Well aside from the weather being a bit opposite of what was projected....our weekend was pretty wonderful. It was a great two days of having fun, making memories, and just hanging out.
I had mentioned on my last post that this would be my weekend to revert to being a ten year old version of myself. I completed that task, of course with the responsibilities of an adult so technically I wasn't truly ten. I did manage to steer clear of the internet - no Facebook this weekend! It was awesome and also supports my idea that social media is a total drain when not properly dosed.
Friday the kiddos and I had a blast. We hit up a story time and the baby adored it. Big sister really stepped up to the little mommy plate. She held her little brother, sang him songs, and just made sure he was having the best time an infant could possibly have. I wanted to take pictures but didn't.....I just soaked in the moments with the camera in my brain. I was reminded how great of an idea it was to have children five years apart. My daughter got five years of total attention and now that she's wanting to be a junior adult she loves helping with her baby brother like a "big kid". Yeah she gets jealous but she also loves to be a little mommy and that my friends makes me so happy because its an extra set of hands and an extra big heart to help with a little boy!
I think that it would have been a lot of fun to have built an ark after our story time. The rain was coming down pretty good! But there's no point in wasting good firewood.
Friday night was deemed princess night (except for the baby, we let him be a prince because well...that should be self explanatory). Princesses eat spaghetti. I needed to let you in on that secret. Should you have royalty come over for dinner you should fix spaghetti. Also, royalty do not want "red sauce" on their noodles so you must put this on the side at all times. After a good dinner we opened up the royal spa for the princess and prince to relax in and get the day washed off. (Ahhh now mommy would love a royal spa day and some tasty Italian and some sleep in a big fat soft bed that doesn't have mommy getting up at 6am....ok waking up from that mini fantasy....)
If you are a mom or grandmom have you met Sofia? Sofia the First is Disney Jr's new show. That crap had me so confused. Cinderella showed up and talked to Sofia and I was like ok this is Cinderella's kid. No no no. Sofia is a step-princess by her mom's marriage to the King. She's super cute and super head strong. She also had me super confused because I was trying to link her to the real princesses (oh my God what am I saying? Do I really consider Belle, Cinderella, Aurora REAL princesses?) Anyway we watched Sofia and she was flying a pegasus of sorts and I was sitting here remembering why I wasn't a cartoon fan. Don't worry I didn't bust my child's bubble. I acted like I was totally into this show. She's only little once. I thought I was in the cartoon clear when Sofia ended. Hahahaha how funny because next up was The Princess and the Frog. We have seen this movie a few times already. It is cute and I like the music but seriously....Disney weighs on me after a while. So I pulled my socks up and decided to take it like a champ. I took a shower and washed my hair all in hopes I would miss the majority of the movie. Here's the crazy thing....if you are a mother to small child or children you only have one speed for showering and its rabbit speed not turtle speed. So, thinking I would be able to kill a good chunk of time in the shower was a total JOKE! I kept with my normal speed cleaning. Hair, body, teeth all done within 8 minutes. So why the crap was I in shock when I came dressed in pajamas to the couch and only 10 minutes from where the movie had been when I made my shower getaway? Thanks commercials. Ahhh forget it.....that time on the couch was golden. Just me and my girl under our blankets with our dog laughing and singing in our favorite bayou impersonations. I doubt she'll do that with me in ten years.
Saturday was going to rock out with the warm weather and sunshine!
Then Saturday came....it was chilly.
Saturday was chilly and grey.
Saturday was not at all what the meteorologists said it would be like resulting in a change of our playdate plans. I was bummed and it wasn't even my playdate! I didn't want to tell my chickapoo that we had decided to reschedule. She'd already had her heart broken by another friend who she didn't get to play with or see. I was feeling like the let down mom and that's not cool. So I approached her the way you would a hurt dog - not touching but talking gingerly for fear of bite. She was a little down but then I asked, "What do you want to do?" I wasn't expecting this answer....."Can we go to the store with all the other stores inside?"
I have been saying my child is five going on sixteen due to her attitude lately but sweet Jesus she really wants to ice the cake by saying she wants to....GO TO THE MALL? Yes, she did. Ok fine this is tolerable. Load up and head out -baby bag, stroller, chapstick....lets go.
A two hour trip to the mall and she was pleased as punch.
