Thursday, May 12, 2016

Getting Ready for Summer (At Home!)

I guess it isn't a secret I have a cleaning side business.  If you read the blog regularly then you know that and you probably saw my spring cleaning posts which can be read here, here, here, and here.

We're now moving into summer (yay!) and I felt like it was time for another cleaning post to get us ready for the busy and yet laid back time of year.  Today I have compiled a list of tips and to do's to get your home summer ready!

Clothing -

Mom Style {Summer Capsule Wardrobe} (love the idea of a seasonal wardrobe. Love some of these pieces but not all.):
Pin this summer capsule here!

I would wish that for all of us the winter wool could be packed away for the warm months.  I know that some of you experience chilly temperatures year 'round.  So for those of us who do not have the need for long sleeves and leggings it is time to sort them!

2 piles -
Donate & Keep

If you have space in your closet to keep your winter clothes then neatly organize them to be stored away for a few months.  

If you do not have room then you need to invest in storage totes.  Don't scrimp on these.  I have found Rubbermaid to be the only ones I trust.  Make sure the lids secure tightly (if they have the locking handles then they are a must!) and the plastic is thick!  These can be stored in basements and attics easily.

Now to pull out the summer clothing!  Go through each piece - try it on and make sure you like the way it fits and looks.  If you don't - donate it!  If you want to make some money - have a yard sale or start an account at a consignment store.

Also, try on those summer shoes too.  It is safe to say summer shoes wear out a lot faster than shoes for other seasons because strappy sandals and flip flops are just made that way!


Must Have Beauty Products for Summer:
This pin will show you one blogger's must haves for summer make up!

Ladies it is time to go through your beauty products.  You know to keep your eyes healthy those shadows and mascaras need to be chunked after a maximum of six months.  Is it time to lighten your shades?  Now is the time to evaluate your personal make up counter!

This is a great time to check cleansers and lotions for expiration.  Also, if you're like me you switch to a different shampoo and conditioner for the warm months so go ahead and prep for that change.

While you're in your bathroom you need to take stock of your First Aid supplies.  Summer is the time of year for bites, cuts, burns, and boo boos.  Make sure your peroxide and neosporin is in date and see if you have enough bandages for the summer.


Beautiful tub of daisies. + vintage country + summer:
Bring the outside in as you freshen up your kitchen!

Here's a little info on me - I have kitchen items I do not use in the summer.  To be totally honest with you I don't do much crock pot cooking in the warm months (we grill or eat raw) so I pack it away for the summer.

There are other gadgets that I put away at various times of the year.  When summer comes I tend to pull out my toaster oven because I hate the idea of heating up the massive oven on a 98 degree day!

Cleaning out your cabinets and taking stock of what you have is a great idea for this month.  Soon the kiddos will be finished with school and you'll need the space (especially if you have boys, oh man!)

Now is a very popular time to look at your serving ware and your cookware.  If your regular dining set is missing pieces this is an incredible time to purchase new dishes.  May is the month to buy your kitchenwares because they are on incredible sale!  This is also the month to purchase kitchen essentials (mixers, blenders, crock pots, etc) because this month they will be at bottom dollar prices.

Many of us do entertaining during the warm months - take stock of your entertaining items (dishes, plates, cutlery, tablescapes) and decide if they will be used this year or if their condition is warranting a new purchase!

Laundry Room/Catch All Room

If you don't love or use it, it's clutter. Find out even more guidelines to identify clutter on Home Storage Solutions 101.:

I don't know about you but my laundry room is my catch all room.  Take some time to identify your catch all room and declutter it!  For me this will take a while!  Admitting!  If you have Christmas items in there it is time to let them go or organize them with the others.  Throw away what needs to go, donate the stuff you are keeping for really no reason at all, organize the stuff you need to keep.  Remember - minimalist approach is a rewarding approach!


May is a great time to go through the surplus of toys your children may have.  You know what has made the Hot 10 list since Christmas and you know what has lost its luster and not been touched since sometime in October - 2010.  If you can - take advantage of the time when the kids are still in school to go through their toys and books.  Donate away!  Have a yard sale!  Eliminate :)

Don't forget to go through the "outdoor" toys too.  Is your daughter too tall for last year's bike?  Are the roller blades too small?  What about pool toys?  Are they in good shape, too young for your growing kids?  Evaluate and donate, yard sale, or store for use.

Adults have outdoor toys too.  It is time to decide if that bike you got five years ago that you haven't rode in five years really needs to continue to decorate your garage.  Also, if you have been gifted "outdoor" items that have never been unboxed maybe that's a sign to move them on.

Toss your broken items.  Garages are filled with them.  Trust me, I know.


If you live in a place where the temps will crawl up to 95 soon and the humidity will be high then may I suggest you pack away some of those polar fleece throws and blankets?

Outdoor Spaces

Here's a great link to a Home Depot Outdoor Cleaning Tips post!

Clean the porches and decks with leaf blowers and also pressure washers.  Evaluate whatever you have on these areas for your decor - moldy and mildewed items could use some Simple Green to clean them up!

If you have storage bins outside - inspect them and start the tossing process.  Unfortunately, weathered items are not donation friendly.  

Make Summer Spending Money -

Organized Artistry: Tales of a Town-Wide Garage Sale:
I like this idea!

If you have a lot of things that are in good condition you should really think about having a yard sale!  Yes, it takes work and patience but you can make grocery money or some fun money to spend on something fun for summer.  

If you decide to yard sale keep these bits of advice in mind:

*Only sale things in good condition.  Poor condition should be recycled or trashed.

*Price your items but remember this isn't Macy's.  Yard sale prices run between fifty cents and ten dollars.  Keep that in mind.  The purpose of a yard sale is to make a little money off your stuff not to break the bank!

*Be a people person.  You'll need patience and to understand people will want to offer less than you are asking on nearly everything.  Just be prepared for it.  It is a yard sale not a gateway to an episode of Cops.

*Advertise your sale and have clear signs directing customers to your sale.  If you don't advertise and you put up one sign only then you're not going to make the money you could be making.

For clothes and shoes remember consignment shops can really be an asset!  Many of them have a simple fee of $5 and you receive 40% of your sales.  Little effort and some cash - yes, please!

Happy tidying up and prepping for summer!  See ya later gator!

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