Friday, March 25, 2016

H54F: Bye Felicia

Well hello Friday!  And hello weekend!  And hello Georgia!  (High Fivers, whats up?)

Here is my five!

From around my place...

Samuel L. Jackson is moving to my city!  I'm right outside of Winston-Salem and incase you didn't know he announced he's moving here.
Pretty sweet.

You may have heard that NC is cracking down on speeding.  It started a couple days ago (apparently) and the deal is if you are going one mile over the posted limit you get a ticket.  This is a total racket if you ask me.  Let's focus on speeding when we have a major issue with other MAJOR issues.  Nevermind me.  I'm just over here trying to be all common sense.

Nope just one a days.  Back to getting up at 5 to be at the gym by 5:20 and I'm loving it.  I will tell you my morning work out is much harder than my afternoon work out.  Hmmm?

  A good walk...

Wednesday I took my daughter to work with her horse.  The horse was not feeling human companionship so it was a short lived visit.  She wouldn't even let us brush her.  Plan B was to go for a walk.  My girl is growing up - we had a nice walk down the street and through the subdivision beside my mom's house.  It was nice.  My kid didn't complain a bit, we laughed and chatted and had a great time.  Growing up/raising a kid is hard but it is also pretty awesome too!

Candy supreme...

Easter candy is in full force around our house and that is horrible!  Wednesday was the last day my mother-in-law watched my little guy.  She took a full time job that begins on Monday.  We will really be missing her for the remainder of the school year!  Anyway, she had fixed the kids Easter bags of goodies and some extra special toys!  But the coolest part was she had made me a bag too!  Krispy Kreme, Reese's Eggs, Kit Kats, and Starburst....oh my goodness.  Of course I have a major problem with chocolate so as soon as it was in hand I ripped into it.  My dinner on Wednesday may have been a donut, a couple eggs, a Kit Kat, and maybe a Little Debbie butterfly cake.

I work out.

Happy Easter!

This year we're celebrating Easter very differently. I'll have a post on it next week!

To all of you and your's I wish you an amazing weekend.  I hope you are filled joy and love and acknowledge the insurmountable grace that surrounds you with each breath you take in each space you find yourself in during this journey.

I am an Easter person.  Peace be with you!


Sunday Starts my new Sunday post in place of menus!  It will be a hodge podge of something I want to blog about.  This week it was the beginning of Spring!

Cleaning: Wrapped Up This week I posted my last cleaning post for a while!  Enjoy the final tips I compiled.  I'm sure I will have more cleaning posts over the summer.

The Soundtrack of my Life I joined this link up because I read Katie's post and was like this is so me!

Yay or Nay: Meet Molly  This week I introduce you to my daughter's new buddy - she's 800lbs and teaching us all sorts of lessons.

I'm a pre-vacation nutjob, hi!  A post celebrating the beginning of travel and vacation season!  From a planning girl's perspective - it is what I go through (every.single.time.)

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