Monday, May 13, 2013

Summer Prep Day 1


Well....this week's theme is summer prepping.  Normally, here in NC we would be in the low 80s, lately its been more of an upper 60s to mid 70s thing - guess that's Al's Global Warming Special. 

Here are a few "countdowns" for you:

You have 14 days until the unofficial holiday start to summer - that also can mean 11 days until a long weekend.

You have roughly 21-31 days before the school calendar start of summer break (and all the mothers went into panic mode).

Finally, you have 39 days before the true start to what I think is the shortest yet greatest season.

So to get us started towards prepping our selves, kids, homes, and everything else for the greatest season of the year I give you this week's blog. 

Let's get started shall we?


Number one - most important of all of them for those of you with whipper snappers.  Get the kids schedules completed.  Kids need stimulation in the summer time and I do not mean by iCarly and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Locally, we have tons of offerings for kids.  Here are some pretty great ideas:

Got a swimmer?  Join a summer swim team.  Most community and private pools have swim teams.  Check your local metro area due to most smaller areas not offering that programing.  This is the best of both worlds.  The kids get their water thirst filled and they get exercise and to be part of a team (a lesson mom cannot teach). 

Are you raising the next Tiger Woods?  God, I hope not.  But if you have a Bubba Watson on your hands it is time to check into your local Recreation Department and Golf Course to see if they are offering any beginner's golf lessons for kids.  You will be surprised at how much is out there for the future golfers.

Maybe your kid needs to be introduced to sports?  Summer is a great time to let your kid explore athletics.  The YMCA in my town offers a Multi Sports and Future All Star camp to help kids learn about big sports like basketball and football and also have fun in kick ball, swimming, and more.  Check your local recreation service or YMCA/YWCA for info.  It is a great atmosphere that is noncompetitive for kids to learn in. 

Art and it isn't on your walls!  Art camp is a great experience for ALL kids.  It is amazing how relaxing and healthy an art class or five can be for kids of all ages.  In my little town there is a private art camp for rising first graders and up.  What kid doesn't like crafts?  Interested in finding out if one is near you?  If you have arts in the schools inquire with your child's art teacher, check at the local public library, or ask at your local arts based venue (SECCA is a great resource in Winston-Salem, NC).

Horses. Horse camps are a great way for kids to build self esteem and confidence.  It is pretty amazing how this massive animals can have a total character building and relaxing affect on children!  Horse camp can also help cure that "I want a pony" statement you hear constantly or may make it worse.  Either way horse camp is a great experience for children.

Vacation Bible School!!!!  If it fits your faith it is an excellent FREE summer resource that can literally take every week of your calendar.  (Watch out for redundancy of themes - I limit my child to two of the same theme - no one wants to hear the word "bored")  In my area we go to two each month.  Most churches that are part of a large group (United Methodists, I know for sure) are required to participate in a program called Safe Sanctuary.  Background checks are done all every and all volunteers to make sure the wrong person isn't "helping out" at VBS.  Isn't it a crying shame we have to worry about that?

The Big Camps - So sometimes it is great to load little Johnny up on a bus and say "I love you!  See you in a week!" - Here in NC we have awesome camps that came out of existing organizations.  The 4-H camps around NC cannot be beat!  These are safe, fun, and educational camps for kids that offer such a wide array of what you remember as a kid at camp.  Swimming ponds and pools, horseback riding, canoes and kayaks, and much more!  4H camps are not just for 4H club members - they are open to anyone who wishes to go.  Contact your local County Extension Service for more information and to see if it is too late.  Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts also have lots of camps in our area that you could totally take advantage of if you kid already a scout.

While I'm on 4-H....  Your county 4-H agent (housed at your local Cooperative Extension office) may have a summer fun camp collection at your local office.  Check in for free to cheap cost day camps!  My experience - lots of camps and lots of themes.  By the way if you envision tractors, chickens, and corn then you need to get reacquainted with 2013 4-H.....its a lot more than you ever could imagine.

Libraries  We all remember the days of summer reading programs....they are still around!  Get your kid reading or get to reading to your kid and get a prize each week.  Our local library offers lots of extra fun on Mondays in the summer.  Magicians, animals, special story tellers - something your kids may enjoy!  Also in the summer here, the library offers free movies once to twice a week for different age groups.  They can bring a snack, pillow and blanket and watch the usually Disney film on the big screen for free!


Now is also the time to think about what can be going on at the house to help your kids eliminate the "b" word from their vocabulary. 

An appropriate chores list needs to be in place and yes, mom you need to take advantage of that six year old's ability to do some labor around the casa.

Ready to pin?  Toddler Chores!  Yes, your small kid can help around the house.  It is good to instill that can do attitude as early as possible. 

Here is another list of "age appropriate chores" for your older kids.  Of course you can tweak it.

If you have the room - try a container garden and let your kids be the "farmer(s)" - if you have a farm disregard this. :-)  For Brownie it is key for everyone to remember that you should know where your food is coming from (and I don't mean the store but the direct source).  Planting an edible garden is a good step to gaining that passion for what you eat.  Check out this great website for resources on getting your kid's thumb green and health in check!

Remember it is really important that YOU and the KIDS get out of the house.  I'm pretty blessed that Nana has a pool so it is easy for us get out and get active.  Take advantage of parks (on all scales) and get out and get some Vitamin D and exercise. 

Last - buy a water hose.  It is the cheapest source of childhood fun you will ever buy.....and so practical!!!!


Here's a last pin that I demand you print.  I copied and pasted it to the blog - I did not create this.

Teachers - send this home with your kids!!!

100 Things to do this summer - and most of it is basically just spending time with your kids.


Happy planning!  See ya tomorrow -


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