Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Hey, It's OK!

I really enjoy Airing My Dirty Laundry - not my own but the blog!  So today I'm linking up with her.

1/ It is totally ok that I lost a night in Savannah due to some adulting issues and coming to the realization no, I am not 24 years old anymore.

2/ Hey it is cool - I don't like to play with my kids.  That sounds harsh but I'm not down with playing Barbies and apparently that makes me the world's worst mom.  However, I'm the first to let my kids play in mud and adventure out into the woods with.  I'm also down for painting (with real paint) and making lots of yummy sweet treats in the kitchen.  And watch out - but if I have a water hose in my hand you're going to get squirted so you can bullet across the yard and scream with giggles.

3/It is totally OK that I checked out two books from the library and then decided to not read them.

4/To wish a panini press would appear in your kitchen - it is ok.

5/Letting your oldest child stay up past ten to watch HGTV with you because it may be the only time she doesn't have an attitude with you, totally fine.

6/To suddenly despise the idea of cooking?  Yes, it is OK!

7/To make a cookie pie on a whim and then devour 30% of it!  I work out, it is ok!

8/It is fine to be annoyed with the generation behind you because they are epically failing common sense.

9/I missed the egg hunts and that brings me joy!  Another bad mom confession?  Nope because it is ok!

10/Chipped nail polish - it isn't but right now it is ok.

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