Monday, February 24, 2014

On Last Babies....

Lately I have been seeing a lot of viral blog posts and writings about women talking about their "last baby".

I have yet to feel that last baby bittersweet-ness that those posts are about.  I am relieved to be done with pregnancies.  I am thrilled that I will not be sharing my body with another human being growing inside it.  At the same time praising God that I was able to conceive and carry to term two healthy babies.  It delights me that the days of buying diapers are halfway done.

Don't get me wrong, I love the baby stage.  I love the softness of a newborn and their non dirty diaper or puke smells.  I love how they can sleep in your arms, so tiny and warm.

I do not like erratic sleep patterns, inability to communicate effectively, and random screaming and tearing the house apart.

With every good gift there is a not so great gift and its normally called making messes, throwing fits, and being very tired.

I am super blessed to have both of my babies.

I am super duper blessed to not be depressed over the fact I am done (as far as I am concerned) with the babyhood chapter of my life.

And....I am totally thrilled my little man is 18 months old today.  I love you.

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