully received.
The years started going back by cars on the freeway. The 35mph pace you experienced twenty years ago suddenly increased to 75 and you can't quite remember when you passed the sign that said increase speed.
My increase speed sign occured on September 4, 2007 at 7:10pm. I didn't see it but I sure as hell felt it. A bald headed baby girl with chunky cheeks had a neon sign across her body that said - Increase Speed Now.
She's 5 1/2 years old now. I think that deep down we really aren't headed into May 2013 but maybe May 2008. Oh well....I'm not pressing the gas I'll just continue to try to coast along. All too soon she'll be the one who is saying she wants to be older....bigger. She'll be the one crushing over the next boy act and wanting to wear a certain style of clothes because some girl on the tv makes her think it is cool. Pretty soon she'll see the teenagers hanging out (whereever they do now) and she'll be dreaming of being "cool" and being right there with her pals.
Unfortunately, for me.......that bridge is coming faster than I ever dreamt.
Keep coasting.....
I hope you all had a good weekend. This week we'll be delving into some of these topics: saving cash in the trash, bad food says who, and more fun with demented grandma and some entertainment thrown in there along with this old house.
I am also starting up a new litty ditty but we'll talk about it later.
I hope your Monday is smooth as buttah.
See ya on the flip side of Monday (that's called Tuesday).
Be good to yourself and apply lotion liberally -
Sharing is caring - share my blog please!
I never knew how fast this life goes by until I hit 26.
That was five and a half years ago. That coincides with the birth of my first child.
Remember when you were a young kid? Let's say...eleven. All you wanted to be able to do was be a high-schooler? You wanted to drive your own car or truck. You wanted to hang out at McDonald's or Chevron with your friends. You yearned for the day when you didn't have to ride in the car with mom and grandma.
It was probably around that time that you started your NKOTB crush or buying Tiger or J14 magazines. You patterned your outfits off of 90210 or Kelly from Saved By The Bell. You wanted to wear lipstick and you were going to use hairspray.
All you wanted was....to be older.
Life is funny.
As soon as you finally got older - say 16 - things started speeding up a bit. First you were a freshman and then boom you're having cap and gown pictures made. You went off to school (or went to community college - nothing wrong with that - it seems to be the better move these days). And then ba-boom you were walking across a stage and praying to God you could find a job to start paying off that college debt degree you successfully received.
The years started going back by cars on the freeway. The 35mph pace you experienced twenty years ago suddenly increased to 75 and you can't quite remember when you passed the sign that said increase speed.
My increase speed sign occured on September 4, 2007 at 7:10pm. I didn't see it but I sure as hell felt it. A bald headed baby girl with chunky cheeks had a neon sign across her body that said - Increase Speed Now.
She's 5 1/2 years old now. I think that deep down we really aren't headed into May 2013 but maybe May 2008. Oh well....I'm not pressing the gas I'll just continue to try to coast along. All too soon she'll be the one who is saying she wants to be older....bigger. She'll be the one crushing over the next boy act and wanting to wear a certain style of clothes because some girl on the tv makes her think it is cool. Pretty soon she'll see the teenagers hanging out (whereever they do now) and she'll be dreaming of being "cool" and being right there with her pals.
Unfortunately, for me.......that bridge is coming faster than I ever dreamt.
Keep coasting.....
I hope you all had a good weekend. This week we'll be delving into some of these topics: saving cash in the trash, bad food says who, and more fun with demented grandma and some entertainment thrown in there along with this old house.
I am also starting up a new litty ditty but we'll talk about it later.
I hope your Monday is smooth as buttah.
See ya on the flip side of Monday (that's called Tuesday).
Be good to yourself and apply lotion liberally -
Sharing is caring - share my blog please!
Friday, April 26, 2013
Like 3 Blogs in 1 whoa!
Let's play ketchup!
Let me ketch u up! (That is five year old humor right there)
My five year old is headed to the beach in about an hour. I am so jealous.
What are you looking forward to this weekend? I'm looking forward to Body Flow tomorrow morning at the YMCA. This will be my second class - I hope to not look quite as goofy this time around. I'd love to have you join me - even if just to try! Contact me privately if you're interested.
I am also looking forward to my husband NOT working this weekend! We're planning on going to a few things around the area since we'll just have one punkin!
Real Housewives of Orange County - the originals and my favorites by far - so I finally got around to watching the latest episode. I made comments on the regular girls and I stated I'd make some comments on Lydia.
Two words - AIR HEAD. That is just the vibe I feel like that stick of human is. She's thirty-ish and I swear I thought she was 16 (I get that a lot too, not hating on the good aging). The way she talks, the bad hair.....oh man I can tell I'm not falling in love with this girl.
So far I do not have a favorite on RHWOC. I guess my affinity for no drama makes me think - eeek don't like them. So why can I not miss a show?
What's your reality sugar loaded addiction? Share it!
This is the time of year that we really watch very little television because it is so nice out! It is also "day light" a bit longer which is awesome! But we do DVR some things such as - Farm Kings!
I stumbled upon Farm Kings over the holidays. GAC was running a marathon of the first season. I wasn't quite sure what was going on on my screen. My first assumption: a load of weed smoking hippies trying to grow something other than grass.
Remember what you learned about assuming?
I take that title of a$$! I fell in love with the show. As is usual - when I fall in love with a reality show I start picking up on the staging and script by the next season. Still with Farm Kings I feel like the majority is pretty much daily life for these ten kids plus mom.
If you haven't checked it out you should. This family is trying to get their small farming venture up and running. They run a cafe and bakery using the goods off their crop/livestock farming attempt. The oldest brother Joe is in charge of everything. The other two oldest Pete and Tim are pretty fun to watch. I enjoyed explaining dread locks to my five year old last night - she still doesn't get it.
You end up pulling for this family to make it. The mom is pretty hot for a sixty-two year old mother of ten that range in ages from 12-30 (I believe I got that right). And the brothers are pretty smokin' hot as well.....just look for the tag picture of the three to four most ripped - holy moly boys come play with my chickens any day.
In summary - you will laugh, cry, ask whaaaaat?, and enjoy the King family.
The kitchen.
I am happy to announce that due my dentist only deciding to fix one tooth yesterday - a whopping 10 minutes in the chair woo hoo - I was able to go to Kitchen Vision and get started on the basics of the design of my kitchen!
(I am now doing this happy dance that you should thank the Lord you cannot see)
I have decided on (with the help of Jim) a painted maple shaker style cabinet. We're looking at granite counter tops. Ok my husband is all for granite countertops. I'm still up in the air. I see too many good options for me.
So how did we come about making the cabinet decision? Simple. The house is a 1930's Cape Cod style home - flat front with a side porch on a full basement. If we go too modern we lose the lure that is (now considered) antique - if we go too rustic then I just won't be happy. The house was constructed in a period of simplicity and basic necessity (thus marble is not a good choice to go along with the feel of a depression era house but neither is particle board). So when you look at cabinet options the Wolf Dartmouth Shaker style is perfect!
I had decided white would be a good option but part of me is tinkering with the idea of the darker option. This dilemma will ease as soon as I put all my samples together in the next week or so.
The flooring is also nearing finalization. There is an AWESOME product on the market for all you tile lovers. If you like tile but you like the ease of laminate then guess what? They got together made a baby of sorts. Got to love some flooring procreation. I am in love with Allure Plank Flooring! I know that we will be choosing to use Ceramique Dusk. The color is perfect for heavy traffic - it won't show every single spill and print - so if I miss a day of mopping I'll not feel so terrible! (Come to think of it, when you have new flooring you seem to NEVER miss a day of cleaning that new floor...irony.)
I have been staring down a sample from Allure Flooring (sold at Home Depot) but my heart of hearts is saying to find another company to go with. So readers have you used Allure Flooring before? I have heard some bad and since I'm not familiar with their name (as we are of Armstrong) I am looking outside the big box walls and asking real people!
We have also decided that yes, Virginia we do want an island. Man, this kitchen is really taking new shape....in my mind!
Demented Thursday.
Let me go ahead and admit that it was quite odd yesterday when I didn't sit down to write a Demented Thursday blog. I knew that I would not be escorting my grandma to the beauty shop to get her weekly wash and set completed. I had a dental appointment that had been on the books since the start of the month.
It turns out my grandma didn't make it to the appointment either. Instead she sat in a bed at the Baptist Hospital.
What's to blame? Dementia/Alzheimers.
You know as I was driving home from my errands it hit me. My grandma who is 85 (let the record show....yesterday she was shocked to find out she was that old) has a disease that makes her currently more like 12.
Twelve is one of those critical ages of growing up. You're not a little kid anymore - it is true. If need be you can take care of the majority of your needs. Think about it - at 12 most kids can fix something to eat (cereal, sandwich, pizza, etc), groom and bathe, know the principles of right and wrong, and pretty much set up a decent schedule for themselves. With all that being said - a twelve year old still requires adult supervision and correction when things are a little hazy or too far left field (no, you cannot empty your piggy bank to buy a Bieber ticket or Bieber weed whatever the kid is selling now). A twelve year old still needs an adult to get from point A to point B (or a school bus). A twelve year old also needs an adult to help them understand school work, life, and current events. They need an adult to make sure they get proper medical care and to know when a band aid is the perfect fix and when it is time to get some stitches. Tweens need friends to talk to because its key to be able to communicate with your peers. Tweens need reminders of the "mundane" because they are easily distracted by what is flashy, shiny, and new.
My grandma is a tween. If there is anything difficult it is realizing that the woman who took care of you while you were a tween and your parents were working is now reverting back to that point. It is sad and somewhat degrading.
I'm learning a lot through this battle against the morph of brain matter into a swiss cheese like pattern. I'm learning that upon diagnosis it is so important for family to sit down and map out a good strong plan of care for their loved one. This means you sit down at the table and you make a real plan - you don't wait until an overdose of medication or a fall or a comment where grandma shows she's really out there picking daisies in the bottom of the 7th with bases loaded. You have to be prepared and you have to accept that what is happening IS happening and you cannot play the whole out of site out of mind game with a disease that eats away years of work, education, and mastering skills.
Today she is doing better. We'll see what tomorrow holds.
I have a dilemma - I cannot find a purse I like. Just felt the need to share. I used to be the bag lady and now I am so picky I cannot settle on a freaking pocketbook. I'm leaning towards an envelope purse. They are adorable! But really how functional are they?
Have a terrific weekend - be fun, be random and make three memories -
Share it babies!
Let's play ketchup!
Let me ketch u up! (That is five year old humor right there)
My five year old is headed to the beach in about an hour. I am so jealous.
