Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Three Things Tuesday

Here are three things that are burning my brain this Tuesday.  If you want to tap in please do!  The comments section loves it when you make your mark!

1.  This dad blame yard sale.

(Dad-blame is a totally Southern phrase its the cousin to dag gone, dog gone, and the nicer way to say damned)

I am so ready for this thing to be over.  I'm currently stressing over just how I will lay everything out.  I needed a rack for clothing to hang out and went to Facebook in hopes to have friend who would let me borrow theirs.  No luck.  (I never have any help via Facebook.  I was without telephone service and put a request out for someone to please report my line out....no one could take five minutes to do it.  Needless to say I contemplate the usage of the word "friends" on Facebook now days.)  I really don't want to fold the clothes on tables but it looks like that will be my only route.

I also cannot stand when someone tries to haggle at a yard sale.  Seriously, I keep my prices very low (twenty-five cents to ten dollars for a large working electronic) yet someone or some group will think that is an opportunity to haggle.  Guess what - I'm not a used car salesman, this isn't an auction, so either you pay the flippin' buck or you wait til Goodwill gets it and sales the shirt for $3.75.  (Yes sometimes I lose my cool)...

I want my hallway back....I have this formation called Mt. St. Yard Sale and it needs to erode on down.

2.  Birthdays!

Yesterday was my uncle's birthday.  I think he is sixty-five.  He could be sixty-six.  Oh lets just go with sixty-five a good rule of thumb to go with the lower number!  His birthday signifies the beginning of what I refer to as "birthday season".  Your family may also have a cluster of months where it seems all the babies were born.  The big time for our family is September.  In that one month alone we have five birthdays.  It starts with my brother's and ends with my grandma's (or is it my aunt's...hmmm I always get those close together mixed up). 

I am responsible for two of the upcoming birthdays.  Little Man turns 1 on the 24th of August and my Little Diva turns 6 on the 4th of September.  I'm doing the dual birthday party this year.  All I can think of is
Gifts (oh gosh I convulse as I think about the potential of ugly clothes and crappy toys)

I have created the invites and I want them going out next week.  Everything else needs more planning. Eeek!

I did get this awesome recipe I will be making for the party!  This is a great blog called Back For Seconds you should totally check it out.  Your taste buds will thank us both!!!

3.  A BIG BAD attitude problem

So my soon to be six year old has a horrible attitude issue.  I blamed it on the lack of sleep she gets on the weekends.  Now I'm seeing it may be more.  I think it is her age.  I think that the tween years start early.

She's constantly wanting to be in control and make her own decisions.  I give her opportunities to do that.  I let her pick her clothes out for the day, her dinner when I want the kids fed before the parents, play time activities, etc.  I thought I was doing a good job at letting her have a bit more independence but this kid is getting a bad case of the attitude-in-need-of-adjustment syndrome.

I'm not a spanking kind of mom.  I don't see where it works at all for my kid.  She could care less if she gets a ten second paddle.  It doesn't phase her.  (I heard you say you aren't doing it hard enough....shut it)  I can take away things but she ends up creating something to take its place.  Her imagination is grade A which is a blessing and sometimes for me - a curse. 

Friends say it is summer boredom and once school starts she'll be a different kid.  They say the boredom of summer will go away and she'll be stimulated and feel better.   I like to think they are right. 

Just know I don't make monsters.  I try really hard to raise good, smart, well rounded and adjusted kids....sometimes they pick things up on their own though.  God help us.

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