Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Oh Bloody Hell!

If you haven't read my blog I will warn you I cuss and tell it like it is from the eyes of a sugary, delicious, inviting confection of southern awesomeness. I also want to let you know I had no intentions of ever moving back to this place I reside in but apparently fate had other plans for me.  I live here, I pay taxes here, and therefore I have the right to speak my opinion like everyone else.  I generally stay away from matters such as this but it is such a disgrace that I had to finally take a minute to speak up.  As I did last year.  Happy reading.


Oh bloody hell.  I hate this county I live in.  It is the dumbest spot on the map {currently}.

I do not invite any human being worth a damn to even pass through this land of stupid.  Seriously, the dark ages reside here.  If you must pee while on I-40 hold it until you get out of these county lines.  I don't want you to be scarred for life by spending more than thirty seconds here.

God knows this place has scarred me and jaded me when it comes to how I see local government officials and various residents' mindsets.

Current issue that will not go away {even though it has a very simple, educated solution for fixing}:

The dumb asses of the county are {still} fighting a new high school.

This little dumping zone has had one high school since the mid fifties.  It sits on the lower end of the county seat.  It is ugly, nasty, and old.  It is your Aunt Gertrude with her warts, smokey breath, over done eye shadow, and died peach hair.  You don't acknowledge her existence much but she makes you laugh when you think of her.  

I attended and graduated that stink shack and it was a trailer park slum back then.  Did someone really expect a fairy godmother to bibbity bobbity boo that bitch?  {Probably so considering the mentality here}....

Ten years ago {give or take a few} a group wanted to build a second high school. That failed.  Talk of fairness and the such. {It was quite a flashback to the 60s and 70s...all the black kids and poor white trash kids will be at one school and what the hell are the racists going to do with the Hispanics now?}....

I'm being serious.  This is the dirty south at its best.

Now they want to build one new and centrally located high school.  Cool, awesome, do it!  All the county's kids deserve a good high school that is up to date, safe, and healthy! 
{Said the educated!}

Common sense is a novel idea.  However, the lack of common sense leads to a hard time doing the right thing.  We have so many here with their heads up their asses who could care less about a school. 

The issue for them is losing $11 a month to taxation.  {Holy crap that will cut into their cigarette money won't it?  Or it will take away from their breakfast at Miller's Diner.  Eeek!}

Damn youngens!  

{These are the same people who shut down their homes at 3:00 PM on Halloween because they don't want people looking for hand outs.}

The real salt of society....{until you read their labels and see that its not real salt but an imposture}!

It is REALLY ridiculousness taken to the highest level.

It is embarassing and disgusting and foolish.

The big picture is this:  

You have two sides battling - The Self Centered vs Future First

The Self Centered:

They are past their prime. They are breaking down.  They are behind the times.  They are afraid of change and do not understand that education is investment. 

The old ones realize in the back of their brains their number will be called soon {impending death} and so they do not give a damn about a kid's education {due to impending death they do not care about what the world is like without them}.  

The young ones {ill educated, narrow vision, probably a dork when they were in high school} are just trying to hold fast to any form of power given to them. Any side who will back them with strength and old money gets their vote.  They have no sense of self and they will drown first by the hands of those "behind" them pushing them down.

Future Forward:

They see that education is an investment.

All kids deserve the best.

They aren't afraid to support the future leaders by giving them a top notch public education today.

Kids cannot vote but we can voice what they need and get it done.

Did you notice how I didn't have to type quite as much for the Future Forward people?  Its because they aren't out to get anyone.  They are out to do what is right.

Peace out people I'm done with this bitch session.


  1. I can't believe this is even a question on united kids and moving forward and putting education first. I guess not all people think of the future and the kids. Hope the kids win in the end with a new school.

    1. You're right, not everyone can see the forest for the trees. It is a sad situation. It is also a disgrace. I plan on keeping people up to date with when they can have a pee break at one of our rest areas or fast food places as the issue moves forward.


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