When I was little I don't remember the mall having a merry-go-round, a train, jumparoos, or anything like that. Now if you go to the mall you better take $30 just for the junk they have placed strategically around the "store with all the other stores inside" that your kids see and want to take part in. Yes it is an economically brilliant idea for the mall owners but for parents its a horrible hell. Not only prices of clothing and shoes on the rise but now you have to budget in money for cirque de mall and overpriced ice cream. You take the teenagers out of the mall by saying they have to be there with a parent after a certain time....can you take the wanna be Disney world out of the mall so we can shop in peace with our children and not whining, booger eaters who have meltdowns because we didn't go there to ride the overpriced ridiculous train with the possible crack addict conducting the thing?
We did not take part in the rides.
I did score some kick butt deals. Shorts for dance class and soccer, cups for the morning in car breakfasts, an adorable top for the chickapoo, and a pair of pink shorts for me for the upcoming spring! All for under $10.
Saturday evening was pristine. Ok so the weather was a bit grey but the events were awesome. The baby found himself in a good slumber. So after a childfree trip to the store of stores to get life's necessities (beer and baby formula) I returned rejuvenated (thanks honey). My little princess and I put on our "chicken poop boots" and took to our little coop to feed and water the birds.....and terrorize them (note: little princess).
We have had chickens for two years. We love them to pieces they are a fun part of our lives. Yes, chickens and fun can go together (chicken as in the non fried or grilled version but the feathered ones that are bocking). We have eight ladies. Two are Australorps (Conway and Elvis), one is a brown sex link (Ms. Brownie), one leghorn (Crystal), and three Rhoad Island Reds who I refer to as Bichens. Why Bichens? Because they are fiesty little hen hoes who enjoy flogging, pecking, and going insane. They do not get names. I wanted chickens for fresh eggs. Boy did I get lucky. I eat a lot of eggs and cook with eggs so I'm in business. I actually get so many eggs from my great eight that I sale excess in the hot months. What can I say? I got good eggs.
My daughter adores her chickens. Most kids who have never been around chickens are a little anxious around the jerky flaping birds of the yard. Not my kid. When we got them she was in there trying to attack them. She's been pecked and flogged and every time she giggles. She really enjoys catching the Bichens because they hate her. She finds it funny to grab their tail feathers and listen to them cackle and then flap their wings until she lets them go. Its comical. I do realize if these birds have any brains they will one day gang up on her and attack like mad. However, I feel confident chickens are pretty stupid unless you give them a piano. If you are some freak who thinks this is all harsh then come visit our coop.....I think you'll leave with a different idea.
After treating our girls to some of their favorite human foods, I got to do what I've been wanting to to do for a while. Hit up the woods.
Me and my chicken wrangler took to the woods. If you read my post from Friday you know the woods are part of what shaped me for a while in my life. Getting away, exploring, dreaming. Well me and girl went on a quick adventure. It was priceless. Of course she's been out in the woods with her daddy a lot of times before in big trucks, just on walks, etc. But for the first time I got to see the woods through her eyes....it was a blast. Everything new and fresh again.
Saturday ended on a great note.
Who exactly is to blame for the resurrection of the nasty beard in pop culture and men's style? Is it Zac Brown? Is it Duck Dynasty? Who do we blame for men growing rabid cats on their faces?
My husband started growing a beard the weekend our son was born. It was a horrible idea. Facial hair looks good on the Amish, the Jewish, the Arabs. But for a white boy in North Carolina who happens to be married to Brownie --- no it just doesn't work. For five months I have tolerated the tangled wires that make up the frame for his face. No, I didn't do so in silence. I was vocal in my hatred of the frayed facial blanket. I was harsh. I can admit it. I had threatened to quit shaving myself. He said he didn't care - he wasn't shaving. I tried to give up my shaving practices but I like French food not French hygiene. I stopped washing my hair but once again I'm not for the European way of body maintenance. Finally....I had thought I'll just accept his desire to wear a chipmunk pelt on his face until he passed into the land of Jesus beard. Then it happened.....it happened on Saturday night....my spouse shaved his beard.
I nearly wept.
My husband had returned from his time on the Castaway Island with Wilson! He had came into the world of cleanliness! He had learned that razors are our friends and will not hurt us only help us.
Sunday....still my favorite day of the week. Coffee in bed, PBS and some neurology geek show, the smell of casserole in the air. One baby drooling all over the bed the other flipping through cartoons. Yes it was great.
I got the kidlets dressed and to church. I got the laundry room attack complete. A meeting I went to and nearly slept through and the same for a Bible study I attended.
Our Sunday ended on the couch. Another weekend in the memory books.
So here's to another week ahead for us to laugh together and enjoy.....
Brownie's So Easy Cinnamon Bun Cake
1 boxed cake mix (yellow or white)
Follow box directions
Add in 2 tbsp cinnamon
Add in 1 tbsp vanilla flavoring
Told ya it was easy.
Til we meet again -
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