Monday, July 28, 2014

Family {Planning}

Welcome to the "Family Week" on A Brownie World.

To say I am blessed beyond measure is a grotesque under statement.  I am unworthy of all the amazing gifts that have been given to me in my life.  I think it is funny that we do not realize just how lucky we are until we're a million miles from our twenties and suddenly happy with just sitting on the deck having an adult beverage and not even talking. 
Just being.

I have a cookie cutter family.
There's the husband, then me, our oldest is a girl who will be seven in a little over a month, our youngest is a boy who will be turning two in a matter of weeks. (Yes the graphic is screwed because obviously my daughter isn't the youngest.)

When people ask if I have kids and I say yes and tell them a boy and a girl they say things like - well aren't you lucky and that's just perfect.  As if there is something terribly awry should you have two of the same sex children.  (Tightwad interjection: I see that as economical as all get out!)

Yes, you.  You are my third baby.

We decided after our son was born we were done with the manufacturing of small humans.  I'm not keen on three kids.  I promise you if I have a third child it will come out of another mother covered in hair with four legs, a tail, and a cute bark.  

A third child is just not in our plans both emotionally and financially and hell even mentally.  

So we're doing something.

God gave us two healthy babies and God gave us the ability to see a doctor and have that option of more babies removed.  I just lost the devout Catholic and Duggar fanbases I know.  I'm sorry.  I'm not sorry.

Tomorrow my husband is having surgery to fix a complication and during that surgery he'll also be neutered.  I'm so happy that I do not have to be on the table for anything baby related this go around.  I'm happy he's man enough to have himself cut and dried (hehe I make myself laugh) while he's laid out anyway.

So when you say your prayers or send out your vibes of energy please give us a nod.  I know the pain of surgery isn't going to be fun (poor guy's abdomen is going to be cut and parts rerouted ewww) and the patience of taking care of an ailing male isn't going to be very thrilling either.  (His paper cuts are always way worse than anyone else's....except my six year old's....)

See you tomorrow!


  1. Snip snip! He's a smart man!

    1. I know right? I mean getting a professional to do it DURING another procedure. If it wasn't them it was going to be a kitchen table deal. LOL


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