Friday, May 3, 2013

Eggs n Biscuits Ole!


It is an egg and biscuit kinda morning - that's what is for breakfast around here.  I love my Fridays with my bambinos.  No preschool to rush to, no lets-see-what-we-can-cram-into-three-hours-before-it-is-time-to-pick-up-from-preschool rush, no worries over the baby's is nice.

It is smooth as the butter that I use to make the scrambled eggs with.

It is light and airy as the biscuits that my child loves.

Ahhh Friday thank you.


Biscuits are bad for you health wise.  I know.


Today we may see something called sunshine here in North Carolina.  This used to be a common site but lately it has became endangered due to some crapola weather.  Hey here's a question - why do we blame the local weatherman when the weather is sub par?

I mean I guess we are human and have to blame someone but last I checked he or she really has no power in creating weather (unless you're that guy from the Fox channel that makes snow....)  If they did we could seriously be in a world of hurt!

Think about it - most meteorologists love some kind of "bad" weather.  Some are tornado fiends, others like really crazy snows, you've got your thunderstorm freaks, hurricane weirdos.  I really think it is a good thing that those "Let's look at the 7 day..." people are not in control of the weather...imagine if they became bored!

So I'm not blaming Lanie for this snap of dreary, cool's ok girlfriend this too shall pass.


Who caught Farm Kings last night?

In case you didn't the brothers began the beef side of farming.  I was laughing when they were looking at a breed of cow that isn't very "common" to America.  It made me wonder how much money these dudes actually have to spend - I don't think they are struggling.  Luckily, they settled for a few black angus.

I must admit I was a bit irritated with the whole issue of letting a brother go intern on a farm that this family wants to pattern after.  I couldn't quite wrap my brain around them not wanting to let him go.  Let's look at the reality of the situation - it is a reality show -

1.  It is a family of 10 or 11.  They all have a role that is ok and expected.  However, last season we were witness to "hired" hands.  Replacement for a brother would be a "hired hand" - correct?  Farm labor is cheap too.  Trust me, I know.

2.  This is an opportunity for hands-on experience at a farm they want to pattern after.  Why the Rhoad Island Red would you not want a family member to gain the first hand, true experience knowledge that can be gained by time spent actually working the model you want to pattern after.  Is it a jealousy issue?  A power issue?

3.  They showed where they wanted this one brother to man the pigs.  They have five pigs - seriously?  I know he does construction but to be honest on a farm all people do some construction.

4.  He's a kid - he needs to experience the world and get an opportunity to go away from PA and get a feel of the world for himself - farming or not farming.  I believe his sister agreed to this point.  I also want to remind us of the move from agri-life to industrialization - the boys were sick of the farm, they wanted something new and they went to the factory....but the most important lesson.....after a while they longed for the farm. 

5.  I still love this show.

What else went down last night....the proof that the mom is pretty smart!  She'll get a post next week in our topic of the week.  If you have ten kids then you have to be creative and totally blessed.  I loved the way she got her garden going with the help of a creative way of getting some kids together -  Remember that shirt I lent you?  I need it.  Remember that pot I cooked the stew in?  I need you to bring it over.

I will use that ammunition one day.  It is stored in my mommy brain bank.

Anyway - catch up on Farm Kings by checking your local listings for GAC (Great American Country) - if you Directv then it is channel 326.


What's up this weekend?  It is CINCO DE MAYO!  Here's a recipe for your celebration:

1 case of Dos Equis
1 case of Corona
1 case of Tecate
3 bottles of Tequila
7 limes
1 salt shaker
Some sweet n sour mix

Drink up and use that Spanish Dora taught you the other day.  I hear if you drink enough you will naturally speak a different language.

Ok here's a real recipe:

Creamy Salsa Dip:

1 cup of Mayonnaise
1 cup chunky salsa of your choice

Combine and serve with veggies

How stinkin' easy.

Buenos dias muchachas!


Hasta La Vista mis amigos - see ya next week!


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