What are you looking forward to this weekend? I'm looking forward to Body Flow tomorrow morning at the YMCA. This will be my second class - I hope to not look quite as goofy this time around. I'd love to have you join me - even if just to try! Contact me privately if you're interested.
I am also looking forward to my husband NOT working this weekend! We're planning on going to a few things around the area since we'll just have one punkin!
Real Housewives of Orange County - the originals and my favorites by far - so I finally got around to watching the latest episode. I made comments on the regular girls and I stated I'd make some comments on Lydia.
Two words - AIR HEAD. That is just the vibe I feel like that stick of human is. She's thirty-ish and I swear I thought she was 16 (I get that a lot too, not hating on the good aging). The way she talks, the bad hair.....oh man I can tell I'm not falling in love with this girl.
So far I do not have a favorite on RHWOC. I guess my affinity for no drama makes me think - eeek don't like them. So why can I not miss a show?
What's your reality sugar loaded addiction? Share it!
This is the time of year that we really watch very little television because it is so nice out! It is also "day light" a bit longer which is awesome! But we do DVR some things such as - Farm Kings!
I stumbled upon Farm Kings over the holidays. GAC was running a marathon of the first season. I wasn't quite sure what was going on on my screen. My first assumption: a load of weed smoking hippies trying to grow something other than grass.
Remember what you learned about assuming?
I take that title of a$$! I fell in love with the show. As is usual - when I fall in love with a reality show I start picking up on the staging and script by the next season. Still with Farm Kings I feel like the majority is pretty much daily life for these ten kids plus mom.
If you haven't checked it out you should. This family is trying to get their small farming venture up and running. They run a cafe and bakery using the goods off their crop/livestock farming attempt. The oldest brother Joe is in charge of everything. The other two oldest Pete and Tim are pretty fun to watch. I enjoyed explaining dread locks to my five year old last night - she still doesn't get it.
You end up pulling for this family to make it. The mom is pretty hot for a sixty-two year old mother of ten that range in ages from 12-30 (I believe I got that right). And the brothers are pretty smokin' hot as well.....just look for the tag picture of the three to four most ripped - holy moly boys come play with my chickens any day.
In summary - you will laugh, cry, ask whaaaaat?, and enjoy the King family.
The kitchen.
I am happy to announce that due my dentist only deciding to fix one tooth yesterday - a whopping 10 minutes in the chair woo hoo - I was able to go to Kitchen Vision and get started on the basics of the design of my kitchen!
(I am now doing this happy dance that you should thank the Lord you cannot see)
I have decided on (with the help of Jim) a painted maple shaker style cabinet. We're looking at granite counter tops. Ok my husband is all for granite countertops. I'm still up in the air. I see too many good options for me.
So how did we come about making the cabinet decision? Simple. The house is a 1930's Cape Cod style home - flat front with a side porch on a full basement. If we go too modern we lose the lure that is (now considered) antique - if we go too rustic then I just won't be happy. The house was constructed in a period of simplicity and basic necessity (thus marble is not a good choice to go along with the feel of a depression era house but neither is particle board). So when you look at cabinet options the Wolf Dartmouth Shaker style is perfect!
![]() |
Photo courtesy of Wolf Cabinets |
I had decided white would be a good option but part of me is tinkering with the idea of the darker option. This dilemma will ease as soon as I put all my samples together in the next week or so.
The flooring is also nearing finalization. There is an AWESOME product on the market for all you tile lovers. If you like tile but you like the ease of laminate then guess what? They got together made a baby of sorts. Got to love some flooring procreation. I am in love with Allure Plank Flooring! I know that we will be choosing to use Ceramique Dusk. The color is perfect for heavy traffic - it won't show every single spill and print - so if I miss a day of mopping I'll not feel so terrible! (Come to think of it, when you have new flooring you seem to NEVER miss a day of cleaning that new floor...irony.)
I have been staring down a sample from Allure Flooring (sold at Home Depot) but my heart of hearts is saying to find another company to go with. So readers have you used Allure Flooring before? I have heard some bad and since I'm not familiar with their name (as we are of Armstrong) I am looking outside the big box walls and asking real people!
We have also decided that yes, Virginia we do want an island. Man, this kitchen is really taking new shape....in my mind!
Demented Thursday.
Let me go ahead and admit that it was quite odd yesterday when I didn't sit down to write a Demented Thursday blog. I knew that I would not be escorting my grandma to the beauty shop to get her weekly wash and set completed. I had a dental appointment that had been on the books since the start of the month.
It turns out my grandma didn't make it to the appointment either. Instead she sat in a bed at the Baptist Hospital.
What's to blame? Dementia/Alzheimers.
You know as I was driving home from my errands it hit me. My grandma who is 85 (let the record show....yesterday she was shocked to find out she was that old) has a disease that makes her currently more like 12.
Twelve is one of those critical ages of growing up. You're not a little kid anymore - it is true. If need be you can take care of the majority of your needs. Think about it - at 12 most kids can fix something to eat (cereal, sandwich, pizza, etc), groom and bathe, know the principles of right and wrong, and pretty much set up a decent schedule for themselves. With all that being said - a twelve year old still requires adult supervision and correction when things are a little hazy or too far left field (no, you cannot empty your piggy bank to buy a Bieber ticket or Bieber weed whatever the kid is selling now). A twelve year old still needs an adult to get from point A to point B (or a school bus). A twelve year old also needs an adult to help them understand school work, life, and current events. They need an adult to make sure they get proper medical care and to know when a band aid is the perfect fix and when it is time to get some stitches. Tweens need friends to talk to because its key to be able to communicate with your peers. Tweens need reminders of the "mundane" because they are easily distracted by what is flashy, shiny, and new.
My grandma is a tween. If there is anything difficult it is realizing that the woman who took care of you while you were a tween and your parents were working is now reverting back to that point. It is sad and somewhat degrading.
I'm learning a lot through this battle against the morph of brain matter into a swiss cheese like pattern. I'm learning that upon diagnosis it is so important for family to sit down and map out a good strong plan of care for their loved one. This means you sit down at the table and you make a real plan - you don't wait until an overdose of medication or a fall or a comment where grandma shows she's really out there picking daisies in the bottom of the 7th with bases loaded. You have to be prepared and you have to accept that what is happening IS happening and you cannot play the whole out of site out of mind game with a disease that eats away years of work, education, and mastering skills.
Today she is doing better. We'll see what tomorrow holds.
I have a dilemma - I cannot find a purse I like. Just felt the need to share. I used to be the bag lady and now I am so picky I cannot settle on a freaking pocketbook. I'm leaning towards an envelope purse. They are adorable! But really how functional are they?
Have a terrific weekend - be fun, be random and make three memories -
Share it babies!
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
C'mon and do the humpty hump!
It is a new day. I now have an 8 month old who is starting to pull up <shriek>. I also now have a new fitness class that is just what I have been looking for. The weather is shaping up to be beautiful. Oh man that sounds like a recipe for a good day in Brownie Land.
A little housekeeping before I go on with today's blog. There will be no post tomorrow. I normally do a Demented Thursday post but due to a dental appointment I will be the demented one with a novacain filled face. Friday will be chock full of fun....I hope. So if you subscribe do not expect a notification tomorrow.
What's the new fitness class?
So you know I go to the YMCA. I had been doing my eliptical/running stint with some weights here and there. Well that got pretty boring. I decided to mix it up and with the weather being beautiful I was strapping the bambino in the stroller and chugging away three miles a morning. Then the cold snap came and I was starting to slack.
I needed something new.
Since I had the baby I had been wanting to do more focus on conditoning and stretching. I always feel like I'm a tense ball of tight muscles - and not tight the way I want them to be. I wanted yoga but not a full hour because I'd be snoring in the back (new baby). Pilates had always interested me but I just couldn't get to a class and I was totally afraid to do that off the bat because pilates can be a bit intense for someone just getting back in the groove (however the YMCA offers it for every fitness level). I looked at schedules but nothing was pulling me in.
Then came Body Flow.
It was like an answered prayer this morning. I was getting yoga, pilates and a taste of Tai Chi. I used to have some strength and balance but now I'm a weeble wobble teetering here and there. I didn't care....I set goals and I meet my goals. I am looking forward to going back to this class.
This old house....
As my regular readers know we are prepping for a remodel in our home. It is literally a from-the-ground-up refresh to the 1930's home. The foundation/basement is getting fixed and the kitchen, bath, and back of the of the house are all getting tranformed too.
I am a tiny bit A type in case you haven't noticed. (Note the need for yoga)
I have this blue binder, 1/2 inch thick, Sharpied covered that has "House Project" on it. That binder has notes from each person we have talked to from my mom to the mason to the Mason. It is my diary and my journal, my scrapbook and my dream book. It is what everything refering to the remodel goes in (unless it is a Pinterest Pin).
Is it a curse or a blessing to be a paperholic? In an age where computers are on us constantly (smartphones, ipads, etc) is being a binder babe bad news? Is using paper non ecofriendly?
You can imagine if I am a binder girl I am also a list maker. I have a friend from college who, like me, admitted to writing things down on her list just to mark them off (guilty am I as well). That's so refreshing - to make a line through things accomplished. She also said she'd have a binder too if she were on a remodel. I am not alone!
Like this OLD house I like the OLD way of having a piece of paper to touch and feel and carry around. This could be why I haven't purchased a Nook. I have an app on my phone - Out Of Milk - it is for the list making mamas of the world and I do use it but I still have my paper and pencil. I guess the actual skill of writing with the ancient tools of ink and lead just feels a bit more impowering than making a line with a finger or clicking "done" on a screen.
Tomorrow I will be venturing to the kitchen design studio for some professional leadership. I realize I will be going with a numb face....perhaps that's a good thing. Maybe my look of shock and terror will not materialize due to the dentist mixing up Botox and Novacain.
I will have my binder in hand.
Today is proving to be awesome. If you have Forsythia (Yellow Bells) that have bloomed and are now back to a lush green you can go ahead and cut them back. I have totally cut mine down to the ground this year.
Before I started I was tempted to create some Muppet style eyes and put them on it. Would have been totally cute and creepy.
Someone emailed me to tell me thank you for the advice of not packing away winter clothes until May 1. Around here it has been pretty chilly with lows in the 30s/40s and cool highs in the 50s/60s. You don't have to thank me - just share the blog.
The local Dollar Tree changed their hours to 9-9 instead of 8-9. I went to Dollar General in retaliation and boy oh boy am I glad I did! I may be done with the Dollar Tree now. I believe our DG was being inventoried - there were a ton of guys in there counting and typing and checking in with a couple other guys. I can say I have been a DG shopper in the past but today I fell totally in love with them all over again. I scored the same $1 deals BUT also scored something I had been looking for that Lowes Home Improvement failed to offer - a garden flag pole/stand combo - $3 at DG oh heck yeah.
