Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Wow Wednesday: Going to Target

The Hump Day Blog Hop

This week held a Target trip for me.

I like Target.

Every Sunday I check out the weekly flyer.  This week they had two things I wanted to purchase.

1.  Some wall art for the livingroom

2.  Leggings and tops for the Diva

Ok, yeah, that is actually 3 things....

Before I go to Target I always hit up the coupon section and Cartwheel app.  Target does good work with their coupons.

Luckily, they had a couple I needed.   I clipped those and we headed out after school.

Target can be a huge let down.

It is like in the summer, back in the day, when you had to use the community pool.  You know, finally mom said you could go and you throw on your swimsuit and grab your water toys and run to the car.  The whole way there the sun is shining and its 150 degrees out.  Then when you get there the sky is grey and it is raining and the temperature is 52.

My experience totally.

The selection of leggings and tops for the Diva were horrible.  Picked through and messy.

The wall art was practically non-existent.  One of the associates said they "really didn't have a lot anyway".  Really?  You put it on sale when you only have three pieces sitting back there and they are dingy?

My poor child was so excited about some new clothes (see pool story above).  She luckily found some things she just adored, because she is six and can do that. We hit up the clearance rack where she found some dance wear at a super great price.  That did help ease the "really didn't have a lot anyway" words of the associate.

We walked around aimlessly for about forty five minutes.  Nothing impressive, nothing grand, just a mess of a store with little in it....except for food.

Why the crap does Target have to pull the Walmart card and be a grocery store too?  Seriously, Target you were supposed to be better than that!

I do realize these are 1st world problems to the hilt.


  1. I call it a victory for me if I have a list when I go to Target and actually stick with ONLY those things that are on the list haha.

  2. Our Target is usually pretty good about having stock. I'm sorry it rained on your 150 degree day.


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