Friday, January 11, 2013

Cows, mud, denim shorts and Icees.


Ahhhhh refreshed!  Look at that rain outside!  The ground is getting its favorite wine......cloude vine wine! 

Ever wake up and see the rain say "Alrighty!" with a smile on your face?  I did today because I know it is leading to an AWESOME weekend!  Have you picked out your short sleeve shirt of choice?  Or are you going all out and digging the shorts out too? 

This weekend I plan to do some playing.  Yep, going to get out with the kidlets and be at least a 10 year old again for a little while.  Not sure I know what ten year olds in the new millenium are up to. 
When I was ten (last millenium, wow that sounds grrrreat) I rode my bike a lot.  I was an only child still at ten - which had pros and cons.  My closest playmate was around 3 and was my cousin who lived a door up.  In case you didn't know, three year olds and ten year olds don't play too well together.  My other playmates were on up the road and we saw each other once a week outside of school. 
I think most of my memories are of being outside.  I remember a cow pasture across the road from the the patch of woods was a little spring where the cows would go drink.  I cannot tell you how many times I would walk down there and watch the cows....the stupid, giant beasts good for burgers and milk (respectively) gulp some muddy water.  There was other cool stuff down there too....ferns growing in the mud, different mosses, frogs (I love a frog let me tell you, best animal ever....ok next to dogs), and the crazy trees.  I loved digging in the mud to unearth a rock or a root or a stick.  I don't know why I liked it but I did.  Maybe at the age of 10 I had a deep yearning to be an archaeologist and never really accepted it?  I was more into animals than plants then.  I wanted to find turtles and more frogs.  I remember one time I wanted a cat so bad (not allowed per my dad, he used them for target practice) and I was in the woods hoping I would stumble upon a kitten that I would just have to keep. 
Ten was walking to my Mammaw's house and eating lunch and then riding with her (in the Oldsmobile land yacht) to the small Walmart that seemed huge then.  We went nearly every day to get an Icee and walk around only for her to say - "They don't have nothin' in here." 
Ten was cool.  Ten was not covered up in Bieberfever (but it was post NKOTB who I adored.  I imagine, like Bieber, they smoked weed but it wasn't shared with the world, the media may have had a tad different slant back then).  My world was not covered up in computers.  We had a computer in the house that was only good for typing papers.  There was no internet on it - internet came a few years later...dial up, super loud weird alien sound style. 
Ten was softball in the summer....slow pitch.  Ten was tshirts and jean shorts and still pretty much the picture of being innocent.  I am sad to realize that maybe today's ten year olds aren't the ten year olds of last millenium.  It is computers and video games (that consist of a little more than Duck Hunt and Mario but more Human Hunt and stealing).  Ten may not be t shirts and denim shorts but whatever the Snookies are wearing at the clubs.  Ten may be just a little bit more than a ten year old needs.  But this weekend....I will be the ten year old that still doesn't know anything about a computer - no blogging, FB free weekend - I will be the ten year old who likes her tshirts - but no denim shorts folks... you can breathe now.
I will be the ten year old who loves the dirt and her dog and finally.....has a playmate who is the perfect 5 year old girl and baby boy.

I challenge you to channel the inner ten year old....and really really really enjoy the simplest most beautiful things this weekend.  Unplug for a while.

Until we meet again -


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