They also had these adorable diaper covers for $1. (Must say I miss the cute little diaper covers little girls get with their outfits!)
And since I'm decorating some headbands for my little girl - I got a six pack of the fabric covered ones (so her head won't hurt) for $1. (Only the top one has a little something on it, the rest are plain jane!)
Shut the front door - thank you Tennessee for Dollar General. From now on you are my choice over Dollar Tree and Walmart (hey guys its what I have to work with here).
I also realized that in this little bitty NC county I live in we have FOUR Dollar General's....even more awesome.
Be good to yourself today -
It is a new day. I now have an 8 month old who is starting to pull up <shriek>. I also now have a new fitness class that is just what I have been looking for. The weather is shaping up to be beautiful. Oh man that sounds like a recipe for a good day in Brownie Land.
A little housekeeping before I go on with today's blog. There will be no post tomorrow. I normally do a Demented Thursday post but due to a dental appointment I will be the demented one with a novacain filled face. Friday will be chock full of fun....I hope. So if you subscribe do not expect a notification tomorrow.
What's the new fitness class?
So you know I go to the YMCA. I had been doing my eliptical/running stint with some weights here and there. Well that got pretty boring. I decided to mix it up and with the weather being beautiful I was strapping the bambino in the stroller and chugging away three miles a morning. Then the cold snap came and I was starting to slack.
I needed something new.
Since I had the baby I had been wanting to do more focus on conditoning and stretching. I always feel like I'm a tense ball of tight muscles - and not tight the way I want them to be. I wanted yoga but not a full hour because I'd be snoring in the back (new baby). Pilates had always interested me but I just couldn't get to a class and I was totally afraid to do that off the bat because pilates can be a bit intense for someone just getting back in the groove (however the YMCA offers it for every fitness level). I looked at schedules but nothing was pulling me in.
Then came Body Flow.
It was like an answered prayer this morning. I was getting yoga, pilates and a taste of Tai Chi. I used to have some strength and balance but now I'm a weeble wobble teetering here and there. I didn't care....I set goals and I meet my goals. I am looking forward to going back to this class.
This old house....
As my regular readers know we are prepping for a remodel in our home. It is literally a from-the-ground-up refresh to the 1930's home. The foundation/basement is getting fixed and the kitchen, bath, and back of the of the house are all getting tranformed too.
I am a tiny bit A type in case you haven't noticed. (Note the need for yoga)
I have this blue binder, 1/2 inch thick, Sharpied covered that has "House Project" on it. That binder has notes from each person we have talked to from my mom to the mason to the Mason. It is my diary and my journal, my scrapbook and my dream book. It is what everything refering to the remodel goes in (unless it is a Pinterest Pin).
Is it a curse or a blessing to be a paperholic? In an age where computers are on us constantly (smartphones, ipads, etc) is being a binder babe bad news? Is using paper non ecofriendly?
You can imagine if I am a binder girl I am also a list maker. I have a friend from college who, like me, admitted to writing things down on her list just to mark them off (guilty am I as well). That's so refreshing - to make a line through things accomplished. She also said she'd have a binder too if she were on a remodel. I am not alone!
Like this OLD house I like the OLD way of having a piece of paper to touch and feel and carry around. This could be why I haven't purchased a Nook. I have an app on my phone - Out Of Milk - it is for the list making mamas of the world and I do use it but I still have my paper and pencil. I guess the actual skill of writing with the ancient tools of ink and lead just feels a bit more impowering than making a line with a finger or clicking "done" on a screen.
Tomorrow I will be venturing to the kitchen design studio for some professional leadership. I realize I will be going with a numb face....perhaps that's a good thing. Maybe my look of shock and terror will not materialize due to the dentist mixing up Botox and Novacain.
I will have my binder in hand.
Today is proving to be awesome. If you have Forsythia (Yellow Bells) that have bloomed and are now back to a lush green you can go ahead and cut them back. I have totally cut mine down to the ground this year.
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Starting out.... |
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Finished product! Don't worry next year it will probably be twice the size it was this year. |
Someone emailed me to tell me thank you for the advice of not packing away winter clothes until May 1. Around here it has been pretty chilly with lows in the 30s/40s and cool highs in the 50s/60s. You don't have to thank me - just share the blog.
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Yeah blondie that's supposed to be 8! |
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There ya go! You are 8 months old little brother! |
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Enjoying this beautiful day! |
The local Dollar Tree changed their hours to 9-9 instead of 8-9. I went to Dollar General in retaliation and boy oh boy am I glad I did! I may be done with the Dollar Tree now. I believe our DG was being inventoried - there were a ton of guys in there counting and typing and checking in with a couple other guys. I can say I have been a DG shopper in the past but today I fell totally in love with them all over again. I scored the same $1 deals BUT also scored something I had been looking for that Lowes Home Improvement failed to offer - a garden flag pole/stand combo - $3 at DG oh heck yeah.
They also had these adorable diaper covers for $1. (Must say I miss the cute little diaper covers little girls get with their outfits!)
And since I'm decorating some headbands for my little girl - I got a six pack of the fabric covered ones (so her head won't hurt) for $1. (Only the top one has a little something on it, the rest are plain jane!)
Shut the front door - thank you Tennessee for Dollar General. From now on you are my choice over Dollar Tree and Walmart (hey guys its what I have to work with here).
I also realized that in this little bitty NC county I live in we have FOUR Dollar General's....even more awesome.
Be good to yourself today -
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
I was checking out headlines while the kids were snoozing. I generally pick a DVR'd boob tube show to veg out to for thirty minutes while the kids are sleeping and jump on the net to check the email. Today I decided to look at headlines as well. This is not me. The news is not something I care for. This world is swimming in what I consider to be a pool of evil. The media wants me to dwell on it and read all they have to write and take in all the photos they want to shove in my face. I refuse.
One headline made me say - enough is enough.
Christian - a follower of Jesus Christ. A person who believes He was and is indeed the messiah. True Christians live simply. They were given simple yet in this world difficult tasks to do in their life on Earth. 1. Love one another - no matter who or what they say, do, or believe - Just as Jesus loved us all. 2. Share Jesus with others who may or may not know Him. Two basic tasks.
The media seems to dislike Christians. It seems television, internet, radio, and print sources of "news" have two big issues when it comes to religion - associate Islam with radicals and associate Christianity with nutjobs.
I'm a Christian and I'm taking a stand. I am 100% over the way your television set and your radios and computer screens show Christians. And while I am at it - I am not afraid of Islamic followers not every single person who follows Islam is out to blow up the world.
I am taking a stand.
A man and woman in Pennsylvania are sick and twisted. They have went off the deep end and the end result is two children who are dead. One died a few years back due to the parents not allowing medical professionals to intervene. Now an eight month old is dead for the same reasons.
Their excuse: They wanted to pray for God to heal their child.
What I hear: 1. They are mentally lacking. 2. They are using religion as a cover up. 3. They need to be spayed/neutered.
Here's my philosophy and I don't think I am alone. Also, I'm not saying I'm straight up the answer girl because I sure as fire am not. I do claim to have something called common sense!
God is an awesome power. He (or she) is over us and blesses us with grace and unending love. God wants nothing more than for his creation to do what is right and live in peace and love. However, God gave us free will so that we could live our lives as we deem fit. His hope is for us to do what is right and live in peace and love. Unfortunately, the power of evil intices us so much more easily than the power of what is right.
The Bible says all things that are good comes from God. Think about what is good. What do you see every day that is good? The smile on a stranger's face? Your dog or cat? Your job? Your family? The medicine that worked? The food on your table?
All things that are good come from God.
Modern medicine and the ability to prevent deadly illness by an innoculation.
Simple surgery that prevents death.
An x-ray to verify a bone's structure.
A PET scan to locate the cancer.
Thirty minutes in a dentist's chair to remove the decay and the pain.
One vial of blood to check for the illness.
One doctor who went to school to be a physician because he or she really wants to help people.
One nurse who loves holding the hand of her patient and assuring them they will get through this.
A hospital that takes your child no matter what your finances are.
I am a Christian. I believe in prayer but prayer is one piece of the puzzle. Prayer also requires action - if we could pray away cancer would we need to still search for a cure? If we could pray away the flu would teachers be so nervous when the season starts and the runny noses are dripping away? If we could pray away anything God wouldn't have allowed for the invention of medicine.
I am a Christian but I am not an idiot.
I was checking out headlines while the kids were snoozing. I generally pick a DVR'd boob tube show to veg out to for thirty minutes while the kids are sleeping and jump on the net to check the email. Today I decided to look at headlines as well. This is not me. The news is not something I care for. This world is swimming in what I consider to be a pool of evil. The media wants me to dwell on it and read all they have to write and take in all the photos they want to shove in my face. I refuse.
One headline made me say - enough is enough.
Christian - a follower of Jesus Christ. A person who believes He was and is indeed the messiah. True Christians live simply. They were given simple yet in this world difficult tasks to do in their life on Earth. 1. Love one another - no matter who or what they say, do, or believe - Just as Jesus loved us all. 2. Share Jesus with others who may or may not know Him. Two basic tasks.
The media seems to dislike Christians. It seems television, internet, radio, and print sources of "news" have two big issues when it comes to religion - associate Islam with radicals and associate Christianity with nutjobs.
I'm a Christian and I'm taking a stand. I am 100% over the way your television set and your radios and computer screens show Christians. And while I am at it - I am not afraid of Islamic followers not every single person who follows Islam is out to blow up the world.
I am taking a stand.
A man and woman in Pennsylvania are sick and twisted. They have went off the deep end and the end result is two children who are dead. One died a few years back due to the parents not allowing medical professionals to intervene. Now an eight month old is dead for the same reasons.
Their excuse: They wanted to pray for God to heal their child.
What I hear: 1. They are mentally lacking. 2. They are using religion as a cover up. 3. They need to be spayed/neutered.
Here's my philosophy and I don't think I am alone. Also, I'm not saying I'm straight up the answer girl because I sure as fire am not. I do claim to have something called common sense!
God is an awesome power. He (or she) is over us and blesses us with grace and unending love. God wants nothing more than for his creation to do what is right and live in peace and love. However, God gave us free will so that we could live our lives as we deem fit. His hope is for us to do what is right and live in peace and love. Unfortunately, the power of evil intices us so much more easily than the power of what is right.
The Bible says all things that are good comes from God. Think about what is good. What do you see every day that is good? The smile on a stranger's face? Your dog or cat? Your job? Your family? The medicine that worked? The food on your table?
