Thursday, May 9, 2013

Mama wants a new office!


Is it any wonder Nurse's Week & Teacher Appreciation Week are the same time as Mother's Day?  I have experience with both of those fields and I can tell you no one brings mothering to the job like a nurse who spends those extra minutes holding a patients hand.  No one is more Mothering than a teacher who spends her own money to make sure that the child in back row on the end has a coat for the winter.  These jobs are pure service jobs - serving us while we're in our greatest time of need, as scared patients and worried family to being children who need to be able to trust our teachers to guide us when our parents are doing a slack job - it happens.  I pray God's wonderful blessings on each wonderful nurse and teacher in this world today.  Those that came into their fields because they love, adore, and cherish taking care of us in our most critical times of life and learning.



Today's business is seeing the designs for my new office!  And when I say new office I mean new kitchen!

Does your world revolve around the room of food?  I know mine does.  I would say during any given day I spend over half my waking time in the kitchen.  No, not always eating or cooking but blogging, making lists, doing stuff with my resident midgets, talking on the phone, just anything.

I am totally excited about our upcoming renovation and remodel - just not too excited about the continued wait and then the mess and then the loan payments....tis life.  Grab it by the balls and have fun.  (Unless you're a guy reading this and you just winced)


If it is going to be a beautiful weekend for you and your family maybe you would like a fun summery fresh off the grill meal?

Photo courtesy of Food Network

In my fridge I had a nice London Broil, deli cheese, and well that's about it besides condiments.  After a quick trip to my local Food Lion and a buggy that consisted of an eight month old, ciabatta loaf, and Romain lettuce I was ready to create the masterpiece of Ciabatta Steak Sandwiches!

This is a win win!

I'm not going to type out the how to but I am going to link you here to check out and make it for yourself. 

Also - USE YUMMLY.COM for recipe searches.  I know there are tons of great sites out there to help you find recipes but is the hottest, bestest, most awesomest foodie site out there.  It is easy to use, gives great results, and you will be licking your fingers in appreciation.  Try it!


Moms have one job and that is every job under the sun combined into one title - Mom.  In the midst of all the craziness and CEO job duties that exist for managing a home, kids, husband, pets, and budgeting, you must remember mom needs some her time.

I don't really get gift certificates for mani/pedi (I play in the dirt too much and do too much housework for the mani to be justified), facials, massages, or any of that.  But I do take time to do these things:

1.  Work out - I want to age gracefully and that means getting in shape.  Nothing that is loose and sagging is graceful. Nothing that is gaining a lining of hard fat around it is healthy.  Every day I make sure I exercise in some way shape or form.  This clears my brain and makes me feel more alert, alive, and in control.

2.  Take a shower - I know it sounds so basic but ask a mom of a newborn the last time she showered and I don't mean a forty-five second hop in and hop out.  Sometimes I wonder what it is like to be in a shower for ten minutes and to enjoy the water hitting you for no other reason than to feel the water.  My problem is I always feel rushed no matter what - even if the kids are asleep and the hubby is watching baseball.

3.  I treat myself once a day with a no no.  Normally its a Coke or a bit of pointless food (Subway Cookies please).  But I do it.

What does a mom in your life need?  It could be something so basic as an extended, no worries shower or maybe a surprise cupcake just for her.  Maybe she needs a walk - minus the stroller.  These are simple every day gifts we can give our mom friends in our lives.  Something that used to be part of the every day - that now, due to changes in the job role, are delicacies!

Sometimes the simplest thing is the best!  I challenge you today (or at least sometime this month) to surprise a mom friend with something so incredibly simple and basic.  Your tiny bit of friendship and care will go a long way in the watering and fertilizing of growing a happy and confident mom.


Take care of one another -


Share my blog if you read regularly!  It is one way you can do a simple act of kindness for this mama!

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