Friday, February 21, 2014

5 Minute Friday

Five Minute Friday

Today's word is's five minutes of small.

Small is my world.  

And to be honest I kind of like it!

1 have two small children.  We live on a small budget.  We reside in a small town.  Our material possessions are small.

Small is a way of life for me now that I think about it.

I honestly do not mind it very much.

Is that strange in this day and age?

A lot of people work so hard to look large at all they do and have.  That may be just fine for them, but for me, well, I'm good with the small things.  These small joys and heartaches are giving me a great life.  I just don't need the big stuff to make things complicated or interrupt my purpose.

I am learning that God loves the small things too.  He's not too big into grandeur unless you look at His power.  Once I was after the big things and then I realized I wasn't in control of my life and maybe the big things would lead me down a path that wasn't very much in the image of the I Am.  My control was small and His was HUGE!  So I set aside chasing things that I didn't need and let Him provide and show me what was necessary for me.  It may not be the biggest or the best of things but what He has given my family and I are multiple small blessings each and every day that we were never warranted.

And if you ask me that is really very, very big.

5 minutes up....


  1. "So I set aside chasing things that I didn't need and let Him provide and show me what was necessary for me."

    Yes to this!! He will show us when we humble ourselves…love that you have seen this in your own life! :)

    1. Thanks for coming by Kristin! Have a great weekend.

  2. So lovely, friend! I, too, am striving to be small. Less of me, more of Him! Excited to meet you through FMF. :)

    1. I am excited to meet you too Erin! I think the key to a happy life is joy in the simple (and small) living. Have a great weekend!

  3. Oh. Wow. Beautiful!

    1. Thank you :-) for your sweet comment and dropping by!


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