All things that are good come from God.
Modern medicine and the ability to prevent deadly illness by an innoculation.
Simple surgery that prevents death.
An x-ray to verify a bone's structure.
A PET scan to locate the cancer.
Thirty minutes in a dentist's chair to remove the decay and the pain.
One vial of blood to check for the illness.
One doctor who went to school to be a physician because he or she really wants to help people.
One nurse who loves holding the hand of her patient and assuring them they will get through this.
A hospital that takes your child no matter what your finances are.
I am a Christian. I believe in prayer but prayer is one piece of the puzzle. Prayer also requires action - if we could pray away cancer would we need to still search for a cure? If we could pray away the flu would teachers be so nervous when the season starts and the runny noses are dripping away? If we could pray away anything God wouldn't have allowed for the invention of medicine.
I am a Christian but I am not an idiot.
Baby food
There are few things in life as enjoyable to watch as watching a baby learn to self feed. My little fella turns 8 months old tomorrow. A lot happens to a human in the first eight months of life. The go from little pooping and crying blobs to little personalities who babble and move about your house at the speed of an automated vacuum cleaner. Speaking of vacuum cleaners, they go from needing you to put the nourishment in them to learning what is considered nourishment (finger foods) and what is not (toys, dustbunnies, magazines, the tiniest pieces of plastic known to man).
I adore watching this little guy sit in his high chair (though it is pink) and explore the snacks that I put before him. Currently, Gerber Puffs (actually this is the Parent's Choice Puffs) and banana slivers.
If we ate like he does - minus the mess - I think we'd be a much better culture.
Step one: He looks at it all. He takes in what is on his tray.
Step two: He gets a closer view. This involved picking up a piece and looking it over carefully.
Step three: Placing one piece in his mouth and enjoying it .... slowly. After that one piece is gone he'll hunt for another - the perfect next one - and begin the process over.
If we enjoyed our meals and snacks as much as an eight month old I think we'd be much better suited for our world and our world for us.
It wouldn't be easy though. We're so used to everything in life being immediate. We compare how fast we devour our lunches. We look for speed when cooking a meal. We rush at the dinner table because there's a practice, homework, outside chore that has to be done.
If we would just slow down to the pace of a baby. Slowly enjoying each bit of food. Paying attention to what all is before us....not just the food but the faces. Yes, life would be much better.
Weight Watchers Chicken Strips
I made some changes - it was ok. Next time I will use thicker cut chicken breast.
You need this:
Chicken breast (boneless, skinless) cut into strips (ok go buy tenderloins the work is done for you)
Italian Breadcrumbs (Probably 2 cups, I don't measure things persay - I use my eyeball)
Option 1: Two eggs, milk, and hot sauce
Option 2: Two cups of light buttermilk
I used option one. The hot sauce was a waste of time, it didn't get the flavor going on.
Preheat oven to 450
Line a baking sheet with some foil and spray it with PAM.
In a dish pour your breadcrumbs (you can de weight watcher this by adding in parmesan cheese here), black pepper to your liking, and any other seasoning you want. I just did breadcrumbs, pepper, and yeah that's it.
In another dish you want your dredging mixture (option 1 or 2 from above).
You know what to do.
Dredge your strips in the liquid then in the dry. Place on sheet.
Put your strips in for 6 minutes. Turn them and cook another six minutes.
Your done.
Served them up with Preacher Taters.
Chocolate ice cream for dessert....because you do indeed only live once my friends.
Earth Day '13 pictures:
Keep it real ya'll.
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There are few things in life as enjoyable to watch as watching a baby learn to self feed. My little fella turns 8 months old tomorrow. A lot happens to a human in the first eight months of life. The go from little pooping and crying blobs to little personalities who babble and move about your house at the speed of an automated vacuum cleaner. Speaking of vacuum cleaners, they go from needing you to put the nourishment in them to learning what is considered nourishment (finger foods) and what is not (toys, dustbunnies, magazines, the tiniest pieces of plastic known to man).
I adore watching this little guy sit in his high chair (though it is pink) and explore the snacks that I put before him. Currently, Gerber Puffs (actually this is the Parent's Choice Puffs) and banana slivers.

Step one: He looks at it all. He takes in what is on his tray.
Step two: He gets a closer view. This involved picking up a piece and looking it over carefully.
Step three: Placing one piece in his mouth and enjoying it .... slowly. After that one piece is gone he'll hunt for another - the perfect next one - and begin the process over.
If we enjoyed our meals and snacks as much as an eight month old I think we'd be much better suited for our world and our world for us.
It wouldn't be easy though. We're so used to everything in life being immediate. We compare how fast we devour our lunches. We look for speed when cooking a meal. We rush at the dinner table because there's a practice, homework, outside chore that has to be done.
If we would just slow down to the pace of a baby. Slowly enjoying each bit of food. Paying attention to what all is before us....not just the food but the faces. Yes, life would be much better.
Weight Watchers Chicken Strips
I made some changes - it was ok. Next time I will use thicker cut chicken breast.
You need this:
Chicken breast (boneless, skinless) cut into strips (ok go buy tenderloins the work is done for you)
Italian Breadcrumbs (Probably 2 cups, I don't measure things persay - I use my eyeball)
Option 1: Two eggs, milk, and hot sauce
Option 2: Two cups of light buttermilk
I used option one. The hot sauce was a waste of time, it didn't get the flavor going on.
Preheat oven to 450
Line a baking sheet with some foil and spray it with PAM.
In another dish you want your dredging mixture (option 1 or 2 from above).
You know what to do.
Dredge your strips in the liquid then in the dry. Place on sheet.
Put your strips in for 6 minutes. Turn them and cook another six minutes.
Your done.
Served them up with Preacher Taters.
Chocolate ice cream for dessert....because you do indeed only live once my friends.
Earth Day '13 pictures:
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The bichens - well a few of them. We added three more to the coop a few weeks ago. They're in the hazing process. |
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She loves dirt like her mama. She peeled off her gloves because she wanted to feel it in her hands. This is my child. |
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Bertie had to get in on the fun. |
Keep it real ya'll.
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Monday, April 22, 2013
Another weekend for the books!
Your mother earth wants you to know it is her special day. The only thing she asks is to put down the Aquanet, stub out the cig, and use your recycle bins for more than storage. She's really lax these days because we humans are getting dumber by the day.
Wuzzup Minnesota?
Well I hope you all had a good weekend! Mine was good, can't complain. The little girl played her soccer game. Made it to the 3rd quarter before she started complaining and wanting to quit. She played goalie too....bless her heart.
My little man now has a head full of teeth. I am not kidding. Uppers, lowers, sides, backs (sounds like an exercise routine huh?). My baby is grow, grow, growing!
The interior of my livingroom had a tiny little make over. I'll share that later.
The hubby used his health insurance.
I got a break yesterday afternoon! That was pretty awesome! So let's see what is up....
First up, my daughter has been wanting an "owl" bedroom for a while now. She has stuck with this idea for over six months. Yesterday, while I was on my child-free excursion to find samples for the remodel - I went to Michael's.
Must note, Micheal's is totally acceptable for remodel ventures! Their whole current bird/chicken decor section has been a huge inspiration for the ideas behind my new kitchen. Also...think of all the wonderful decorating tools you can DIY for when it is time to do the pretty stuff. Exactly.
Anyhoo - it turns out the tween decor with owls was 60% off. Needless to say I got some cute stuff for less than $15. She has her theme and I spent little cash to acheive it.
Also, I didn't want to do a total re-do of her room because she won't be in that room until she flies our coop. In a few years her room will be rennovated to the master suite - I'll save the painting and major decorating adjustments for that time.
On Friday I was feeling the craft itch. For me, this itch is well....hmmm few and far between. When I get it, I better find some relief fast. So I decided to make a corsage for my brother's prom date.
Fresh flowers are great but they don't last very long....especially on a corsage.
I was a bit proud of myself.
Two ribbons, a slap bracelet, and a bunch of silks with some blinged out tiny wire roses.....give it a hot glue gun and twenty minutes....
So, yes, it was the prom weekend. My brother is 17 and it was his first prom. He learned how overrated the event is but it is part of the high school experience. He cleaned up nice in his tuxedo with baby pink vest and bowtie. His girlfriend was gorgeous in her blush (not bashful) colored gown - it was a beautiful Grecian cut with just the right dazzle on the front. His friend Anthony had a silver flare to match his beautiful date's silver and jeweled gown.
Here are some pics I took....
I love retro stuff....guess you can tell huh?
Got to get sentimental for a hot second.
So this kid, in the tux:
I remember when he was this kid's size:
He's 14 years younger than me. When he started kindergarten....I was in college.
I remember feeding this kid (in the tux)
pureed sweet potatoes and watching him turn orange. I also remember him telling me stories about how he'd be a fireman and preacher when he grew up. I remember him sucking at baseball and picking up a guitar for the first time.
I cannot believe I am 31 and he is 17.
I cannot believe that in three blinks my babies will be going to the prom.
Life is a fleeting moment.
Your mother earth wants you to know it is her special day. The only thing she asks is to put down the Aquanet, stub out the cig, and use your recycle bins for more than storage. She's really lax these days because we humans are getting dumber by the day.
Wuzzup Minnesota?
Well I hope you all had a good weekend! Mine was good, can't complain. The little girl played her soccer game. Made it to the 3rd quarter before she started complaining and wanting to quit. She played goalie too....bless her heart.
My little man now has a head full of teeth. I am not kidding. Uppers, lowers, sides, backs (sounds like an exercise routine huh?). My baby is grow, grow, growing!
The interior of my livingroom had a tiny little make over. I'll share that later.
The hubby used his health insurance.
I got a break yesterday afternoon! That was pretty awesome! So let's see what is up....
First up, my daughter has been wanting an "owl" bedroom for a while now. She has stuck with this idea for over six months. Yesterday, while I was on my child-free excursion to find samples for the remodel - I went to Michael's.
Must note, Micheal's is totally acceptable for remodel ventures! Their whole current bird/chicken decor section has been a huge inspiration for the ideas behind my new kitchen. Also...think of all the wonderful decorating tools you can DIY for when it is time to do the pretty stuff. Exactly.
Anyhoo - it turns out the tween decor with owls was 60% off. Needless to say I got some cute stuff for less than $15. She has her theme and I spent little cash to acheive it.
Also, I didn't want to do a total re-do of her room because she won't be in that room until she flies our coop. In a few years her room will be rennovated to the master suite - I'll save the painting and major decorating adjustments for that time.
