Friday, August 2, 2013

Five on Friday

Holy cow it is Friday again? I tell you life never moved as fast as it does when I started the stay at home mom job.  My weeks are so incredibly fast I think I need to develop a slow down mechanism to have more time to do my chores, enjoy my kids, and unwind.  Oh well until that day comes here's my five! 
Numero Uno is Aldi's Raspberry Flavored Water
I am not a fan of "flavored water" however this week we had a great play date and I tried this awesome water and I was immediately a fan.  The taste is so good and not overly hmmm fake?  Not to mention it is a total bargain for the price (24 for about $5-$6).  We started back to shopping Aldi last week and I am so glad we did!  It is the best option for budget focused folks.  Yummy for the pocketbook and the tummy!
Numero dos is the bed time change
Last week I mentioned I was going to start going to bed between 9 and 9:30 to help get myself out of the busy mommy fog (also known as lethargy ha!).  Well can I tell you it was a good success I felt wonderful.  Then this week I fell back into my going to bed around 11 and I haven't felt so great.  So that mean mama is going back to the 9ish bed time.  The little diva is also on a set bed schedule again of 8:30 and boy do I see a change in the attitude PTL!
Numero tres is my Nike Athletic Skirt
If you don't have one of these in your armoire then you better drop everything and get one.  This awesome piece of workout clothing makes exercising adorable and errand running super comfy.  It fits for the grocery store, pounding pavement, and coffee dates.  I love this thing.
Numero quarto is Walgreens
Back to the b word (budget) Walgreens has been a lifesaver for my family on diapers, bread, and milk lately.  I even scored some Energizer Lithium Batteries for my camera for less than $2 and with an upcoming surprise beach trip that was a huge necessity!  Walgreens has an awesome coupon policy (you can use their coupons and the ones you clip together) and the staff at ours is incredibly kind.  Thanks for Walgreens for being on the corner of totally happy and healthy.

And finally numero cinco is a terrific play date
My sweet Hillbean & I finally got our kids together for a play date and success is understating how great it went.  I can tell you its wonderful to have kids of different ages so everyone has a play partner.  Her three older fit perfect with my Diva and her baby is only two months older than my Little Man so everyone was busy playing away and having fun.  That also means the mommies can have a ball catching up and chatting away and sharing.  We are so excited to do it again next week!


  1. I think I may need to try this going to bed early business, too! I've got the worst brain-fog/mommy-brain and it doesn't seem to be going away! Glad you had a great playdate- they make a big difference for me during the week!

  2. I want a Nike skirt!!! Looks comfy but stylish. Brownie world rocks my socks! :)


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