Lately, I have heard a lot of chatter about upcoming spring cleaning tasks. I look forward to that first warm weekend of the year when we raise up the windows and knock the dust off every single nook and cranny.
Ahhh a house after a good spring cleaning is something that is quite enjoyable. It just makes me feel happy from the tips of my toes to the top of my head. Unfortunately, for me it does not last long because I have two kids under 10 years of age.
Before you run out to buy those awesome cleaners
I shared with you last week; you need to do step one.
So many people forget the first step of spring and fall cleaning. They get so hell bent on scrubbing that their minds neatly tuck away the most vital component of getting your home truly cleaned.
You must
Contrary to what you may be thinking cleaning comes after the decluttering of a home or office. It is really hard to do a proper spring cleaning without first eliminating all the junk you no longer need.
Recently I sat down and made a list of items that people seem to hoard (
myself included) that really need to be eliminated from their homes. Here's what I came up with.
Bed linens
I am a sucker for sheet sets. This must run in the gene pool because my grandmothers and mother also have a large number of sets for each bed in their homes. The truth is, as well as my personal experience, you only need two sets per bed. The set on the bed and the back up set for when the ones on the bed are in the wash. No more and definitely no less.
Excess Drink Ware and Serving Ware
If you have a kitchen cabinet filled with random free plastic cups then it is time to deduct from that cabinet.
If you have a plethora of mix and match mugs it is time to eliminate from that teacher-esque collection.
Take note of how many glasses/cups you actually need your house (generally 6 for the average family) and add in how many guests you typically invite over for a function (this generally doubles your number to 12) and that is what you should keep on hand.
Now look in your service drawer and start eliminating the kiddie plates your child dined on at two years old (if you're child is ten now, well it is time to do away with those nifty sectioned plates.) Do you have random mismatched plates? Eliminate.
Service for 6-12 is all you need - and they should match or at least compliment each other in some way, shape or form.
Take note of anything that is chipped or cracked and let it go on to the next resting place as well.
Forgotten Toys
Buzz and Woody really made us have true emotions for all those toys that become forgotten. Yay for that just being a Disney money making fantasy. Those toys your littles and bigs haven't touched in months are ready to be donated to eager children who want to play with them!
While you're going through those toys also go through puzzles and games - missing pieces? Recycle it.
Books should be evaluated now too. Those that your children have grown out of or you're sick and tired of reading four times a day for the past sixteen months can be donated to local schools, preschools, libraries, and other facilities.
Half Empty/Never Used
This goes for the bathrooms, ladies. I love a sample just like the next girl but if it doesn't get used within a couple weeks of receiving it then chunk it. All the little bottles of shampoo, body wash, lotion, etc from hotels? Either pack it in your camping bag, donate it to a shelter, or trash it.
Purge out your half used shampoos, body washes, face cleansers, make ups, nail polishes, etc that you have decided you aren't too fond of. Deciding you do not like them does not warrant a space for them in your cabinet, linen closet, shower, or anywhere else.
Craft Supplies
Admitting I used to hoard these! Go through this stuff and decide what you should really keep and what you should give to a fellow crafter or your child's school. Art supplies are in heavy need for most public school systems because the arts get farted on (I had to make it catchy!) If you are a crafter then you know it is hard to part with all your stickers and embellishments but it will just free up more room for your true crafting passion.
To think we live in a wireless age! I have so many random cords, cables, and wires in drawers you would think I had raided a Radio Shack in 2001. Do not save these! If you feel like you must then just save one coaxial cable, a couple small power cords, and let the rest just go. Remember - wireless in 2016!
This is the toughie. I struggle with this. When your kids were little you had their pictures made a bajillion times and you always ordered the HUGE package because everyone would want five to ten pictures right? Wrong.So.Wrong. So now you have a dump truck load of random pictures of your children. Guess what - they are taking up precious space and it is time you let go. Chances are your favorite pictures are on your walls or in a scrapbook or even on a CD. Good - you can recycle those in the filing cabinet. Yes, it hurts in a weird mom-only-gets-it-way but seriously let it go. And always opt for the photos on CDs.
Nick Nacks
I had an Aunt that collected little teddy bear figurines. They were cute when I was a kid. Now that I'm 34 I think back on that Aunt and her collection and cringe. Look, I hate nick nacks. In my house I have one nick knack - a bird, a tiny, little, porcelain bird. No really, it is like two inches in length and sits in my kitchen window. I wish I could spread my hate for nick nacks but I cannot. So I will beg you to go through your dust collectors and decide what is really invaluable to you and ask you why it is. If you give a good enough reason (like it is 250 years old and worth a couple million bucks) then I'll let it slide but if its not a good reason (anything other than the aforementioned reasoning) then break up with it.
I guess you can tell I lack a lot of sentimentality.
Other areas to purge -
Every one's closet and dresser
We all have clothes that are too big, too small, too long, too short, and too ugly. Purge, purge, purge. And maybe you can sell those clothes at a consignment shop or sale or online!
Also, look at shoes! Check the inside, the soles, the toes, and size. Kid's feet grow like crazy so eliminate the shoes that are too small. If you're own shoes are in bad shape it is time to send them on too.
Now is the time to eliminate the towels that make you give a someone-just-farted face. The ones with stains, tears, unraveling of the fabric, can be tossed now.
Check your kitchen linens as well.
If you have cleaning rags then go through them and remember you shouldn't need more than three or four for the average home. Any that are in a desperate shape should be tossed and your new
unfabulous (yes, I made that word up) towels can be made into some new cleaning rags.
Paper Goods
Magazines - I love them but they are almost the equivalent to a nick nack to me now! Read them, Google the recipes you liked and pin them. Google outfits from the pages and pin them. Then donate them to nursing homes, hospitals, doctor's offices, or just recycle them.
Newspapers - recycle do not keep.
Any document older than 7 years old can be shredded! Yay, time to go through your filing cabinet!
Children's art work - if it wasn't a prize winning piece or if it was questionable as to what exactly it was then you are allowed to pitch it. Trust me, my mom tossed my crap and I'm happy she did!
Cards - I only keep a few with something sweet handwritten in them and they are in my Bible. The rest can return to pulp so I can be guaranteed more cards to come in the future!
I could go on and on about decluttering and purging but I am afraid I have lost you by this point. Here's hoping you're ready to take on step one of the spring cleaning process - Decluttering!
Next Monday I'll have another cleaning post up! Until then I'll see you later this week for more fun and shenanigans.