On Friday I was feeling the craft itch. For me, this itch is well....hmmm few and far between. When I get it, I better find some relief fast. So I decided to make a corsage for my brother's prom date.
Fresh flowers are great but they don't last very long....especially on a corsage.
I was a bit proud of myself.
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On the way to Ms. Reyanne's arm |
So, yes, it was the prom weekend. My brother is 17 and it was his first prom. He learned how overrated the event is but it is part of the high school experience. He cleaned up nice in his tuxedo with baby pink vest and bowtie. His girlfriend was gorgeous in her blush (not bashful) colored gown - it was a beautiful Grecian cut with just the right dazzle on the front. His friend Anthony had a silver flare to match his beautiful date's silver and jeweled gown.
Here are some pics I took....
I love retro stuff....guess you can tell huh?
Got to get sentimental for a hot second.
So this kid, in the tux:
I remember when he was this kid's size:
He's 14 years younger than me. When he started kindergarten....I was in college.
I remember feeding this kid (in the tux)
pureed sweet potatoes and watching him turn orange. I also remember him telling me stories about how he'd be a fireman and preacher when he grew up. I remember him sucking at baseball and picking up a guitar for the first time.
I cannot believe I am 31 and he is 17.
I cannot believe that in three blinks my babies will be going to the prom.
Life is a fleeting moment.
Alrighty moving on.....
My hubby and I decided to make a minimal change to the livingroom on Saturday. We uncovered the fireplace that has been covered for the past six years that we have lived here. It was though the board in front of the fireplace was due to the chimney not being sealed off. We were wrong!
We have tons of ideas for this space. Unfortunately, they arent baby friendly so we'll be waiting a little while on those ideas! The good news? Santa can now use the chimney in December!
I have found it is not a spring weekend unless my husband hurts himself some way. Poor guy. I was on my child-free excursion and got a call - a very bad cell phone connected call. All I heard was - "The kids are with your mom"
Most women may freak out at that point. Not because they fear their mother's care of their children but because it means something terrible has happened like tornado, broken leg, or the cops came (hey all types read this blog, don't judge there Jesus Jones). For me....I just kept on looking at swatches. My husband is clumsy. He's a goofy foot. Bless his heart, I love him. Turns out he fileted a finger open (a la flounder) and he had to get some stitches.
This is his second - nearly-cut-off-a-digit event in four years.
It is Earth Day. In case you need some easy peesy ways to feel like you did something to honor your habitat here are a few:
1. Plant a pot of petunias. Petunias need very little care. A bit of water every other day and they will be happy and they will multiply like the woman down the street.
2. Recycle. It should be a free service where you live.
3. Actually use those reusable bags. If you use plastic, actually take that big huge pile to the grocery store and throw them in the "recycle plastic bags here" bin.
4. Plant a garden.
5. Sit outside on the grass, in the sun, smell the smells, feel the air, feel the sun.
6. Stop buying bottled water and buy a filter instead.
7. Monitor your electricity use. Cut off lights and use the sunlight to bring in some brightness. Be aware of when the dishwasher, washing machine, and dryer are in use.
8. Watch Disney Science's Wings of Life with your kids to learn the importance of the bee, butterfly, and flower. It is short, sweet, and to the point.
9. Wash your car at a facility that uses recycled water.
10. Buy organic - pesticides are bad for you, me, and the Earth.
Have a great Monday! See ya tomorrow with a recipe and some other stuff.
Be good to your earth.
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Friday, April 19, 2013
Teething and Tutus
It is Friday. What a week it has been. Nationally we had yet another terrorism act, an explosion in Texas at a fertilizer mill, and some pissed off politicians over guns. Yes, I actually saw the news this week. I do not normally watch the news because.....it is depressing.
Here in Brownie World we have had a big week as well. One step closer to big kid school we are! A loose tooth - the first! Dance is winding down as they prepare for recital. It has been a full and good week.
The littlest member of Brownie Land is dealing with the immense pain of gaining pearly whites. My daughter never had an issue with teething. The only way I knew she was teething was by the yucky diapers and chewing. She never missed a moment of sleep due to the pain. The boy on the other hand....let's just say that he's letting me know how the rest of the parental population feels.
What plans do you have for the weekend?
North Carolina is looking at a pretty typical spring weekend of sixty something degree days and sunshine. After our soccer game I'm sure I'll be out back painting the swingset and fort. This has been on my to-do list since before Easter. I will conquer this this weekend!
Question: Do your husbands go grocery shopping with you?
When we were newlyweds we went grocery shopping together. Then it became my job. Then it became my time alone. I would go get coffee and aimlessly roam the store - actually reading the packages of foods and looking at magazines for inspiration (sometimes food sometimes just at hot actors).
This weekend I want the hubby to go with me. No, I haven't lost my cheerios. I just want to mix it up a bit and tell him to push the cart and pick out the choice meats for a while. We just exhausted my stash I bought in January and until I get back to stock up for the summer we're going to take advantage of some local sales.
We'll see how it goes. I think he'll be game. He's a good guy. (I say this in my best Italian/Al Pacino accent possible).
Last month I gave you a new entry called my favorite things. I have a few more to share with you this Friday.
1. While we were at the beach last weekend we enjoyed a lot of outdoors time. The weather was absolutely perfecto! I failed to pack any sunscreen because I felt like it wouldn't be quite lay out weather. Well....I was wrong.
The only area of my body that had lotion on it was my face. While my arms, back, and legs got fried like anything in Paula Deen's kitchen - my face remained totally safe! This is all thanks to Rimmel BB Cream! This stuff is off the chain ladies! It is also very inexpensive. I am so pleased at how well it covers and corrects skin issues. I think this would be a great choice for ANY AGE who needs a good total coverage base. I believe I paid close to $5 at Walmart.
2. Yopa is my go to snack after I work out in the mornings. If you don't particularly like Greek Yogurt you should give Yopa a try. Its low cal and totally good for you. I take it with my multi vitamin so that I don't get that nasty vitamin induced headache.
3. Purple nail polish. This is my current favorite. I need not say anything else! Wet n Wild for the color.
Last for the week: My husband has a friend who is going through a dreadful part of life - watching his mom slowly pass away. Please keep him in your prayers as he comes to terms with this last phase of the process.
Be good to your earth - you only get one -
Share it babies!
It is Friday. What a week it has been. Nationally we had yet another terrorism act, an explosion in Texas at a fertilizer mill, and some pissed off politicians over guns. Yes, I actually saw the news this week. I do not normally watch the news because.....it is depressing.
Here in Brownie World we have had a big week as well. One step closer to big kid school we are! A loose tooth - the first! Dance is winding down as they prepare for recital. It has been a full and good week.
The littlest member of Brownie Land is dealing with the immense pain of gaining pearly whites. My daughter never had an issue with teething. The only way I knew she was teething was by the yucky diapers and chewing. She never missed a moment of sleep due to the pain. The boy on the other hand....let's just say that he's letting me know how the rest of the parental population feels.
What plans do you have for the weekend?
North Carolina is looking at a pretty typical spring weekend of sixty something degree days and sunshine. After our soccer game I'm sure I'll be out back painting the swingset and fort. This has been on my to-do list since before Easter. I will conquer this this weekend!
Question: Do your husbands go grocery shopping with you?
When we were newlyweds we went grocery shopping together. Then it became my job. Then it became my time alone. I would go get coffee and aimlessly roam the store - actually reading the packages of foods and looking at magazines for inspiration (sometimes food sometimes just at hot actors).
This weekend I want the hubby to go with me. No, I haven't lost my cheerios. I just want to mix it up a bit and tell him to push the cart and pick out the choice meats for a while. We just exhausted my stash I bought in January and until I get back to stock up for the summer we're going to take advantage of some local sales.
We'll see how it goes. I think he'll be game. He's a good guy. (I say this in my best Italian/Al Pacino accent possible).
Last month I gave you a new entry called my favorite things. I have a few more to share with you this Friday.
1. While we were at the beach last weekend we enjoyed a lot of outdoors time. The weather was absolutely perfecto! I failed to pack any sunscreen because I felt like it wouldn't be quite lay out weather. Well....I was wrong.
The only area of my body that had lotion on it was my face. While my arms, back, and legs got fried like anything in Paula Deen's kitchen - my face remained totally safe! This is all thanks to Rimmel BB Cream! This stuff is off the chain ladies! It is also very inexpensive. I am so pleased at how well it covers and corrects skin issues. I think this would be a great choice for ANY AGE who needs a good total coverage base. I believe I paid close to $5 at Walmart.
2. Yopa is my go to snack after I work out in the mornings. If you don't particularly like Greek Yogurt you should give Yopa a try. Its low cal and totally good for you. I take it with my multi vitamin so that I don't get that nasty vitamin induced headache.
3. Purple nail polish. This is my current favorite. I need not say anything else! Wet n Wild for the color.
Last for the week: My husband has a friend who is going through a dreadful part of life - watching his mom slowly pass away. Please keep him in your prayers as he comes to terms with this last phase of the process.
Be good to your earth - you only get one -
Share it babies!
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Demented Thursday
I am worn out.
I am worn SLAP out.
I have three reasons for my afternoon lethargy:
1. Allergies
2. A 7.75 month old
3. My grandma
Without further ado....here's the blog post for today.
I never really battled seasonal allergies until I was around 19 years old. It hit at the end of the summer when the farmers were out for one last big ole hoorah before the cooler temps would roll in. I would have the constant running nose and an occasional cough.
Fast forward a few years to 2013 and my allergies have taken me hostage. I'm taking two Claritins a day and still feeling like a ragged out weed.
All yesterday I had the text book allergy induced sore throat. Then the fun allergy induced phlegm. Oh lets not stop the fun there! Around midnight I stumbled downstairs in search of anything to wet my whistle and anything to kill the raw throat and breathing passages that the golden sprinkles from the trees, grasses and whatever the hell else grows emits.
The reality of this allergy issue/season is I know I cannot be alone in this fight. If I was Claritin, Zyrtec, Allegra, Benadryl, Alavert, etc would all be so incredibly expensive that I would have to curl into the fetal position and die.
So what can we do to help ourselves in allergy season?
1. Eat oranges, apples, and onions. They all have this little ditty called quercetin in them that helps the body from reacting to pollen.
2. Green tea helps block the formation of histamines thanks to catechin.
3. Greek Yogurt has probiotics and they can help soothe those allergy symptoms (I have a cup a day....still haven't seen any help yet.)
4. Salmon and its awesome Omega 3's work as an antiinflammatory.
5. Turmeric - see salmon. But don't go easy on the turmeric - go extra liberal with it to get the benefit.
I will probably end up taking two Benadryl and sleeping really hard and really deep and then spending the next day wondering I feel so hung over.....but maybe I won't be sneezing and downing anything in site to ease my throat!
