Monday, December 9, 2013

Recap of the Weekend (Sur-e-oo-ss-lee)

Hey there hot stuff!  How was your weekend?  Ours was pretty good, thanks for wondering. Ha!

Friday ----

Um yeah Christmas c'mon.  Me and Diva made like six dozen cookies....from scratch.  So if you like to bake then go to my Pinterest and look up Donut Hole Cookies and Fluffy Peanut Butter Cookies with Chocolate Chips.  My hairdresser refers to my baking as crack cocaine....I'll take that as a compliment???

Hmm, oh yeah on Friday I bought my child an inflatable.  Ok I was against these because I felt they were on that fine line between um and trashy.  Well while in Aldi I spotted a snowman for $12.  He is subdued and only four feet tall with no bells or whistles.  I purchased him.  I inflated his nylon roundness and both my kids went hysterical with joy.  No, this isn't the gateway tattoo that leads to a body of ink this is one inflatable that will sit with my little dwarf evergreens making my children delight in the decor of the season.

Friday, what else?  Oh yeah I know you guys love my grandma and her Alzheimer's glory.  Well we went out to dinner with her on Friday.  That was um, hmm, how I do I put it sad but entertaining but totally embarassing.  See, she thinks she knows everyone or vice versa and so every single human in the restaurant she was eyeballing and trying to place.  Forget being timid (that left with the last phase of her brain) and this grandma of mine is up at the booth next to ours getting all up in the "I know you but I cannot remember your name" song and dance.  Yeah it was weird for all parties but we just pulled her away.  P.S. when you take your demented grandma out to eat just order her a kid's meal and watch her pick at it like a four year old and then say she's done.  Yep, she got the chicken tenders plate with cole slaw and a baked potato.  However, why eat chicken and a potato when you have canned cole slaw in a bowl on your plate.  <Yuck>  Last note on granny dearest....she gets around.  Wait I typed that incorrectly - she "gets around"....hehe.  OK so we went through this phase with her where every place we went was a brand new experience so its always fun for me to be stupid and go somewhere with her and tell her its my first time going there (even if it is my 3,987,654 time going there).  Well I expected her to say it was her first time too when I said this at our table.  Nope....she said it was her second time being there.  She then said she didn't get out a lot.  I said, Yeah I know.  Then she corrected herself quickly and said, "I get around!"  We all laughed.  Go on granny!

I also learned on Friday I'm not much on the classic Frosty The Snowman.  Sorry.  My daughter loves it but isn't too pepped on Yes, Virginia.  (Side note:  When I asked my preschoolers today if they watched Yes, Virginia one responded:  "I love West Virginia"....)


Get yo hair did!  Yes I did!  Sad news, my girl is moving to her own shop.  I hope it works out for her.  I am going to follow her because her work and price cannot be beat.  It does make me nervous though.  Love that crazy girl.

I had a fun lunch with two stud muffins and their mom.  Will is four and Levi is precious.  They were tripping me out over our lunch with their mom (my best girl Ashley).  I have to start taking pictures when we are together.  Grr, angry at myself for not doing that.

Anyhoo Ash is in the middle of closing on her current home and building a new one.  Whew I'm glad I'm not in her shoes right now.  Ya'll keep her in your prayers.  

Can I just interject how much I adore her?  I don't gel with too many females because most didn't get out of high school mentality but me and Ash just click.  We always have...maybe because we experienced so much of "growing up" together between the lovely ages of 21 and now.  We have gone from talks about stupid college classes we hated to projects to movies to clubs to drinks to boys to weddings and spouses and sonograms and morning sickness and trying to conceive, to in laws, out laws, death, life, new homes, old homes, my gosh we have been through so much.  We aren't competitive, we focus on our families and enjoy our relationships and we are happy.  I really wish more ladies could be like that....just simply happy with what they are given and not looking to be like someone else in their screwed up circles.  Anyway...Ashley could teach a lot of women a lot of lessons, she's been through so much.  Her father died in the line of duty, her younger brothers have both passed away, she's struggled to have a child and now has two, she's been through a lot and she's awesome.  The world doesn't owe her a dime and she's happy.  Love her to pieces.

So um I came home <clearing throat like I didn't just get on a tangent> and the hubby packed up our pig and moved it on to greener pastures.  Woo hoo!  That thing was annoying.

I made a delicious chowder Saturday night.  Check out my Pinterest board for the chowder.  It was off the chain!

Ham, Corn and Potato Chowder Recipe
Ermagherd Good!

We spent the evening - post baby/child bed time - around a bonfire drinking some adult drinks and chatting away.  

This is all Brownie needs for for shipping address but you keep your own for the billing.


Ewww nasty weather!  But luckily, no ice!  We skipped church because of the rain and later went out and finished our Santa shopping.  Totally excited about that!

We spent the evening at my dad's.  His girlfriend made a delicious chicken chili and the kids "decorated" the Christmas tree.  (Ok they messed around with it and then realized they could showboat around so I decorated it)

We came home and put the small people to bed.  I cleaned up our bedroom and watched suicidal television also known as Hallmark Channel.  Seriously, I do not need my spirit shot down by a depressing Andy Garcia-fake SC accent-wife dying-I cannot turn away-you call this a holiday movie?  Eeek.  I couldn't turn away and I sat on my bed with tears streaming down my face.  Seriously two hours of Hallmark Channel and Hallmark commercials will make you sign yourself up for some Prozac.  The coach commercial killed me, the brother at the wedding ripped my heart out and the mom and dad telling ornament stories really just stuck the fork in me.  The movie was a side job apparently to make sure you spend your Christmas red eyed and trying to stifle sobs.

 This was totally me....not kidding...
Yep this was me....right on.

That does it.

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