Wednesday, October 5, 2016

The Post I Didn't Plan....

Yesterday was a day of mixed emotions.  I just do not want to blog on that today.  I really don't want to blog at all but my readers and blog friends have quickly became so vitally important to me that I had to post something small.

My blog has been around since 2013.  Throughout that year my grandma was the subject of a regular Thursday series I called Demented Thursday.  I shared my experiences with her as she entered the dark world of Alzheimer's/Dementia.  In the fall of 2013 my grandma was still functioning but losing her memories and recollections.  Every Thursday I took her out - to the beauty shop, the store, or just to go pick up my daughter from preschool.  I have savored those moments for the past couple of years as she has deteriorated.

August 25th, 2012 meeting her second great grandchild.
Yesterday, I stood by her bedside as she fought death tooth and nail.  Her mind gone and many physiological processes lost she still fought like a champion to stay a little longer.

Her fight ended a little past three o'clock.

As I walked home thinking about her impact in my life I immediately remembered the series I posted out back in 2013 that was inspired by our trips out on Thursdays.  Last night, I sat up with a cup of coffee after the kids went to be and scoured through the posts to find some of my favorites to share today.

Here are few I would love for you to read if you have time.  As always I strive to place humor in the heartache.

The Trip To Walmart - Demented Thursday September 2013

Who Are You? - Demented Thursday August 2013

Getting Old Sucks - Demented Thursday May 2013

Pizza Hut - Demented Thursday - April 2013

I appreciate when you say you keep us in your prayers.  But I really want you to pray for and help support the fight to end Alzheimer's Disease and the variations of dementia that are plaguing this world.

Love you, Mom-o.  Like I said the last time we talked, I will be expecting chicken pie, black eyed peas, peanuts and Pepsi.


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