Well if it is Thursday then it is the day to blog about our outing with grandma. Every week I get a different grandma. She looks the same but she's a different character each week. It is fun but it is also annoying.
One of our largests tasks is picking a lunch spot. I try to cater to her failing taste buds. She doesn't remember any restaurants what-so-ever so I have to give her options. Last week she loved Wendy's. Wendy's was the next best thing to K&W for her. She delighted in her meal and time there. I was pleased because it is my favorite fast food restaurant and it is FAST - so we all have a nice time and the baby remains calm.
I offered up going to Wendy's again. Her response:
"I've never been there."
I gripped the steering wheel. I could take advantage of this Dory fish beside me and say - "Well lets go try it out!" I could have made it an adventure and somewhere in the time spent sitting at the booth she would have said something like - oh I have been here!
But I didn't.
I asked what type of food she would like to eat.
"I don't know."
So I gave her options. "We can get a burger, chicken, veggies, pizza, steak, seafood, you name it."
The little one in the back screamed: "PIZZA!"
The little old one beside me said, "We can eat pizza and I can get something else."
It was clear she did not want pizza. I tried to get her agree to getting something else but since the little one had spoken.....
We went to Pizza Hut. I had a baby with a dirty diaper, a grandma with a patchy brain, and a five year old who thinks she's 15. You don't know how amazing a beer sounds (or a shot of whiskey) when that is your company. I asked my grandma to ask for a table for three and a high chair.
I changed the baby.....not an easy task now. I came out of the bathroom and YES PRAISE GOD they were seated and sipping their drinks.
I sat down and my grandma said, "What will (baby boy) want to drink?"
<Oh God here we go again she's going to be mad because she doesn't understand he eats babyfood and drinks milk and cannot devour a pizza and drink a tea>
We moved forward to what to order....she couldn't make up her mind. She wasn't reading a menu, she wasn't looking at other tables, then she said - order for me. I knew what she liked from there - personal pan pizza - supreme. Do-able. I ordered three of them.
Ten minutes went by. The baby is screaming as I try to entice him with his food. The other kid is watching cartoons on the corner television. The grandma perks up and says, "I know what I'll have! Salad and a piece of pizza!"
My brain clicked on - finally. She's your grandma who is now your extra five year old, get with it.
"I'm sorry Mom-o but you cannot get that. I already ordered you a pizza like you like and I know they are baking it now. It is too late to change our order. We can add a salad if you'd like."
She sighed and said, "This is all new to me. I'm sorry next time I'll know faster."
Guess what....this is all new to me too.
I imagine her experiences now are a lot like an immigrant's here. You think you know something - maybe a tiny bit of something and it turns out you really don't. You second guess everything. The world is new and for all you know it is out to get you.
Yes, this is all new to me too.
Post lunch I had to make a lovely Walmart run. (Oh how I wish Target was a bit closer!) I decided to let her lead the way. We walked through their flowers in the garden center. $2.38 was too expensive for any plant, they shouldn't be any more than a nickle. (I agree).
My grandma hoards things. If you ask the main things she hoards are: cereal and lotion. By God you'll never go hungry or have dry skin in her home. I get the cereal - it is easy and rarely changes. I didn't get the lotion until today.
Her arms are covered in spots. Call them what you wish - liver spots, sun spots. age spots, medicine spots, etc. She has several large brown spots and bruises and skin tears on her arms. Those arms are over 85 years old. Wouldn't you expect some wear and tear? She wants lotion to cover the spots. And if she can find the right one - the spots will be gone.
I stood with her and looked at all the lotions. I picked up a few I had interest in and read them and reshelved them. Then I looked at her and said, "You know, lotion can't get rid of those spots. The only person who notices them is you. Be proud of your spots." Obviously, not what she wanted to hear...."Well I read there are spot creams that take them away."
Thanks Clinique. Thanks a bunch.
As we walked parade speed through the store she once again told me she hadn't been in that store in many years (two weeks maximum). I told her I wished I could say the same.
As we checked out - her another bottle of magic potion lotion and a little outfit for the baby (because she never buys him anything because he's never with her) and my load of baby crap - she literally beamed.
When we got to her house - "Oh I had so much fun just messing around today."
My little diva gets her dance recital garb tonight. I will have the baby in tow. Considering his terrible teething spell I am not looking forward to this at all.
Be good to your brain, it can leave you at any given second-
Sharing is caring! Share this blog
I am worn out.
I am worn SLAP out.
I have three reasons for my afternoon lethargy:
1. Allergies
2. A 7.75 month old
3. My grandma
Without further ado....here's the blog post for today.
I never really battled seasonal allergies until I was around 19 years old. It hit at the end of the summer when the farmers were out for one last big ole hoorah before the cooler temps would roll in. I would have the constant running nose and an occasional cough.
Fast forward a few years to 2013 and my allergies have taken me hostage. I'm taking two Claritins a day and still feeling like a ragged out weed.
![]() |
This is why my allergies flared up - I had some down time yesterday and I spent it in that chair, sipping that drink, reading those magazines! |
All yesterday I had the text book allergy induced sore throat. Then the fun allergy induced phlegm. Oh lets not stop the fun there! Around midnight I stumbled downstairs in search of anything to wet my whistle and anything to kill the raw throat and breathing passages that the golden sprinkles from the trees, grasses and whatever the hell else grows emits.
The reality of this allergy issue/season is I know I cannot be alone in this fight. If I was Claritin, Zyrtec, Allegra, Benadryl, Alavert, etc would all be so incredibly expensive that I would have to curl into the fetal position and die.
So what can we do to help ourselves in allergy season?
1. Eat oranges, apples, and onions. They all have this little ditty called quercetin in them that helps the body from reacting to pollen.
2. Green tea helps block the formation of histamines thanks to catechin.
3. Greek Yogurt has probiotics and they can help soothe those allergy symptoms (I have a cup a day....still haven't seen any help yet.)
4. Salmon and its awesome Omega 3's work as an antiinflammatory.
5. Turmeric - see salmon. But don't go easy on the turmeric - go extra liberal with it to get the benefit.
I will probably end up taking two Benadryl and sleeping really hard and really deep and then spending the next day wondering I feel so hung over.....but maybe I won't be sneezing and downing anything in site to ease my throat!
Well if it is Thursday then it is the day to blog about our outing with grandma. Every week I get a different grandma. She looks the same but she's a different character each week. It is fun but it is also annoying.
One of our largests tasks is picking a lunch spot. I try to cater to her failing taste buds. She doesn't remember any restaurants what-so-ever so I have to give her options. Last week she loved Wendy's. Wendy's was the next best thing to K&W for her. She delighted in her meal and time there. I was pleased because it is my favorite fast food restaurant and it is FAST - so we all have a nice time and the baby remains calm.
I offered up going to Wendy's again. Her response:
"I've never been there."
I gripped the steering wheel. I could take advantage of this Dory fish beside me and say - "Well lets go try it out!" I could have made it an adventure and somewhere in the time spent sitting at the booth she would have said something like - oh I have been here!
But I didn't.
I asked what type of food she would like to eat.
"I don't know."
So I gave her options. "We can get a burger, chicken, veggies, pizza, steak, seafood, you name it."
The little one in the back screamed: "PIZZA!"
The little old one beside me said, "We can eat pizza and I can get something else."
It was clear she did not want pizza. I tried to get her agree to getting something else but since the little one had spoken.....
We went to Pizza Hut. I had a baby with a dirty diaper, a grandma with a patchy brain, and a five year old who thinks she's 15. You don't know how amazing a beer sounds (or a shot of whiskey) when that is your company. I asked my grandma to ask for a table for three and a high chair.
I changed the baby.....not an easy task now. I came out of the bathroom and YES PRAISE GOD they were seated and sipping their drinks.
I sat down and my grandma said, "What will (baby boy) want to drink?"
<Oh God here we go again she's going to be mad because she doesn't understand he eats babyfood and drinks milk and cannot devour a pizza and drink a tea>
We moved forward to what to order....she couldn't make up her mind. She wasn't reading a menu, she wasn't looking at other tables, then she said - order for me. I knew what she liked from there - personal pan pizza - supreme. Do-able. I ordered three of them.
Ten minutes went by. The baby is screaming as I try to entice him with his food. The other kid is watching cartoons on the corner television. The grandma perks up and says, "I know what I'll have! Salad and a piece of pizza!"
My brain clicked on - finally. She's your grandma who is now your extra five year old, get with it.
"I'm sorry Mom-o but you cannot get that. I already ordered you a pizza like you like and I know they are baking it now. It is too late to change our order. We can add a salad if you'd like."
She sighed and said, "This is all new to me. I'm sorry next time I'll know faster."
Guess what....this is all new to me too.
I imagine her experiences now are a lot like an immigrant's here. You think you know something - maybe a tiny bit of something and it turns out you really don't. You second guess everything. The world is new and for all you know it is out to get you.
Yes, this is all new to me too.
Post lunch I had to make a lovely Walmart run. (Oh how I wish Target was a bit closer!) I decided to let her lead the way. We walked through their flowers in the garden center. $2.38 was too expensive for any plant, they shouldn't be any more than a nickle. (I agree).
My grandma hoards things. If you ask the main things she hoards are: cereal and lotion. By God you'll never go hungry or have dry skin in her home. I get the cereal - it is easy and rarely changes. I didn't get the lotion until today.
Her arms are covered in spots. Call them what you wish - liver spots, sun spots. age spots, medicine spots, etc. She has several large brown spots and bruises and skin tears on her arms. Those arms are over 85 years old. Wouldn't you expect some wear and tear? She wants lotion to cover the spots. And if she can find the right one - the spots will be gone.
I stood with her and looked at all the lotions. I picked up a few I had interest in and read them and reshelved them. Then I looked at her and said, "You know, lotion can't get rid of those spots. The only person who notices them is you. Be proud of your spots." Obviously, not what she wanted to hear...."Well I read there are spot creams that take them away."
Thanks Clinique. Thanks a bunch.
As we walked parade speed through the store she once again told me she hadn't been in that store in many years (two weeks maximum). I told her I wished I could say the same.
As we checked out - her another bottle of magic potion lotion and a little outfit for the baby (because she never buys him anything because he's never with her) and my load of baby crap - she literally beamed.
When we got to her house - "Oh I had so much fun just messing around today."
My little diva gets her dance recital garb tonight. I will have the baby in tow. Considering his terrible teething spell I am not looking forward to this at all.
