Thursday, February 27, 2014

{The finale of} Thursday Love: Mommyhood

Last week my daughter's kindergarten class held their Valentine's Day celebration.  It was called "Love Day" and the kids were encouraged to bring in a person or item they loved.  My diva chose her brother.

She really does love that stinker.

And he's pretty smitten over her too...

We spent an hour listening to the kids share what they loved.  There was a lot of mention of moms....pets....stuffed animals.  It was very innocent and sweet.

I am so in love with the fact I have a life where I can be apart of these little events in my kids' lives.


  1. Oohhh, that is so syrup-y sweet! I love this! What a nice sister to take in her brother!

    1. She really does love the little food compactor....


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