Monday, December 30, 2013

Comparing Christmases & A Promise to You

I have blog friends who I simply adore.  I love reading their cool experiences and ups and downs (though it seems they never have any downs and if they do it is way more traumatic than any Lifetime Movie script).  I love looking at their pictures of their bambinies and puppies and shopping sprees and vacations to the South of France with royalty... and all that fun stuff.  I critique their splurges and laugh because if I had that extra cash I would not have bought that.  (You say that too I know you do!)

A year into this whole blogging thing and I realize something....

I just don't overdo a damn thing and I am tee totally content with it.

I thoroughly enjoyed looking at my blog friends' Christmas posts.  Some had set up their Christmases to be like a big fat I'm 25 again birthday party.
It looked a blast.
It looked like....something I wouldn't do.

Others had put on this whole lavish affair that made me wonder if Dutchess Kate would be sitting at their table.
They were beautiful pictures of a table I would be afraid to eat, drink, sit at.
They were gorgeous.
It looked like.....something I wouldn't do.

Don't get me wrong I would have been there like the cops at a Krispy Kreme when the hot light is on!  But I just don't roll that way.  I'm not all glitzy and fabulous.  I'm pretty matte and let's-just-get-through-this-day style of person ya know?

I think blogging can totally jade a can being perpetually stuck in 9th grade and trying to fit into a certain clique.
As I clicked through a few blogging buddies pages I started looking at their pictures and thinking: How is it Brownie World even got 14k hits?  I'm not sporting perfect hair and make up and showing off my steal of a $500 shirt find from over the weekend?  My house isn't anywhere near Southern Living centerfold style.  Did I mention my hair isn't perfect?  I'm lucky to take a picture a week of my kids.  I drink run of the mill beer for the love of God!

Then it hit me....

Some people can relate to me...the girl just making her way, figuring things out, and not trying to showboat around.

So as I inch toward year two of blogging I just want to promise you some things:

1.  I won't be annoying you with perfection.  I cannot afford it.

2.  I won't be out to make you jealous with material possessions (unless a '97 Ford Explorer is your heart's desire).

3.  I won't be throwing things at you that would require three loans and blood sample to try.

4.  I won't be vanilla.  But more like a blizzard - vanilla base with a whole lot of fun mixed in.

5.  Random as I've ever been...and then some.

Yep....that's it.


  1. Tell it how it is girl. Listen, how boring would blogging be if we all were glitzy and perfect? I would like two seconds. Also, you don't have to be glitzy to be fabulous. You ARE SUPER fabulous and loyal, amazing Blogging friend. I shake my head at my some chick's blogs because it is totally "keeping up with the Jones". Just be you, we started these blogs for us, so all we can do is write for us. Great post, love your blog girlfriend! Just be authentic and be you - that is all that matters!

    1. Baby cakes you are super fab, super loyal, and super amazing yourself. Love ya!!!!

  2. Ha! I love this! The very reason I took a "break" from blogland, and I mentioned that in one of my emails to you!

    Thanks for keeping it real! Here's to a "blizzard" flavored 2014!
    And yes, I run to KK when that "hot" light is on!

    1. Blizzard it up! Watch for the light to come on I'm down for a run! LOL Oh wait you're all sugar free right now....uncool!


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