Be good to your brain, it can leave you at any given second-
Sharing is caring! Share this blog
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
I have a big fat sweet tooth and it isn't loose.
4.17.13 Kindergarten Screening Day
So I normally do a better job of "proofing" the blog before publishing. Ok I do a quick skim-over most days due to the circumstances of my job. I must apologize for yesterday. I didn't proof it. I hastily hit publish and ran out the door. Around noon yesterday I went back and edited and republished.
They are now reporting the bombing in Boston was through the usage of pressure cookers. I knew I had a fear of those bastards for a good reason. There is a major problem when you put a pot on the stove, cover it, and it starts hissing and shaking. I had a boyfriend in college who used one a lot and every time he did his roommate and I took cover --- as in two rooms away or outdoors.
My child has her first loose tooth. How did we find this out? Early soccer practice arrival. We were sitting in the car and she smiled and I said, "Lets check those teeth." Sure enough the front bottom had a winner. She was so thrilled she had to call her nana, aunt, and dad. Due to her lisp it had to be repeated several time - I have a loose tooth translated to I have new shoes (my favorite).
One kid getting teefers and one kid losing teefers and mama's DDS appointment next Thursday. It is all about teeth in Brownie Land.
Happy Wednesday!
I spent some more time on Pinterest. There is a bogus pin - shocker - for healthy peanut butter swirl brownies. I have it under my To Do April board - if you see it do not pin it it is junk.
Yesterday I had an attack of sugar. I wanted something chocolate. I wanted something sweet. I wanted something that had absolutely NO nutritional value.
I settled for an orange, cottage cheese, and four strawberries. It was good but it was not what I was looking for.
So I took to Pinterest to find something....
Here are some ideas that you may want to Pin if you are with me on the whole got to get healthier kick!
I tried to find some things that aren't insanely hard to create and you may have to spend $0-$8 extra on your grocery bill.
1. Banana Pops - REAL Banana Pops! - the only thing you'll be looking to buy here is probably your topping and cacao of your choice. I may try these for a future blog post using sugar free pudding. I will keep you posted. Below I'm going to tell you to try to steer clear of bananas but this looked so yummy. So if you make it choose small bananas not those massive ones your husband's wish they were packing in their britches. (sorry had to)
2. It's Human Nature to Snack Cheat Sheet - a great tool to help when you are clipping coupons and going to go shopping. You need to buy some good snack options! This can help.
3. Duh - Angel Food Cake Cupcakes with topping! - this comes from a fantastic site I love Skinny Mom. We all know the great offering of the Angel Food Cake - it is totally friendly to those of us trying to count calories but also devour a cupcake! (i use angel food constantly when creating desserts these days....i'll make these soon for you all to come over and enjoy....just kidding most of you live too far away)
4. This should be sinful but according to Weight Watchers its saintly! WooHoo! - Butterfinger...need I say more? I am Snickers girl but I will lay a finger on your Butterfinger man.
A few tips when you're going to feed your sugar crave.
1. Steer clear of Splenda. If you cannot do traditional sugar or you want an alternative look at agave syrup or stevia. I'm not saying Splenda is the devil but I'm not sure that man made substance is the best alternative for you. I once worked with a doctor who said he wouldn't give a cat splenda and he hated cats. He also treated diabetics.
2. Fruit is always a good choice. However, when you go to grab some fruit don't let it be a banana! (Warned you above about this one) When we worked with diabetics we always told them to grab anything but a banana or grapes - too much sugar! Try to go for blueberries, blackberries, apples, peaches, pears, pineapple, etc. If you must do a banana (its ok I love them too) buy the small ones - no more than 4-5 inches. Those huge ones are just added cals you do not need.
3. Spend calories on food not drinks. It is hard for me too. I adore Coke. Seriously, I want it like a crack head wants $20. But I limit it BIG TIME! I'd rather my cals go towards yummy food than a drink. Another addiction of mine is Simply Lemonade with Raspberry. However, its simply not good for you - don't let the packaging fool you. How do I drink it? 3 shots (literally I use a shot glass) in the bottom to 8oz of water. Still has the strong taste of the straight from the bottle juice but is way healthier!
4. That being said, watch the alcohol. Wine sucks when it comes to calories. I haven't had wine in a couple months and instead have a Miller 64 - 64 calories and good flavor. I did splurge on some rum at the beach (that being said I also splurged on some Coke with that rum, that being said I also splurged on some Bacardi Pina Colada mix with the rum as well, that being said I pushed a stroller at max speed for four miles yesterday). And finally, it is true what they say- alcohol is nothing but straight sugar.
5. Stop thinking: if I go run (or whatever you do) I can eat whatever I want. No, you can't. That whole idea if you run three miles a day you can still have seventeen pieces of pizza is a big bogus lie. If you want to be healthy then you have to be full circle healthy. An hour on the elipitical didn't free up 300 calories so you can go to Mickey Bojangles and get a tray of fried mess. Also, just because you ran six miles this morning doesn't mean that tonight you can kill that bottle of Canadian Whiskey at your sister's babyshower. (Ahhhh if you could drink at a babyshower....I guess the mom to be would be a little pissed...) Your body will be in high gear calorie burning mode for about 30-45 minutes post workout - after that its going to slow on down. I hear so many people where I work out say this: "Well last night I made a pig pickin' cake and then we went over to Gertrude's because her brother died and ate ham biscuits with them. I been coming here ever day and walking three miles on the track and doing those weight machines but ain't nothing coming off." I want to scream are you shitting me Sandra Dee? Your walking and doing the weight machine - kudos! But that pig pickin' cake and those ham biscuits just cancelled out your work out. It is common sense but common isn't so common anymore. Ibet she washed it all down with sweet tea or Pepsi......good golly Ms. Molly.
So I did something cool (well I think it is cool) for you all. I not only posted links to the pins above BUT I also created a Pinterest Board to go with today's blog post. I have so many readers who share with me things they find on Pinterest so I thought why not make a board to go with today's entry.
If any of the recipes/tips via Pinterest interested you, you can go Pin them off my board.
Link up to my Pinterest Board that coincides with today's post to "Pin" what you would like to try!
Be good to yourself -
So I normally do a better job of "proofing" the blog before publishing. Ok I do a quick skim-over most days due to the circumstances of my job. I must apologize for yesterday. I didn't proof it. I hastily hit publish and ran out the door. Around noon yesterday I went back and edited and republished.
They are now reporting the bombing in Boston was through the usage of pressure cookers. I knew I had a fear of those bastards for a good reason. There is a major problem when you put a pot on the stove, cover it, and it starts hissing and shaking. I had a boyfriend in college who used one a lot and every time he did his roommate and I took cover --- as in two rooms away or outdoors.
My child has her first loose tooth. How did we find this out? Early soccer practice arrival. We were sitting in the car and she smiled and I said, "Lets check those teeth." Sure enough the front bottom had a winner. She was so thrilled she had to call her nana, aunt, and dad. Due to her lisp it had to be repeated several time - I have a loose tooth translated to I have new shoes (my favorite).
One kid getting teefers and one kid losing teefers and mama's DDS appointment next Thursday. It is all about teeth in Brownie Land.
Happy Wednesday!
I spent some more time on Pinterest. There is a bogus pin - shocker - for healthy peanut butter swirl brownies. I have it under my To Do April board - if you see it do not pin it it is junk.
Yesterday I had an attack of sugar. I wanted something chocolate. I wanted something sweet. I wanted something that had absolutely NO nutritional value.
I settled for an orange, cottage cheese, and four strawberries. It was good but it was not what I was looking for.
So I took to Pinterest to find something....
Here are some ideas that you may want to Pin if you are with me on the whole got to get healthier kick!
I tried to find some things that aren't insanely hard to create and you may have to spend $0-$8 extra on your grocery bill.
1. Banana Pops - REAL Banana Pops! - the only thing you'll be looking to buy here is probably your topping and cacao of your choice. I may try these for a future blog post using sugar free pudding. I will keep you posted. Below I'm going to tell you to try to steer clear of bananas but this looked so yummy. So if you make it choose small bananas not those massive ones your husband's wish they were packing in their britches. (sorry had to)
2. It's Human Nature to Snack Cheat Sheet - a great tool to help when you are clipping coupons and going to go shopping. You need to buy some good snack options! This can help.
3. Duh - Angel Food Cake Cupcakes with topping! - this comes from a fantastic site I love Skinny Mom. We all know the great offering of the Angel Food Cake - it is totally friendly to those of us trying to count calories but also devour a cupcake! (i use angel food constantly when creating desserts these days....i'll make these soon for you all to come over and enjoy....just kidding most of you live too far away)
4. This should be sinful but according to Weight Watchers its saintly! WooHoo! - Butterfinger...need I say more? I am Snickers girl but I will lay a finger on your Butterfinger man.
A few tips when you're going to feed your sugar crave.
1. Steer clear of Splenda. If you cannot do traditional sugar or you want an alternative look at agave syrup or stevia. I'm not saying Splenda is the devil but I'm not sure that man made substance is the best alternative for you. I once worked with a doctor who said he wouldn't give a cat splenda and he hated cats. He also treated diabetics.
2. Fruit is always a good choice. However, when you go to grab some fruit don't let it be a banana! (Warned you above about this one) When we worked with diabetics we always told them to grab anything but a banana or grapes - too much sugar! Try to go for blueberries, blackberries, apples, peaches, pears, pineapple, etc. If you must do a banana (its ok I love them too) buy the small ones - no more than 4-5 inches. Those huge ones are just added cals you do not need.
3. Spend calories on food not drinks. It is hard for me too. I adore Coke. Seriously, I want it like a crack head wants $20. But I limit it BIG TIME! I'd rather my cals go towards yummy food than a drink. Another addiction of mine is Simply Lemonade with Raspberry. However, its simply not good for you - don't let the packaging fool you. How do I drink it? 3 shots (literally I use a shot glass) in the bottom to 8oz of water. Still has the strong taste of the straight from the bottle juice but is way healthier!
4. That being said, watch the alcohol. Wine sucks when it comes to calories. I haven't had wine in a couple months and instead have a Miller 64 - 64 calories and good flavor. I did splurge on some rum at the beach (that being said I also splurged on some Coke with that rum, that being said I also splurged on some Bacardi Pina Colada mix with the rum as well, that being said I pushed a stroller at max speed for four miles yesterday). And finally, it is true what they say- alcohol is nothing but straight sugar.
