This week around the world of Brownie has been pretty meh but also pretty cool. There wasn't anything super exciting going on or anything horribly earth shattering but it was a nice seven days! This is why I love blogging we celebrate the bad times, good times, and uneventful times together. We're a great bunch, ya know!
My 5 -
1. The yard is sewn.
I shared on Tuesday that the grading was completed on our property and the grass had been sewn. I'm so happy about this! It has truly been a long time coming.
2. Help from my mom.
My mom and her husband were super helpful on Saturday and Sunday for my husband and I to get the work done outside. Saturday morning her husband (my kids refer to him as Papa) took them out to breakfast and to a mower dealership. While he did that my husband was able to go to the local feed mill and get straw and supplies he didn't opt to purchase at Lowes.
On Sunday the kids went to church with my mom and then she called to let me know they would keep them until dinner. We all ate dinner at my mom's that evening. Not only did I have childcare for us to complete our work but we also got a free dinner, total score!
3. Bulbs are growing.
A couple weeks ago my husband and I planted some bulbs in one of our flower beds. On Monday I noticed they were sprouting. This is so exciting for me. I correlate this to expecting a baby or a puppy or whatever you like. We plant it and wait and then suddenly you see some green coming up out of the dirt and it is the most exciting thing! I'm a dork. I'm aware.
4. My son's words.
My little three and a half year old man is so busy with his words lately. This week he has thrown some new-for-him phrases at me like-
"Mom, I have good news and bad news. What do you want first?"
(Turns out it was two pieces of "bad" news about something fictitious.)
And he also likes to tell me I am adorable when I ask him to do something - example?
"H, pick up your toys."
"Awe mom you're adorable."
5. Count downs.
8 days of school for me
10 days til the beach
27 days until my daughter is out for the summer
Check these posts from the week!
Tales From The Pasture This week was a focus on confidence and growth
Around The Home A lot of producivity going on over here! It is all highlighted in this post!
What's Up Wednesday Is anyone else finding it hard to believe that April vanished so quickly?
Raising A Girl I'm really proud of this piece I put together on raising my daughter in this day and age. The focus of this installment was teaching kids the value of working. A lost art?
Here are my top pins this week! You can click my Pinterest link over on the sidebar to access my boards!!!
You can guess what I'm about to start! There were several of these pins all pinned up to my board 2016 Good Health this week. More info on this coming Monday.
You guys know I have a my own cleaning service. I am always rocking out when I clean - I may need to add this grouping to my clorox fun time.
Yes, I agree. Yes, I have - about a million times this week.
Look - it gives you fun ideas of things to do along with the exercise! Sounds perfect for summer break. Maybe I could even plan out that "me time" - maybe.
Skippy that! 2 weeks to go!
Have a terrific weekend!!!