5. Stop thinking: if I go run (or whatever you do) I can eat whatever I want. No, you can't. That whole idea if you run three miles a day you can still have seventeen pieces of pizza is a big bogus lie. If you want to be healthy then you have to be full circle healthy. An hour on the elipitical didn't free up 300 calories so you can go to Mickey Bojangles and get a tray of fried mess. Also, just because you ran six miles this morning doesn't mean that tonight you can kill that bottle of Canadian Whiskey at your sister's babyshower. (Ahhhh if you could drink at a babyshower....I guess the mom to be would be a little pissed...) Your body will be in high gear calorie burning mode for about 30-45 minutes post workout - after that its going to slow on down. I hear so many people where I work out say this: "Well last night I made a pig pickin' cake and then we went over to Gertrude's because her brother died and ate ham biscuits with them. I been coming here ever day and walking three miles on the track and doing those weight machines but ain't nothing coming off." I want to scream are you shitting me Sandra Dee? Your walking and doing the weight machine - kudos! But that pig pickin' cake and those ham biscuits just cancelled out your work out. It is common sense but common isn't so common anymore. Ibet she washed it all down with sweet tea or Pepsi......good golly Ms. Molly.
So I did something cool (well I think it is cool) for you all. I not only posted links to the pins above BUT I also created a Pinterest Board to go with today's blog post. I have so many readers who share with me things they find on Pinterest so I thought why not make a board to go with today's entry.
If any of the recipes/tips via Pinterest interested you, you can go Pin them off my board.
Link up to my Pinterest Board that coincides with today's post to "Pin" what you would like to try!
Be good to yourself -
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Boston, Budgets, Boob Tube & Blasting Fat Recipe!
As all our eyes turned to Boston yesterday afternoon I thought: Again.
Again a regular day is ruined by acts of terrorism - whether it came from internal or external forms is all to the side - it was evil and it was uncalled for.
Again the world's super power took a blow to the knee. It made us fall but didn't take us totally out of the race. We applied the ice, we took a time out, and now we get up and push through.
Again we wonder why this happened.
America home of the Big Brother Complex. We want to "save the world" - we want to look away from the issues at home and focus on the issues out there - and in the process we anger more and more people.
As our dollar falls our nation falls. Senseless acts of evil show up more and more on our television sets at 7, 12, 6, and 11. As we take our mission of "good" to more and more war tattered countries we gain more and more bad enemies.
I'm liberal when I need to be and conservative when it is appropriate. Today I'm a red blooded American who is sick and tired of our country running its overweight self into a hole and not giving a damn that this time may be the time we cannot pull ourselves back out. I'm sick of wondering when America will look more like Israel with daily/weekly attacks. I'm wondering when our economic system will begin looking like Europe's economic demise. I'm wondering when people will realize our focus may need to be within our own boundaries and not in the Middle East's, Africa, or Asia.
I'm wondering if what I learned about in college (not a religious affiliated university but state funded) - how America (or a country such as it) is not mentioned in the prophecies of end times because it was dropped to nothing well before the end of the world as we know it - will come to fruition.
Boston - you are in my thoughts and prayers.
I work out because it is a great stress reliever. Nothing like taking all that pent up frustration and stress and pouring it all into a good sweat in the gym or on the pavement.
I like to think I'm good at managing the stress monster. I don't drink (ok I do drink but not to cover up anything) or smoke or take pills. I play in the dirt....I work out....I clean....all very positive aspects to dealing right?
Yesterday I got our first formal estimate on fixing the big bully that is our basement and foundation. It was (strangely enough) in line with what I expected it to be. I was (strangely enough) excited that I had estimated their estimate correctly! Of course there is a little voice deep down saying - Now lets beat this!
This house is a stressor for me. I'm sure I'm not the only one who finds that their hacienda is the source of what makes them want to down a bottle of Vodka like a meat head downs Gatorade after a good bench session. There are so many ifs/ands/buts. There are so many coulda/woulda/shouldas. This house has the potential to drive me to say something very mean to someone and it also has the power to keep me mum.
This damn house. Ok that's it, who wants to go to the liquor store?
Monday Night TV is precious isn't it? Ok for me it is. Real Housewives of Orange County is back on! They are my favorite group to say the least.
Tamra & Gretchen are the girls that never got out of highschool. They're cute and funny and stupid.
Vicki is an unhot mess. That new face of hers will make millions on Halloween mask sales this year. Her daughter is he only normal person on the show. It is a blessing she made it out normal.
Alexis is an Ice Queen. She loves to pull the Jesus card but seriously!
Heather the Jewish Princess of the OC. She's a yiddish word for female dog. Her husband should grow a set and stand up to her. That whole clambake thing.....laugh laugh laugh. Last night his whole - "I'm not the dad who helps at home" made me laugh a little - like his way of saying screw you rude wife. Then again it just all looks to be a sickening wealthy sad situation.
Next week I'll give my input on Lydia as if anyone gives a hot turkeydog.
Dallas has ended for the season. I'm really glad this show is back 20 years later. Yes, its a ridiculous PM soap opera but it is fun to watch. The cheeseball method of this show makes me enjoy it even more. My husband loves it too. Pretty crazy ending last night - spoiler alert, JR killed himself.
Sunday tv is back on our radar with Mad Men being back on Sundays at 10pm. We love Mad Men - I mean love it. It is not for the family - its a mom and dad boob tube show (take boob however you wish). Don Draper is one hot tottie ladies - check him out. Unfortunately, he's a mess of a man.
Let's cook something!
I made a Pinterest Recipe....
Here it is Chicken & Broccoli Casserole
I didn't have any cream of mushroom soup so I had to whip up my own (which is preferred, do you know what is in that junk in the can? Disgustingness is what it is people. Here's a great link to making your own "cream of" soups!
So back to the casserole from Pinterest....
I added in onions and garlic pepper plus a clove of garlic and we felt it still needed flavor. Last week I made homemade ranch (low cal/fat) and we put a bit on our plates with a good helping of Texas Pete (we are NOT a Tabasco house) and boom it was perfecto!
We'll have it again with some variation.
By the way this is a Weight Watchers Recipe and if you go by the recipe you'll have a 5 point dish. Of course you cannot add Ranch....
Treat your neighbor as your brother (eeek unless your neighbor is your brother whose name is Avery) -
Sharing is Caring
As all our eyes turned to Boston yesterday afternoon I thought: Again.
Again a regular day is ruined by acts of terrorism - whether it came from internal or external forms is all to the side - it was evil and it was uncalled for.
Again the world's super power took a blow to the knee. It made us fall but didn't take us totally out of the race. We applied the ice, we took a time out, and now we get up and push through.
Again we wonder why this happened.
America home of the Big Brother Complex. We want to "save the world" - we want to look away from the issues at home and focus on the issues out there - and in the process we anger more and more people.
As our dollar falls our nation falls. Senseless acts of evil show up more and more on our television sets at 7, 12, 6, and 11. As we take our mission of "good" to more and more war tattered countries we gain more and more bad enemies.
I'm liberal when I need to be and conservative when it is appropriate. Today I'm a red blooded American who is sick and tired of our country running its overweight self into a hole and not giving a damn that this time may be the time we cannot pull ourselves back out. I'm sick of wondering when America will look more like Israel with daily/weekly attacks. I'm wondering when our economic system will begin looking like Europe's economic demise. I'm wondering when people will realize our focus may need to be within our own boundaries and not in the Middle East's, Africa, or Asia.
I'm wondering if what I learned about in college (not a religious affiliated university but state funded) - how America (or a country such as it) is not mentioned in the prophecies of end times because it was dropped to nothing well before the end of the world as we know it - will come to fruition.
Boston - you are in my thoughts and prayers.
I work out because it is a great stress reliever. Nothing like taking all that pent up frustration and stress and pouring it all into a good sweat in the gym or on the pavement.
I like to think I'm good at managing the stress monster. I don't drink (ok I do drink but not to cover up anything) or smoke or take pills. I play in the dirt....I work out....I clean....all very positive aspects to dealing right?
Yesterday I got our first formal estimate on fixing the big bully that is our basement and foundation. It was (strangely enough) in line with what I expected it to be. I was (strangely enough) excited that I had estimated their estimate correctly! Of course there is a little voice deep down saying - Now lets beat this!
This house is a stressor for me. I'm sure I'm not the only one who finds that their hacienda is the source of what makes them want to down a bottle of Vodka like a meat head downs Gatorade after a good bench session. There are so many ifs/ands/buts. There are so many coulda/woulda/shouldas. This house has the potential to drive me to say something very mean to someone and it also has the power to keep me mum.
This damn house. Ok that's it, who wants to go to the liquor store?
Monday Night TV is precious isn't it? Ok for me it is. Real Housewives of Orange County is back on! They are my favorite group to say the least.
Tamra & Gretchen are the girls that never got out of highschool. They're cute and funny and stupid.
Vicki is an unhot mess. That new face of hers will make millions on Halloween mask sales this year. Her daughter is he only normal person on the show. It is a blessing she made it out normal.
Alexis is an Ice Queen. She loves to pull the Jesus card but seriously!
Heather the Jewish Princess of the OC. She's a yiddish word for female dog. Her husband should grow a set and stand up to her. That whole clambake thing.....laugh laugh laugh. Last night his whole - "I'm not the dad who helps at home" made me laugh a little - like his way of saying screw you rude wife. Then again it just all looks to be a sickening wealthy sad situation.
Next week I'll give my input on Lydia as if anyone gives a hot turkeydog.
Dallas has ended for the season. I'm really glad this show is back 20 years later. Yes, its a ridiculous PM soap opera but it is fun to watch. The cheeseball method of this show makes me enjoy it even more. My husband loves it too. Pretty crazy ending last night - spoiler alert, JR killed himself.
Sunday tv is back on our radar with Mad Men being back on Sundays at 10pm. We love Mad Men - I mean love it. It is not for the family - its a mom and dad boob tube show (take boob however you wish). Don Draper is one hot tottie ladies - check him out. Unfortunately, he's a mess of a man.
Let's cook something!
I made a Pinterest Recipe....
Here it is Chicken & Broccoli Casserole
I didn't have any cream of mushroom soup so I had to whip up my own (which is preferred, do you know what is in that junk in the can? Disgustingness is what it is people. Here's a great link to making your own "cream of" soups!
So back to the casserole from Pinterest....
I added in onions and garlic pepper plus a clove of garlic and we felt it still needed flavor. Last week I made homemade ranch (low cal/fat) and we put a bit on our plates with a good helping of Texas Pete (we are NOT a Tabasco house) and boom it was perfecto!
We'll have it again with some variation.
By the way this is a Weight Watchers Recipe and if you go by the recipe you'll have a 5 point dish. Of course you cannot add Ranch....
Treat your neighbor as your brother (eeek unless your neighbor is your brother whose name is Avery) -
Sharing is Caring
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